the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

November 11, 2009

Issa post. :O

- WOO HOO!!! It's a long weekend! It's the end of 1st quarter, so we have tomorrow and Friday off for the teachers to grade. :D :D :D

- I have all A's except for an A- in art class, and that's only because she graded a quiz wrong. I just hope she corrects her mistake before the grades are entered for the report cards, cuz if she corrects it I'll have ALL A's and will get candeh and an award thingie. :D

- So, a few nights ago I had this super weird dream where I was at school and wandering around with GAP, and when I said bye and went to my hallway, it wasn't my hallway but this weird library-lookin' thing. There were these really stupid looking cardboard signs on the walls with locker numbers on them, but mine was nowhere to be found, and I looked all over for a really long time before asking this one dude where my locker was. He looked at me weird and went, "It's downstairs. You're in the wrong hall." So THEN (and it gets stranger), I go down these stairs and randomly show up in this labyrinth-like place, and Kaliyan's there, and we did this Disturbia. Yeeeeaahhhh, I don't know either.

- Ummmmm, I officially love English and hate history. Fraver's amazing and getting more so, and Ms. Dahlgren ran out of stuff for us to do so she started giving us busywork, and the busywork is retarded and I have a thing against history and geography ANYWAY, since I don't really give a crap and likely never will. So why learn it? Yeahhh. Anyway.

- All the good guys are either gay or bi. That's all I'm gonna say. 'S a long story.

- So randomly today in art class, I started getting really stomachache-y and nauseous and stuff. And I still am sorta stomachache-y and nauseous and stuff. But I skipped play practice cuz I was afraid I'd like throw up...and that would suck. :P

- Spencer's my brooooothhherrrrr!!!! ^_^ I was complaining that I had like 6 sisters but no brother, and he said "I'll be your brother." and it was really cute and yeah. (((: Love you Spencie!!! Like a brother, though, not that way. (;

- Yeahh, getting tired of Owl City now, since everyone's so obsessed and whatever. And MLIA, since it's getting really cliched and everyone's so obsessed with it and BLAHHH. All my interests are being ruined by popular people and their obsessiveness. ><""

- Speaking of interests, I have to come up with a topic that has plenty of books about it that I'm passionate about and can review and find blogs about. For English class. And I need a really good topic, cuz I plan on keeping this A/A- average I've had so far in his class. ANY IDEAS???

- Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm yeah. (: Peezowt. (Yep, stole that. Mwahaha.)

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Quotes of the Day:
- "Two plus two is four...right?" -Kyle, who was completely serious. Wow. That's all I can say.
- "Where were you, stupid?" "Dolce, stupid!" "Oh. Crap." "Smooth, stupid." "Bye, stupid!" -Genesis and me. Gotta love her.
- "Dude. This thing's LOADED!!" -Kyle, about a mechanical pencil. Again, wow.
- *sniff* "Couldja stop?" "We're just sniffing." "I'll give you something to sniff about." "...How bout some cocaine? :D" -Jeff and Mills. Jeff's an idiot, if you hadn't noticed.
- "So I saw this 6th grader, right?" "Yeah?" "And she was like a triple H." "Is that even possible?" "I dunno...but I'm gonna ask all the chicks in our grade." -Drew and John, on the bus. No, it's not possible, boys, and it's creepy that you're discussing it. Thanks for asking though, I guess...even though it was really awkward...
- "SINGAH IN A SMOKEH ROOM! SMELL OF WINE AND CHEEEEEAP PERFUUUME!!!" -Arjan. And Journey. Ahhh, good times, good times.

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3