the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

April 14, 2009

Update - 4/14/09

Whoopee, an Update!!! Yay. :D

- Okay, so before I forget, I had a case of REAL deja vu. I don't say I get deja vu all that often; mostly I just say I had a prediction. But this time it's real deja vu. Like, it's happened in real life before, and now it happened again. And it wasn't EXACTLY the same, but it was similiar enough to make me remember the last time. So this time, we were riding along on the bus and I was listening to the radio, and then it went to commercial, and the commercial was for like a new pill that replaces chest surgery or something. So everyone was talking, and I was listening with mild amusement to the commercial, and all of a sudden there was one of those pauses where everyone randomly stops talking, RIGHT as the person on the radio goes, "for sexy, full, and completely attractive breasts..." Everyone -- and I mean EVERYONE -- cracked up. It was so funny.
- We had a HECTIC day on the meebo. 7-12 people were online from like 4:20 till 5:00(when I left) Central. For real. It was crazeh!!!
- Just went to dinner with Archbishop Flynn, who is a really nice guy--and a great cook--with a super-cute dog named Chivon. My mom is good friends with him, so we went to dinner with him. It was good, too. As I've said.
- And... um... I don't really have much more to say. Just felt like posting. :D
Sooooooooo BYE!!!

Peace, Love, and Llamas!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3