the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

October 23, 2009


Again, you know the drill.

- So. "Who Says" by John Meyer (sp). Weird song. I'm JUST saying.
- ENGLISH TODAY WAS SO INCREDIBLY AMAZING. And I don't even know why I think that. I got a new--way better--topic for my memoir, something just clicked in my head about the memoir, I caught way more things than usual, and I made plans with Abby (my only friend who's in honors English) to watch The Sandlot sometime next week. And it was just really awesome. Yayz.
- In health, Jason (super annoying kid) was being super annoying and... OK, first of all, there's this poster in the health class that says "3 out of 4 teens are not sexually active. Just wanted you to know that you're not the only one waiting", and the guys are obsessed with hanging it up and messing with it and whatever. So Jason was being annoying and messing with that, and the teacher goes "OK, sit down in 10 seconds or we'll do book work the whole period." And Jason doesn't sit down. So Kyle (mentioned him before) gets up, picks him up by his armpits, and puts him in his seat, which tips the desk a little bit, and this screw fell out. Jason goes "Oh, it's a Phillips. I can put it back in with my pocket knife." And there was this whole chorus of "Jason has a pocket knife!!" to the teacher, trying to get Jason kicked out. And Richards (coolish kid) goes "No, it's this little tiny pencil that he calls his 'pocket knife'. It's like an inch long!" Then Matt snickers and whispers, "That's not the only thing of Jason's that's an inch long." It was perverted, but funny. :D Especially since he was dissing Jason. Heh.
- Ummm. I had something to write here, but I totally just forgot. Crud.
- Oh. I made a dozen and a half cookies a couple days ago, and now they're gone. I only got 5 or 6 (out of 18). :( But they were really, really yummy while they lasted. :)
- I'm working on TT!!!!!!!! Woooooooooot! :D
- Ummmmmmm I forgot.
- Spencer's old. So're a lot of my friends. I feel so freaking young. :(
- I forgot again.

- Today I went riding. And the owner's son came with us on Rocky, the huge almost-all-black horse. And it was fun, and he's cool. :D His name's Andrew. She has another son named...I can't remember. But yeah, that was fun.
- My real-life MLIA, which happened today: "Today, I was driving home from dinner with my family and decided to get my hair cut. I arrived at an intersection where there was a Great Clips and a Fantastic Sam's. I wasn't sure which one to go to until I spotted a man, in a full-body go...rilla suit, standing at the corner with a Great Clips sign. Decision made. MLIA"
- I'm trying to quote Fraver and help Rae. But it's 11:20pm. ZzzZzzz. I CAN DO IT!!! *tries*
- Lost all the work I did on TT yesterday. Rawr. Trying to redo it now.
- Kthnxforreadingbye.

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- "But the grass is so... grassy!" - Andrew

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3