the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 3, 2009

Super Update :D


- HAPPY DECEMBER!!! As of Tuesday. :)

Spence was just showing me a tesseract shadow. It was pretty sweet. Then he found this moving image of a tesseract rotating.

Pretty sweet, huh? It's complicated, but REALLY COOL. Fourth dimension stuff in general is really awesome.

Okay, so HERE'S the class update.

Of course, English was funny. As always.
- Fraver stopped giving me points for raising my hand with answers (since I'm more-than-acing his class with an average of 103% so far), and yesterday he told me to wait until 1 or 2 people get it wrong, and/or there's a long pause, to raise my hand. So today I did. And hardly anyone knew the answers. So he was teasing me the whole time, like, "Come ON, people, Emily's not gonna give you the answer this time. You've got to pull yourselves out of this hole." It was kinda embarrassing but really funny.
- I just totally forgot what else--OH. We were talking about subjects and predicates (yawn) and we were finding the predicate in this sentence that I can't remember right now. And someone says that the predicate (which is always a verb, mind you) was "non-fattening sweetener". Fraver goes, "Tell me, when was the last time you non-fattening sweetener'd?" Then, later, another person said that the predicate for some other sentence was "it". Fraver: "I ask again: when was the last time you itted?" It just sounded really hilarious... (: Kinda had to be there.
- So Fraver was doing commas in a series, and he wrote (on the whiteboard): "I ate bagles, ceral, and apple orts for breakfast today." I started cracking up, and he looked at me like, "What?" After I kept laughing for a little bit (more quietly) and still didn't answer, he ignored me and kept going. So FINALLY, when I could breathe again, I raised my hand and said, "You spelled bagels wrong! It's -els, not -les." The whole class started laughing too, and Fraver went, "I object! It's not bah-GEHLs, it's bay-G--waaait, then it'd be BAH-gleh-s. Never mind." And then he erased it and acted all frustrated about it. MWAHAHA.
- While he was ignoring my cracking up, he asked if anyone knew what an 'ort' was (from "apple orts"). Arjan raised his hand and said, "Something horses and cows eat." Fraver gave him this completely priceless look and went, "...I don't even want to know how you came to that conclusion." Ahh, good times. xDD
- I should seriously tape a class. We're (supposedly) doing film-making later in the year (if my class stops being retarded), sooo...? I HOPE I CAN!!

Social studies is boring.
We have this lame essay that's due next Tuesday that I could have written one last year in like 10 minutes, but of course we had to spend like 3 class periods on researching and crap. Cuz we're too fast and she needs to waste time. Holy. Crap. At least I have almost all my friends in the class now. (: But that means I have zero friends in gym. :(((( Which SUCKS REALLY BAD.
- Ummm. Brynn and I instant messaged each other practically the whole time because I was just sitting there typing random stuff and waiting for the teacher to tell us we can write our stupid essays already, and she was just done with note-taking. So yeah.
- That's pretty much it.

My gym class still fails at life.
- Finally just decided to hang out with Allison and Meghan, even though they're kind of in a different circle of friends than me. It was better but still SUPER awkward.
- Got a grand and amazing total of ZERO pull-ups. WOOOOO HOOOOOOO. Spencer's really evil cuz he got either 2 or 3 (can't tell since he had a typo in one of them). And then I got 42 on the sit-ups and 10.4 on the shuttle run. Which is really good, especially for me. :D
- Mile tomorrow. Blech. BLECH BLECH BLECH BLECH BLECH. The end.

My Awkward Math Group (me, Ivy, Arjan, and Colton) finally decided to talk to each other!!! :D :D :D So we actually had some funny moments in math. :D
- We were talking about using this advanced lattice thing for quadratic equations, and Arjan didn't draw it, so I asked him if he did that part. He went, "No, I just solved it. Like all you have to do is do the thingy with the--like, you know how you can do the multiply-y thing? I did that. I don't do the rectang-square." So funny.
- OH. Kyle walked in like 4 minutes late today in math. It was very funny.
Kyle: *walks in*
Sub: You're late!
Kyle: No, I'm Kyle.
Sub: Well, Kyle, you're late.
Kyle: Nope. Just Kyle.
Sub: Why are you late?
Kyle: I'm not.
Sub: Yes you are. Class started 4 minutes a--
Kyle: No, I'm early.
Sub: Early??? No you're not!! Class--
Kyle: I'm early. And now I'm on time.
Sub: But--
Kyle: I have a pass. *hands pass*
Sub: Well--
Rosey: He had to do something for a teacher. You're allowed to be late then.
Sub: ...Well--
Kyle: You have to mark me as here if I have a teacher's pass.
Sub: I don't have to do anything; all I have to do is pay taxes and die.
Heh. The whole thing was just really funny, and the "all I have to do is pay taxes and die" thing was kinda emo. Hahaha.

Um. Science is science.
- We're doing a rock unit now. Just took a test on minerals. We have this lame study sheet to do on rocks and what type they are and stuff.
- I seriously have nothing else to say about science.

Art's over today.
- That's all.

Choir is choir. Got a duo with Abby. (:

Spanish is SO much better than last year.
- Mrs. Taylor is cool. (: And funny. And stuffs.

In other news...
- Not to like unload all my drama (which I frankly don't care about) on you people, but two of my friends randomly decided to hate each other. Which is retarded cuz I'm 90% sure that one of them (Friend 1) only hates the other one (Friend 2) because Friend 1's "best friend" hates Friend 2. If that makes sense. So now they want the rest of our group to choose sides, and they each sat at a different lunch tables and told us to sit at whichever one we sided with. So the rest of us sat at our own separate lunch table and the two of them had a glaring contest over who got to come sit with all of us. The ended up both coming and sitting on opposite ends. EYEROLL to major immaturity.
- More immaturity. I ride the bus with all the popular guys on it, and they've made up several "games" that include: a) each of them saying a word that makes a complete thought. I.E. "The" "Bus" "Driver" "Is" "Lame". Just worse. b) each of them taking turns saying/yelling a gross word (penis, boner, etc) louder and louder until someone chickens out. No one ever chickens out, but they run out of vocal strength eventually. c) repeating thinks like "black cock", "hispanic penis", and other stupid stuff like that over and over. d) just discussing disgusting stuff. And the bus driver just totally ignores them, like that'll help.
- Uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm yeah. (: Bye.

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- "All I have to do is pay taxes and die." The sub. Emo...
- "I don't use the rectangsquare." Arjan, being unable to talk for a sec there.
- "When was the last time you non-fattening sweetener'd?" Fraver, teasing someone. As usual.
- "I ask again: when was the last time you itted?" Fraver, still teasing people.
- "When was the last time you spit on a shiny? Tripped on a small? Took a numerous to lunch? Huh?" Fraver, being nutso.
- "Does anybody know what an ort is?" -Fraver. "Something a horse eats." -Arjan. "...I don't even want to know how you came to that conclusion." -Fraver. Ahh, good times. xD
- "I ate bagles, cereal, and orts of apples for breakfast today." -Fraver (on the board).

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3