the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

February 19, 2009

IQ Test Scores

Okay, so I finally found some decent IQ test websites, and here's what I got...

- On the adult one, I got 139. That's almost super-gifted for an adult. Heck yeah!
- On the kid one, I got...

Your Score is 100%

How well did you do?
60/70% - Good
70/85% - Very Good
85/100% - Excellent

Again, heck yeah.
- On the "Smarter than a fifth grader?" one, I got 100%, which means I'm WAY smarter than a fifth grader (10-11 year old), who would have gotten an average of 80-85%. Aka: I'm smarter than I should be. :P
- On the random 12-year-old test, I got 100%. Again. It was like "what does 'baffle' mean?" and I was like 'Confuse!' and it was like 'Good job!' and yeah. :D
- And... that's actually all I took. Just wanted you guys to know. :P

Peace, Love, and Llamas!
P.S: Here is the adult IQ test. It's pretty easy, if I do say so myself... Remember: I got 139. Try to beat my score!
P.P.S: This is the kid test. They said it was for 8-11-year-olds or something. I think. Idk.
P.P.P.S: No, I don't really have a third thing. The other 2 quizzes were really weird URLs. I've just never had a P.P.P.S before. :D

Update - 2/19/09

Okay, here comes the update!

- First off, to set the mood, this thing that happened on the bus. So this kid named Alex and I were talking randomly, and the radio was playing, and there was this commercial on which I was kinda-sorta listening to. And I kind of half-registered that it was on, like, plastic surgery and stuff. People were talking, so it was sort of hard to hear, and then all of a sudden there was a pause, (you know, where everyone coincidentally quiets for like a half-second?) and the person for the commercial goes, "Big, sexy breasts," and everyone started laughing. Kind of a had-to-be-there situation, but it was really funny.
- Conferences tonight. Yaaaaay. *total flat voice* I have a "C" in math cuz I was absent for a quiz. My mom's not gonna be happy. :(
- Coinky-dink! So you know how Kali was sick? She had a fever of 102.2 one day, and I was like "Woah, that's almost to Lite FM!" (Lite FM is a radio station that's 102.9), and she goes, "Yeah, I was gonna say, more than KDWB!" (Another radio station. 101.3.) And then we laughed for a while. Well, last night she was reading "Speak", which is a book, and the beginning of a chapter was "I had a fever of 102.2. Sounded like a radio station." Weird, huh?
- I'm sleep-deprived and irritated, mainly because my Tech Ed partner chose TODAY to leave early (because she's leaving for the weekend) and today was the day that we made our finishing touches and hooked up to another group, and I (and Caroline and Olivia-the-complete-nutcase, too) needed another person. Badly. So now our hook-up is going to be late and we'll lose like 15 points. >:(
- I got yet ANOTHER request to join DA (Dimensions Academy, the school for the overly-intelligent) yesterday. I should really start a collection -- I have like 20 or something, and that's just from this year and last. Except I threw them all away... Wah. Anyway, yeah, I didn't want to go to Dimensions (aka: Demented, which is what people at my school sometimes call it, especially around me. They know that I've gotten a bunch of invites to it. Basically, calling it "demented academy" means they're jealous of me and the other people there.)
- Um.......... idk what else. Spencer's still iffy in his schedule apparently, hasn't posted for a week-ish. Rae and Kali are both sick. Kali is less so, now, than Rae is, probably. She still says she's really sick. Kali says she's better. But idk.

And that's it. Adioses.

Peace, Love, and Llamas!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3