the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

March 31, 2009

Creeper Dude, Pianist, and "the Finger Thing"

QUICK NOTE: When you see a *, just go to the bottom of the post. (It's in the second paragraph, 'Pianist'.)
Okay, so the title of this post is a little wacky for some of you. Explanations are coming up.

Here's an explanation of the first part, "Creeper Dude".....
- I've told some people--but I'm not sure EXACTLY who--about this dude who, last month, followed me home from the bus stop in his car. I named him "Creeper" (or "Creeper Dude"). Guess what? He came back today. Even though I got a new bus stop, closer to my house, since last time, it's still a little ways (5 yards or so). And his car was waiting in the culdisac, just sitting there like my mom's does in the morning, except WE'RE waiting for the bus to come. So I get of the bus and (sort of nervously) walk home, and--of course--his car is creeping along right next to me. He's got tinted windows, but he's definitely a man. And his license plate is totally covered up, so I can't take his number. Exactly like last time. I keep walking, and I go into my house via the garage as usual. Then he leaves. I know it's not all that exciting to you guys, but you guys are reading about it, not walking home with a freaking car driving along at 4mph right next to you. SO freaky.

And NOW, get ready for a change of tone.
This story is really funny (if a little had-to-be-there).........

- So I'm in reading class earlier today. We do normal stuff, like turning in our Reading Charts, doing a Journal, whatever. Same-old, same-old. But then my teacher (who is the best reading teacher in the WORLD), Mrs. Gillis, stands up in front of the class and says "Since it's the last reading day before spring break, I thought we'd play a game for part of the class; about 20 minutes or so. It's called the 'Hostage Game'"* And she explained the game, and passed out these sheets. There were 8 'hostages' and there was a little bio about all of them. One was a 19-year-old who was a piano prodigy or something. The other people in the class were reading the bios out loud--and the people in my reading class (mostly) 4th-grade readers. So this one kid is reading, and goes, "Alana Brecken is 19 years old. She is a successful pee-ANN-oh-ihst..." And Mrs. Gillis looked up and corrected them (and it was REALLY fast. Like, a split second. So it was hard to understand). She said, "PEE-ann-ihst."
And then this kid named Carter (who is literally like 4'2") looks at her really funny and goes, "She's a WHAT?!"
D'you get it?
If you don't-- too bad. If you do-- Isn't it a knee-slapper? Ahahaha... *slight sarcasm*
Told you it was a had-to-be-there.

OKAY! And now for the Finger Thing...
- There's this kid on my bus named Alex, and he's like Austin's personality clone, just without the whole physical-ness. (If you haven't heard my Austin schpeal, then never mind. Alex is cool, anyway.) Yesterday we were just sitting around and Alex all of a sudden went, "Wanna see something really cool?" I shrugged and he held up his finger and did this really awesome thing, where the top knuckle was totally like... liquid-y. "Wanna touch it?" he asked, and -- of course -- I touched it. That was just... SO COOL. The knuckle slides down like a whole centimeter or something, and the tip of your actual finger replaces it, so you can flick your finger around. It's SO COOL. And then he does this weird thing where he makes his finger all tense, and the skin in the back puckers up in this dent and it was literally in the shape of a Z, and it was wicked awesome. And then he told me that EVERYONE can do the jell-o finger thing (the first thing), and -- of COURSE -- I asked how. And then he told me. And it's even more fun when you're the one doing it! :D Except I'm really bad, and he's REALLY good, but whatever. It's still fun.

Some extra notes
- I'm going on a cruise on Saturday! That's 2 or 3 days, depending!!!!!!!!!!
- Happy birthday to Kali today! (:

That's all, folks!
Remember to check below my signature for the *!
And to check the post right below this for more about "The Hostage Game"!

Peace, Love, and Llamas!
* = At this point I muttered, in a slightly annoyed tone, "I lost the Game," which resulted in a few "What? We haven't started playing yet!"s and 2 or 3 loud groans. It was really evil that Mrs. Gillis said it, but it was more-than-a-little hilarious that no one lost but me, and then I made 2 people lose. Like no one plays the Game in my school.
Oh, by the way, I lost again, by explaining this to you.
ALSO: More about this in another post, which I posted a little while ago.

The Hostage Game

If you read my LATEST post, you'll know the beginning. If not, go read it.

Here goes nothin'...

....But then my teacher (who is the bestest reading teacher in the WORLD), Mrs. Gillis, stands up in front of the class and says "Since it's the last reading day before spring break, I thought we'd play a game for part of the class; about 20 minutes or so. It's called the 'Hostage Game'"* She pauses, then adds, "Everything from this second forward is completely pretend... I scared a few kids yesterday." We all snicker, because 'yesterday' means 7-2. Haha. Anyway, we all nod while we snicker and she explains the game.
Basically she chose 8 of us randomly -- I was one of the 8 -- and gave us these weird name slip thingies to put around our necks. They were laminated, and mine said "Senator Jan Snyder" or something. Then she told us to go out in the hallway, which we did. Then I sat in the hallway for a while, before coming in and watching other stuff happen. Lucky me. The rest is as recorded by Genesis, who is my awesome friend from school......
when the 8 people went out in the halway mrs gillis passed out these sheets with all the names on them and then there was little discriptions of the people on them. they were like characters i guess or something but emily's was like some senator who was really well liked and probably was going to be the first women president and she was like helping pay her parents morgage and stuff. she was 37 i think maybe 36. any way so mrs gillis read the sheet to us and she was like "the 8 people in the hall way are-- wait i'll explain that later. so a plane has been high jacked. on the plane is a pilot 3 high jackers and 8 hostages." then we all got who the 8 people were in the hall way. "and the high jackers say that they will let 4 of the hostages go for free if they could land and refeul for free at a goverment place and then take the plane with the other 4 people. the other 4 people we must assume are going to be left for dead. your job is to write down the order of the people you want saved acording to the information on your sheet." so i did and i cant remember what people i put but it was like this preist dude then emily's lady (NOTE FROM EM: No one knew who was who. Like, Genesis had no idea that my nametag was the senator; all the class people knew was that each person in the hallway was someone from the sheet.) and then this modil lady and then a teenager piano player person. (EM: Haha... pianist. Haha...) any way then we all put our results on the marker board and then we took the most populer people and we chose them to be saved so it went like this:
(Everything from now on is Em. Thanks, Genesis!!!!)
- Father John Gollas (The Priest)
- Senator Jan What's-Her-Face (That'd me moi.)
- That teenager peni-- I MEAN pianist.
- Becka Bert (or something. The model lady.)
So then Mrs. Gillis came out in the hallway and goes, "I need the following people; look at your nametag to see if you're the person. Father John Gollas, Jan [insert last name here], [teen pianist], and Becka Bert. You four can come inside, in that order. So Father John--Chris Gerhardson, come on in. I'll tell you when, Emily." So Chris went in first, and Mrs. Gillis said some stuff, and then she waved at the door, and I went in.
Then she went, "This is Senator Jan [last name]. She has been saved from the hijackers, because she came in second place." Meanwhile I stood there, feeling really dumb because I had no clue what she was talking about. "You can sit down, Em- Ah, Jan." Then I sat down and Genesis grinned at me.
And then more people came in. It was really dumb, but fun anyway. Beeker was complaining about not getting blindfolded or anything. She thinks being held captive would be kind of fun. I dunno, it would be pretty freaky, but I guess it could be exciting too..........


Peace, Love, and Llamas!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3