the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 8, 2008

Yo, yo, yo!

Okey doke, Spence, here's my lovely post. It's a conversation, as usual, and I dreamt about it last night in a dream (OMG, I dreamt it in a DREAM?! Seriously!!) and I think it's a prediction, even though our X-mas cards are already done, but... you wanted me to post something, so GOSH!!!

I'm sitting at my kitchen table, when my mom calls my name from the office room, right next door. I get up and see that my mom's on the computer, looking at pictures. "What?" I say intelligently, and she rolls her eyes.

"I want you to pick out what picture you want of you in our Christmas cards, silly." she says, and I shrug, still being oh-so-intelligent. "Do you have a preference?" she asks, actually WANTING me to be intelligent.

I sigh and say, "Indeed, mother, I have multiple preferencei."
No clue why I said "preferencei", but I felt like it. I know full well it's preferences, but yeah. Anyway. I say, making my mom roll her eyes yet again. "Ok, fine, so I like the second one and the third one." I say, faking exasperation.

My step-dad calls from the kitchen: "Dinner's ready!!"
Ok, quick note. When my step-dad yells, he makes the floor shake. When he whispers, I can hear him from upstairs if he's in the living room, and that's saying something. I grin, and my mom does too.

"So we've got about 10 minutes, I s'pose." I mutter to her, and she laughs.
Inside joke. Long-ish story. Kaliyan and Spence probably know it. (?)

And that's the end. The end. :P

Keep on Dreamin'!

1 replies so far!:

Spencer said...

Wow, Em, that's way important to the way the Earth rotates. Y'know what I mean? You choose pics for X-mas cards. OH EM GEE.

Sorry, had to do that. Anyway, thanks for FINALLY posting, and... yeah.

That's the end of my comment. The end.

Fly your Highest!

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3