the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

June 2, 2009

Normal update post thing.

And now I shall do a normal post. :D

- FROG DISSECTION TODAY WAS SO EXTREMELY AWESOME. I'm surprised because everyone in my science class but me is a complete wimp. They were like /*touches frog* Ewww. *touches again* Eeeeeeeeewww./ I was like /*picks up frog; walks around room* Lalalalala. *peels tongue so it's sticking out backwards* Haha! Check it out! *puts in various people's faces*/ So yeah, that was super fun. And the next period, in math, I was poking Jacob (who's in all my classes and is awesome) and he was spazzing out cuz he thought I had frog juice on me. I didn't, but I didn't tell him that. :D I just laughed at him. Muahahaha.
- Speaking of math class and Jacob, I whooped his butt at geometry, which I'm not so good at. (I don't suck, and can be good at it if I feel like it, but Jacob's Mr. Supermath. My classes are reading and English, except that middle school English...well...That's kind of a long story. I'll tell y'all some other time.
- Jasalex attacked me with duct tape today, which was also very entertaining and yet very annoying. *see previous post*
- I heard 3 words today that I expected never to hear in my life. "No homework today," from--guess who?--Mne, my evil English teacher. Seriously! :D :D :D (Some of you will know that story, some won't. LSS: He's evil. And homework-obsessed.)
- Tic-Tacs are yummy. :D *eats a Tic-Tac*
- Spencer, Rae, D, Jasalex, Kaliyan, Genesis, Paige, Kaelin, Jacob, Alyssa, Robin, Ellen, Kim, Jesse, Ryan, Maya, Mandy, the other Ryan, Shelby, Emma, Michael, Amanda (not Mandy), Katie, Kristen, Anna, the other Michael, Macy, and other people are all awesome.
- Mne, Retard, Mikaela, Tyler, Jasalex(:D), Olivia, John, the other Tyler, Mitchell, and some others are all evil. (Especially Mne, Retard, Mikaela, Olivia, Tyler2, and Mitchell, not in that order.)
- OHEMGEE ROBYN (not Robin, Robyn) IS GOING OUT WITH MICHAEL. :o Sorry. It's true.
- Bor ednes sisn otco ola tall.

Peace, Love, and Llamas!


Here's an update on the wonderful world of duct-taping-Jason-on-the-bus.
So I got on the bus a little bit late this afternoon (from talking to Kaliyan), so Jason was already on, armed with, as promised, a roll of silver duct tape. Yippee. -_-
Basically, Kaelin taped Jason's mouth shut, but she didn't get a chance to tape his arms before he he stole MY tape, and then...well, and then he started on me. *sigh*
(By the way, Jason goes by his middle name, Alex. I was being nice to him today [so he'd let me go. Didn't work] and called him Alex. So that's why I call him Alex.)
Roll the play-by play!

