the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

July 28, 2009

Heehee. Failure.

So I was drawing on my markerboard last night, because I got bored and wanted to draw Skylar. And--lo and behold--I drew a REALLY GOOD one. As you can probably guess, that REALLY GOOD one is not the one up there (*pokes the pic with "FAIL" written underneath it*) So, yeah, that one failed. Go ahead, laugh; I know I did. I cracked up at myself cuz that drawing was so fail-tastic. But the other one, I swear, was amazing...especially for me, The Girl Who Can't Draw. But I'd think it was amazing ANYWAY.

But yeah, so that's your laugh of the day. Don't think you're laughing at me; you're laughing with me, and I'm probably laughing harder... :P

That's all for now. Just wanted you to see how badly I draw sometimes.
(At least the mouth is OK...but it's just a little slash-y thing...which 3-year-olds can--and do--draw. :D)

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My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3