the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 9, 2008

I got this weird letter.

It was sitting right on top of my prediction journal, where I keep it under my pillow. It was written on this weird little scrap of paper, like a quarter-sheet or so, and it was written in this cool, sloping handwriting. Anyway, it said this:

dear emily-
do you ever notice a flitting shadow that vaguely resembles a human, up in the heavens? ever see a small shadow, or some wings, disappear around the corner of the street as you ride home from your school? how about that shadow behind the curtain; the one that disappears the second before you throw the curtain aside? that's me.

And that's IT. I don't know, kinda weird, but I've seen all of these things in the last few weeks. At first I thought it might be Spencer, trying to make an early Christmas present out of a visit or something, but then I asked him and he said that it wasn't him. Believe me, he'd say so if I'd caught him. I just can't figure it out!

I'm checking again tonight, because this is kind of creeping me out, but it's definitely not some prank, because the last time I let someone else into my room (besides my mom) was on Saturday, and it wasn't there then.

Anyway, if you have ANY IDEA who or what this is, please comment!!

Keep on Dreamin'!

I promise, this is a short-ish one.

Ok, so it seems like all my posts so far consist of SUPER long stories and stuff. Well, here's another story, but hopefully my author-to-be-ness won't take over, and I can just be some psychic girl telling you about this had-to-be-there SUPER funny thing that happened in Tech. Ed. today. So, here it goes:::

Click! The TV was turned off. "Ok, now we'll go over the answers. The first question is, "How much money went towards carpets and rugs on the ship?" the teacher announced, and Noah Luedke (He's an idiot, but it's SO fun to prove him wrong, which was what I was about to do) snorted.

"What's the difference between a rug and a carpet, anyway?" he muttered, and both Brynn (cool girl on my team) and I cracked up. We looked at each other, eyes still laughing, and she said to Noah, "Um, carpets ARE the floor, and rugs go ON the floor."

He rolled his eyes. "Um, carpets go on the floor, too! And they're the same exact thing as rugs only BIGGER."

Still holding in my laughter, I said, "Carpets are permanent, Noah. Rugs are temporary. You could move a rug whenever you felt like it. Duh." I grinned at Brynn.

Then, of course, Jesse Rix - more later, and it really is "Rix", not Ricks - had to pipe up, "Well yeah, but they're made out of the same stuff, right?" He looked to me for the answer. Woah. So I shrugged, nodded, and half-smiled to myself, thinking But that doesn't make them the same, does it now? Of course he said, right after I thought that, "But that's not the SAME, Noah. It just means they're kinda ALIKE."

Then the argument continued, and the teacher yelled at us, making me almost CRY from laughing so hard, and... yeah. The end.

Keep on Dreamin'!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3