Me: *walks onto bus*
Jason/Alex: *waves*
Me: *sits by Jason; gets out duct tape*
Kaelin: *gets on; sits a seat behind* Lemme do it this time!
Me: Ok, Kaelin. *hands her tape* Knock yourself out.
Jason/Alex: *gets mouth taped* Mmmph. *gets tape out*
Kaelin: HE has tape today? What?
Me: Oh, crud. You remembered. Yeah, I tripped him yesterday, and he--
Jason/Alex: *rips mouth-tape off* I wanted to get payback.
Me: Yeah, what he said.
Alex: *tapes my arms to my side; steals my tape from Kaelin*
Me: Hey! Cheater! *bending elbows trying to get out*
Alex: *tapes my hands to my legs* No one ever said I couldn't steal your tape.
Me: Good point.
Alex: *grins* I know it is. *tapes my mouth shut* Now shush.
Me: Mmmm. (A groan, meaning "greeeeat.")
Alex: *tapes my legs together and then onto chair* This is gonna be fun.
Kaelin: *trying to steal the tape back*
Alex: *tapes Kaelin, then me, onto the walls* There.
Kaelin: Ugh.
Alex: *sits on my legs* You're bony, too.
Me: Gmmph. (Get off.)
Alex: Sorry, I can't understand you.
Kaelin: She said to get off.
Me: *nods*
Alex: No thanks.
-Kaelin's stop-
Kaelin: *rips herself off the wall* Get the rest off.
Alex: Weeeell...
Kaelin: I'm serious!
MBD: Take the tape off her.
Alex: Fine. *takes it off* Bye.
Kaelin: Bye, Jason. Good luck, Em. *wan smile*
Me: Mmm. (Mhm.)
Kaelin: *gets off*
Alex: Now I get to have some REAL fun. *evil grin*
Me: Mmnmm. (Oh, no.)
Alex: Yeah, oh no is right. *folds tape in half*
Me: *shakes head* Nmmm!! (Nooo!)
Alex: Yes! *tapes no-adhesive tape over my eyes(blindfold)*
Me: *groans*
Alex: *evil laugh in my ear* Muahahaha.
Me: Tmmmtmmf. (Take it off.)
Alex: What?
Me: *evil glare* (Too bad I'm blindfolded, huh? xD)
Alex: Seriously, say it again. Slower.
Me: Tmmmk. Mmmmmt. Mmf. (Taaaake. Iiiit. Off.)
Alex: Oh. I will. In a second.
Me: *raises an eyebrow*
-zipper sound-
Me: Mmnmm-mmdmm! (Oh no you don't!)
Alex: Shhh. *going through my backpack* Ooh. *takes out my old glasses (I think)*
Me: Tmmmtmmf!! (Take it off!!)
Alex: Ok, ok, fine. *takes off blindfold; is holding my super-old glasses*
Me: MmmtmmDMMfm? (What are THEY for?)
Alex: *puts old glasses on me* Wow.
Me: *eyeroll*
Alex: *puts tape the two lenses* There. That's an easier blindfold.
Me: *nods again*
Alex: You're a boring prisoner.
Me: *shakes head*
Alex: Yes you are. Do something entertaining. Struggle or something.
Me: Cmmmtmmm. (Can't move.)
Alex: *somehow understands* Wait, I know. *untapes legs from seat* There.
-legs are still taped together (at the knee) just not to the seat-
Me: *kicks legs around* Dmmm. Ymmhmmmm. (Dude. You're heavy.)
Alex: Wheee...
Me: *eyeroll* Cmmmbmmmph. (Can't breathe.)
Alex: Oh, shut up. You just want me--
Me: Smmmslm. (Seriously.)
Alex: Fine. Maybe you'll be more entertaining that way.
Me: Mmmtmmmnmm. (Any time now.)
Alex: *rips off mouth tape*
Me: *gasps* Finally.
Alex: Now do something entertaining!
MBD: *talking to Kyle about MN drivers*
Me: Like what? What am I supposed to do when I'm taped up?
Alex: I don't know. Something.
Me: *eyeroll* Take the glasses off.
Alex: Take the glas--
Me: Please.
Alex: *takes them off; takes tape off of them* There. Happy?
Me: Sure. *blinks* So, I'm bored. :D
Alex: Good for you. *bounces on my leg*
Me: Ugh. *strains against wall-tape; breaks it*
Alex: Noooo. *retapes it*
Me: I didn't retape you when you broke it.
Alex: So? It's more fun when you can't move.
Me: Ughh...
Alex: *puts another piece of tape on* There. Totally immobile.
Me: (to MBD) How many minutes until he gets off?
MBD: *checks* About 16.
Me: *groans* Nooooooo.
Alex: Mwahahahaha.
Me: Shut up.
Alex: You shut up.
Me: No, you shut up.
Alex: YOU--
Kyle: Both of you shut up.
Alex: Why should I?
Kyle: Because you're getting annoying.
Me: *sigh* Jas-Alex, shut up.
Alex: Woah, did you just call me what I think you called me?
Me: Maaaybe.
Alex: *gapes* Dude. You called me Alex. It's a miracle!
Me: Enough of a miracle for you to untape my arms?
Alex: Hmm. *fake-thinks* No.
Me: Fine. Be that way.
Alex: Fine. I will be that way.
Me: Ok. You can be that way.
Alex: Good. Cuz I'm gonna be that way.
Me: *gets both arms out; grabs my duct tape*
Alex: *doesn't notice* So...
Me: *grabs Jason/Alex's hands and tapes them together* HA!
Alex: No way! When did you untape yourself?
Me: I don't know. A while ago. *gets up; scoots Alex to the wall*
Alex: No no no, don't tape me to the wall.
Me: *tapes him to the wall* Hm. *fake-thinks* No.
Alex: Ughhh. Fine. Just don't tape my mouth.
Me: But that was in the bet!
Alex: And the whole taped-to-the-wall wasn't. What's your point?
Me: ...You know what?
Alex: I'm right and you know it. *evil grin*
Me: Yeah, you are, but as you said, that doesn't mean--
MBD: 3 minutes.
Alex: Yessss.
MBD: *laughs*
Alex: *rips off wall; tapes me to the chair* Haha.
Me: Dang. You suck, did you know that?
Alex: Thank you. I take that as a compliment.
Me: I knew you would.
Alex: *grins*

And then, basically we just rode the rest of the way and Alex was an evil person and taped me even more to the chair so that MBD had to help him untape me before he got off. That part was very amusing.
Oh, and I tripped him again. That was funny too, but tomorrow he's gonna like totally mummify me or something, which is scary... :-/

So, normal post comin' up. PEACE!

Silence is Golden, Duct Tape Causes Wars.

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3