Um. So like, I was tagged in this thing...and...yeah. So here it is.
7 Things I Love
- Writing. I would die without it. DIE, I tell you!!! No, I would just be really sad. In this category is also all my characters, mainly those from my actual novels (my RP charries are pretty much just that--charries), especially Skylar. Because he's awesome like that. And yeah. Writing and RPing and that stuff is awesome.
- My friends and family. 'Nuff said.
- Colorado and Minnesota. Can't come up with anything poetic like Rae did (I mean, holy SHAMOLY, Rae!), but they're cool. Colorado because, well, the mountains are amazing and I can breathe and I have some KA cousins there and the Tattered Cover is there and I can BREATHE and it's almost always 60-ish, and I can BREATHE...and have I mentioned that I can breathe there? Minnesota because all my friends are here and everyone's got this vibe that's just so awesome (Minnesota nice, anyone?).
- The 21st century. Dude. This internet thing? And how 'bout the World Wide Web? Cell phones, plasma screens, Wiis, all-digital television (which was pointless, BTW)...what's not to like? Okay, so there's some stuff, but overall it rocks. Hopefully y'all agree with me, cuz otherwise I'm really sorry. You're kind of stuck here. Until time travel, I guess, but that might be a while, because it's physically impossible and all that stuff (ask me sometime. I've got the deets). :D
- Summer vacation, because it's just so...summer vacation-y.
- The OtherSide, however deteriorated it may be. I never would have met Rae, D, Spencer (well that's not true. But I never would have gotten to know Spencer), etc, etc, ETC, without it. And we might be able to bring it back to life as a GRP (good roleplay)ing blog or something. Who knows? The possibilities are endless.
- Chocolate. Because I'm eating M&Ms right now, and (although they hurt my poor sensitive teeth like crap) they're tasty. Chocolate in general is tasty. But you probably knew that by now.
- Since #7 was fairly pathetic, I'm adding a #8: Nature! Because it's beautiful and wonderful and filled with animals and plants and awesomeness! So even though I don't believe in global warming, don't ruin the world! Because it's always good to be careful, in case something bad DOES happen...
Now I shall tag people.
- Kaliyan - Doooooooo it. Pwease.
- Spencer - If you ever get on. GET ON.
- You.
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