the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 22, 2008

Some more pics

K, here're some more pics of mua. As you can notice, I'm wearing a hat in this pic. Why yes I am. I'm tellin' you, I'm hat-obsessed.

This top one is kinda a weird pic, because my hair looks almost blonde. I have been assuring multiple people around the world that my hair is NOT BLONDE. Nothing against blondes, but I'm most decisively a brunette.

And this lower one is me holding a gimungo CRUNCH bar!!! It weighed 10 pounds, and I really wanted to eat it. REALLY wanted to eat it.

And that's your update of pictures!

Keep on Dreamin'!

Some Pics

Can't find my baby pics, but here are some other ones.

The top one is me being a dork. My mom and I saw this phone booth and I was like "Superman!" then I went in and did a Superman pose. Yep, I'm a dork.

The bottom one is me in this GIGANTIC closet at the Parade of Homes. It was BIG. Taken in, like, August or something.

Yes, I'm still a dork.

Anyway, Keep on Dreamin'!

New Blog!

Ok, I know this is EXTREMELY random, but I made a new blog! It's kinda like FrostyPen, but not really. Anyway, it's called FrozenStream, and it's gonna be where we're having the wedding, apparently. I'll also post my drawings and thoughts and pictures and whatnot over there. This is my school life and prediction blog, and the other one's my drawings and pictures and stories, etc. blog. Okey doke. That's all.

Oh, god, I almost forgot to put the LINK. *headslap* I'm such a dork. Anyway.
This is where the wedding's gonna be, folks. Right here.

Keep on Dreamin'!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3