the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

September 16, 2009


You've never experienced pain if you haven't had to lug around a backpack that contained:

- 20-ish pound laptop
- 5-10 pound binder
- 3 pound math binder (only to/from math)
- Little teeny graph notebook. Prolly .5 pound or something. (to/from math)
- Fricking 30-pound 9th grade algebra textbook! (to/from math)
- 4 pound science binder (to/from science)
- 2 pound science notebook {to/from science)
- million pound social studies textbook, to/from SS

And probably more, which I'm forgetting. Holy HECK my back hurts. And this is only the beginning...sigh.

In other news, my retarded stepdad came 20 minutes late to pick me up from Dolce auditions, which I passed with flying colors and a "your range has gotten a lot better! Have you been practicing?" from the choir teacher. Because that's how idiotic he was (stepdad came 20 mins late, remember? :P).

It was somewhat a plus, however, because without her knowing it (cuz that's just the kind of creeper I am :D), I watched Kaliyan march. Even though I lost her after a little bit. :( They were doing pass-throughs (I think they're called) and some other stuff. And they have these huge long yellow lists of moves. It's insane.

Ummm...yeah. The laptops are muy impresionante. Even though they weigh a bajillion pounds. But now the school year has officially begun, cuz we got our first "real" project. Yaaaay. T.T

Math is easy right now, but we're reviewing stuff that I learned in 6th grade. Which is also what was on the standardized test. Which is HARD TO REMEMBER, cuz I learned it 2 years ago and stuffed it in the back of my mind. Especially cuz it was mainly geometry...which I inherited a disliking for from my mom.

Spanish is the same as math; super easy, but we're just reviewing. It's all comin' back to me now. (I'm surprised that I could remember what "awesome" was. That was like February. :D) Me llamo en la clase de espanol es Carmen, y Caleb (el ano pasado, el era Carlos) cambio (changed...I think that's the word...) su nombre a Cheech (dunno if that's how you spell it. Prolly not). CHEECH! Muy, muy divertido.

If you don't know Spanish, this kid in my class, Caleb, who was Carlos last year, changed his name to Cheech. And for those of you who TOTALLY don't know Spanish, my name in Spanish class is Carmen.

Hmm...what else? Spencer was on yesterday!! That rocked!

And there's another play this year at school!!!!!! Not a musical, just a play, but still! :D :D :D Try-outs are next week, and I'm SO there. Mrs. Gillis is the only director too since there's no music, therefore no music director (Mrs. Ohnsorg).

BUT YAY!!! So awesome!! back still hurts. It's definitely worth it, but it huuuurts. :( now finished with my tarea de clase de espanol. And my algebra homework. Algebra 2 (I think that's what I'm doing. Maybe 3. But def not 1; we did bits of that in both 6th and 7th grade.) isn't actually all that hard, IMHO. Mostly easy stuff like algebra diamonds, a little bit of Order of Operations, some integers, graphing, stuff like that. Hopefully it stays this easy. :D

Hmmmm...again, my English teacher curse is not yet broken. Got another creeper, though they ARE getting less creepy.
5th - Just evil, and not really an English teacher anyway
6th - Emotionally and mentally scarred me for life. Holy crap.
7th - Same as 6th, but in a different way. Maybe creepier, but maybe not...his creepy-ness is more subtle, but maybe creepier.
8th - Talks too fast, does really weird theatrical things (reminds me of 6th, but the stuff isn't QUITE as creepy), has weird catch phrases for stuff, "WITH A VENGEANCE!" (long story), that sorta thing. Hard to explain.

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Awesome quote of the day:
"I'm not perfect, and I don't claim to be, but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your own hands are clean."
- Jess S. (:
Might totally steal that and make it into lyrics in a song or something. That'd be cool. :D

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3