the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

February 27, 2009

Super Randomness

Yay for being bored!! Cuz, you know, I'm bored. So yeah... Idk. HAPPY FRIDAY, PEOPLEZ!!!!

...Mhm. That was random. But yay! It's Friday! :D

And I got my laptop back. And stuff. Sooooooooo........mhm. That's pretty much it.

Peace, Love, and Llamas!

Update; 2 hours later:
OMG Spencer's on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got on YIM, then he got on the meebo, and he's so Spencer-y!!! And it rocks! And stuff! So yeah. Just had to mention that. :D He just got on meebo like 10 minutes ago, and then he just brb'd, so I just hope he doesn't leave. If he does, I'm killing him next time I see him. :P Just kidding, of course. You all would hate me for life if I killed Spencer. Then again, I'D hate me for life if I killed Spencer.
Update; about 2 seconds after the last update:
I forgot to mention that I'm sick and can't talk. My nose is running, my eyes are watering, and my throat is all swollen inward and weird tasting and I can't swallow that well. So :(.

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3