the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

June 12, 2009

The Bonfire

Okay, so I just got back from a bonfire at Paige's, which was super, super awesome. Kaliyan should have come. (Ahem, Kaliyan.) It was such a blast.
- Adam, a former coach at Paige's gymnastics and a current member of Paige's parish, is cool. He's got this dry sense of humor that I've never really...I don't know, it was different all right. He'd just monotonously announce that, say, Genesis's little brother Miliano's new nickname is 'Millie.' And then he just called him that, the rest of the night. Honestly. It was really funny. I don't know, he's just really easy to be around, and everything's a joke with him. I swear, he uttered one sentence that wasn't a joking one, the whole night, and that was probably the one that got the most disbelieving looks and laughs from us: "I totally want to go to Russia and eat dog." I mean, honestly, if you'd told me that yesterday, I'd have been like "What?! Why?!" but...that's pretty much Adam, as I discovered in the, oh, 3 hours that I've known him.
- I played pyromaniac again and lit some leaves on fire, but Paige didn't have any dead ones, so I only got to scorch a couple off of her tree. *sigh* Live leaves just don't make good torches. Anyway, that was fun, and someone actually joined me this time; Rachel, who's Paige's friend from her gym.
- Cleverbot isn't cool anymore. When we went inside, just before I was going to leave, Paige got on Cleverbot (which is now her homepage. I was like "Really, Paige?"). So it went... Paige: I love hot dogs. Bot: Do you really love me, for the last time? Paige: What? Bot: Do you really love me, for the last time? Paige: No! Get away from me! Bot: But you're so warm.... So now, needless to say, Paige and I aren't Bot's bestest friends anymore. He's too scary and clingy. ;)
- Just a quick note that Genesis gets just as hyper on s'mores as she does on chocolate fountain chocolate. Kaliyan, Emma, and Claire (not to mention Genesis [and Paige, who knows Genesis in general pretty well]) know exactly what I mean, but long story short, she get's like super, super hyper. And started running around the trampoline, almost killing herself.
- I'm kind of happy, now, because Paige got to see me in total brainiac mode, when I was diplomatically arguing with Adam about something. OH, I remember, about the use of the word "gay" to mean messed-up or stupid, as in "The movie Up was gay," which my friend said earlier. So, basically the convo was:
Me: *talking to Paige* Speaking of movies, Brynn said that Up was gay, earlier, right when my mom suggested we go see it. It was so hilarious.
Adam: Up was what?
Me: Gay.
Adam: It has a sexuality?!! *looks genuinely weirded out, in that way that Adam does*
Me: No, it's a term that--
Adam: *muses* Or is it just a happy movie?
Me: Things such as 'gay' and 'retarded' are terms that Americans, mainly teenagers, use to mean--
Adam: Gay means either happy or...the sexuality. Nothing else.
Me: Definitions change with time, Adam. Language is an idea, not a thing, and ideas evolve.
Adam: But the dictionary definition of--
Paige: Kids change the dictionary all the time. Ever read Frindle?
Me: Exactly. It's people who make up a language, therefore people who gradually change a language, and...
Eventually, Paige lost us, and she started texting Tiffany, but it was really hilarious. Then, after I'd totally whooped Adam's butt at the argument, I was telling Kyla about my IQ and whatever, and Adam was making a little 'Oh,' face where he was sitting. Hilarious.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. Bye.

Peace, Love, and Llamas!

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