the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

February 19, 2009

IQ Test Scores

Okay, so I finally found some decent IQ test websites, and here's what I got...

- On the adult one, I got 139. That's almost super-gifted for an adult. Heck yeah!
- On the kid one, I got...

Your Score is 100%

How well did you do?
60/70% - Good
70/85% - Very Good
85/100% - Excellent

Again, heck yeah.
- On the "Smarter than a fifth grader?" one, I got 100%, which means I'm WAY smarter than a fifth grader (10-11 year old), who would have gotten an average of 80-85%. Aka: I'm smarter than I should be. :P
- On the random 12-year-old test, I got 100%. Again. It was like "what does 'baffle' mean?" and I was like 'Confuse!' and it was like 'Good job!' and yeah. :D
- And... that's actually all I took. Just wanted you guys to know. :P

Peace, Love, and Llamas!
P.S: Here is the adult IQ test. It's pretty easy, if I do say so myself... Remember: I got 139. Try to beat my score!
P.P.S: This is the kid test. They said it was for 8-11-year-olds or something. I think. Idk.
P.P.P.S: No, I don't really have a third thing. The other 2 quizzes were really weird URLs. I've just never had a P.P.P.S before. :D

1 replies so far!:

iq test said...

uper nice pictures! 're Really pretty ne! In general, full of sweet test

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