the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 17, 2008

Update On My Life - 12/17/08

Ok, so the other post *pokes the post before this* was meant to be interesting, but this is basically just for those of you who feel like learning about my life right now. Don't read it if you're expecting, like, "rescue 100 mutants from School", cuz that's not in my plans. I wish it was, but not the injuries, danger, and terror it would cause. Besides, I'd probably faint when I saw the first one. Poor things...

Anyway. Here's a quick update:

- Christmas gifts - I'm sharing Spencer's. Too busy lately, sorry people, but I'll make it up in time.
- Wrist - getting better.
- School stuff - as in "school", not "School". As following:

  • Concert tomorrow - Dolce, honors choir, at school. Really short, like 4 songs.
  • SCHOOL PLAY!!!!!!! - Little Shop of Horrors. If you haven't seen it, see it. The cast (at ny school) all watched the movie on Monday, and it was fantastic. I'm a minor-major role (exaggeration takes place in my dream, people. It's good, but not, like, lead-ish.) and I'm either a customer at the dentist's (Ew.) or at the florists. I want to be the one person that dies, but I doubt it. Besides, having Nick or Dan pretend to EAT me? Not preferable, but it'd still be cool.
  • A bunch of tests. Midterms stink.
  • And finally, live my latest prediction. *pokes last post again*
Ok, sorry, can you tell I'm a little obsessed with the play? I've been doing ok, but I'm SO PSYCHED! It's gonna be REALLY fun! Aaaaand... that's all for now, folks!

Keep on Dreamin'!

New dream, Luke's pic, and a name idea!

Ok, so I'm bored, and feel like my blog needs a new post, so here's a new post. It's not totally pointless, though, since I had this weird dream last night that I want to share.

So, here's the dream:

It's the Tuesday after break, I think, and I'm walking down the 7-1 hallway, chatting randomly with Brynn. We're talking, not surprisingly, about the school play. "I didn't know our parts would be so big! I mean, I was picturing, like, walking around and doing nothing on stage, just being, like, a backdrop!" she's gushing. "And then, yesterday, we walk in and we're, like, major roles!"

I nod excitedly. "I know! We're totally, like, the level right below lead. Seriously, I must have like 20 speaking parts!" I'm trying not to squee, which is something I VERY rarely do, but still felt like doing. She IS squeeing, under her breath.

Allison runs up to me. "Omg!" she squeals. She's the kind of girl that actually SAYS "Omg", instead of the equal-syllabled "Oh my gosh". "Omg, our parts are so awesome!!" Right after she came up, Kirsten slides into our group, and starts talking about a scene that she and I have with the leads.

"We're like... like, the brothers last year! Well, maybe just a teensy bit worse. But still! That would be a LOT to hope for, being like that. But can you believe that Nick and Dan are gonna be Audrey II?" Brynn rambles, not having stopped talking YET.

I give her a glance, and she grins sheepishly. "Well, I've gotta talk to someone with the same part. Cuz if I talked to someone who's not in the play, it'd sound like bragging, and if I talked to, like, Emilee," she scrunched up her nose in disgust, "or someone, then I'd sound like I was trying to make myself feel better, or something." Finally, she stopped talking, and I grinned.

Aaand, that's where it ends. Not sure why it's important, but I'm almost positive it's a prediction, because I don't get annoyed at people in dreams, and this was really annoyed-ness, (Is there a word for that? I'm gonna Google it later.) not some dream-annoyed-ness. Okay, before I totally invent about 2,000 new words, this is adieu.

But wait! Hopefully all of you got Luke's picture via email. If not, comment and I can help you with that (xD). Anyway, so I was just thinkin' that it looks WAY different than his "I went to sleep for, like, a day" thingie on his blog. Anyway, that was just an observation of mine, no need to get concerned about it or anything. xD There, NOW it's adieu.

Adieu, and keep on dreamin'!
P.S: I'm thinking of making a nickname up, just cuz I'm tired of Emily, Em, Emmy, Emma, et cetera, and I'm thinking I'd base it off of Emiliano. I was experimenting in LA today (LA is my coast class, by FAR, so I have nothing to do) and I figured out that Lian (LEE-uhn or Lee-ANNE) sounded and looked pretty cool. It could be just on this site, or out in the real world, but I'd love it if you guys gave me some feedback! THANKS!!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3