the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

February 15, 2009


Click on those words up there to see if YOU got your own special Heart Day gift! And if you didn't, then I was just too lazy to keep making presents, and you get a super-special box of chocolates, under "Combined Gifts". Don't be afraid to browse through the other gifts, too, of course!

Emiliano <3
P.S: Check out Joey's page especially. He got the coolest presents.

Total Randomness.

Random Update time, peepz! Aren't you excited? I know you are.

Soooooo, here's what I did, and my thoughts, and RANDOMNESS!!

- Went to my grandma's for the weekend. It was much like going to a grandma's house usually is. We baked cookies, played Scrabble, watched this movie called Princess that was super-cheesy yet somehow good, and hung out, and stayed up till like 11pm. Which isn't really THAT late, but still. And I played video games, because my grandpa loves Zelda. So yeah.
- This is super random: Seth is AWESOME!! And Kali doesn't even LIKE him that much but she still Imprinted on him, prolly to make me jealous. GOSH, Kali. I love Seth, and you love Jake, so you should just Imprint on darn Jake and not Seth, who's MINEZ. >:( See? I make Spencer's mad face.
- Joey's being his weirdo self.
- We have a long weekend!! For four days!!!!!! And I'm so happy!!!!! :D
- Well, okay, so it's good that it was a long weekend, or else it wouldn't really BE a weekend, since I was at my grandma's house, and that's not what I usually do on my weekends. So now I had 2 days of weekend-ness and one day of my mom and (evil) step-dad being lazy and watching a dumb movie (no, no, the movie seriously was dumb. My mom said so.) and going to a hotel. As if I couldn't stay home one night alone. I've done it tons of times before, honestly. And it's not any different than being home WITH my mom and (bobo y feo) step-dad.
- Um.........
- See, I don't have any more updates.
- But I'll just keep adding them.
- Because I feel like it.
- Seth is the BESTEST!! And he's MINEZ. >:(
- And...
- Um...
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- So.
- Um.
- I'll stop now.

Peace, Love, Llamas (KOD)!
P.S: Seth is MINE.

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3