the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

March 12, 2010


Yeah. So. It's been a month (almost). And Widji = amazing. So I shall post.

I woke up, ate food, went to school, got on the bus, drove for a while, pummeled people with snowballs, drank Ben's Monster, and finally got to the mine.
- Got out of the bus, stretched our legs, walked around. Checked out the gift store thing and bought an awesome turtle mood ring thingie. Hung out.
- Watched this boring movie about the mine.
- Got our hard hats and headed into the mine shaft elevator, which went at 15mph to about a half a mile underground. Laughed at all the people who were spazzing out.
- Rode in an ore train to a huge space, where the miner dude talked about the mine and we all stood there.
- The miner dude was showing us tools and suddenly he pushed a button and this HUGE FREAKING CHAINSAW went off behind us. I just turned around like "What the heck?" but a bunch of people screamed. :D
- Talked more, then went back in the train, back up the elevator, and to the engine room.
- Hung out in the engine room, inhaling fumes and watching the huge engine spin around (basically getting really nauseous and dizzy :P) while the 2nd group explored the mine.
- Left and drove for a long time.
- OH. Went to Mickey D's. I got a filet o' fish. (gimme back that filet o' fish! Gimme that fish! :D oh yeah.)
- Got to WIDJI!! :D Unpacked stuff, brought it to our cabins, chose a room/bunk.
- I was in a room with Genesis, Aylin, and Kelsey (stalker-girl :( but anyway..), which was survivable. Sat there for a while.
- Went to dinner, which was spaghetti. Ate the spaghetti, then cleaned the table and plates and stuff.
- Got our small groups. Mine was: Trevor Parsons (friend in 6th grade, hardly talk anymore), Jake "the Boss" Wallace (elementary school acquaintance who asked to be called "the Boss" and, without fault, was), Jake McFarland (I know him, but we don't really talk), Aylin, Tony Frosig (ditto Jake M.), and me.
- Went on a mini-tour of Widji with our small groups and met our small group counselor, Nate "the Plate". Who's awesome. Came up with a really stupid (but amusing, cuz we were all hyper) rhyme that goes something like this: Nate the plate hates great dates who bake steaks. Amazing, right? (Not really)
- Went to the game field, which is by Burntside Lake (the Lake), to play capture the flag. Did so.
- Watched LaQuisha.

  • LaQuisha, whose real name/identity none of us know, is a guy. Let's just get that out there right now. He's probably a counselor or something, but he wasn't the leader of anyone's small And LaQuisha, named so because of his, um, LaQuisha-ness, acts really weird. Examples:
  • He wore skin-tight purple skinny jeans. Yes. Scary.
  • Instead of just standing somewhere, he would pose there. In really creepy, girly ways that would make me and lots of other (more feminine) girls feel awkward.
  • He ran...indescribably. SO WEIRD.
  • Purple. Skinny. Jeans.
  • He walked weird, too.
  • You know that weird hand thing that super girly people do where they just let their wrists go limp (and sometimes hold their arms up by their bodies) and stuff? Yeah. He did that.
  • So yeah. LaQuisha...ahhh, so funny.
- Aaaaanyway, when we were done playing capture the flag (WE WON :D), we walked back up to our cabins and unpacked some more.
- Got ready for bed, talked, played cards, talked, and stuff. Yeah.


- Woke up, brushed teeth, got dressed, hung out. Ate breakfast (which is on "THE MENU" at the bottom of the post. Cuz I was bored. :P), talked, etc., etc. Hung out in the cabin for a while after breakfast, mostly playing (more) cards and packing for the survival hike thing we were going to be doing.

Um, yeah. I gave up on the detailed-ness. So here's a quick outline of what we did. :D

- Hiked up this vertical hill, almost killed myself several times, made a fort (which was an epic fail), roasted weenies (:D) and marshmallows, slid down the vertical hill on my butt, REALLY almost killed myself, and...yeah.

- Hiked. Looked for tracks. Found: a moose rack, Starfleet dog tags, a waterbottle, tracks (wolf, coyote, deer, moose, etc), the scene of a wolf pack killing a moose.

- Hiked for 6 hours straight. Got pretty tired from hiking up the hills. Persuaded Nate not to go up SkyTrack (the vertical hill) again or I really would die. Ate a delicious lunch. Was pumped.

- ...Never mind, that wasn't very exciting.

- Brief explanation about Derek:
  • So we (me, Ellen, Genesis, Mitchell, and other people) were walking to the dining hall for lunch and this random dude is walking the other way. None of us have seen him before, but he has this huge beard and long, greasy hair and he looks like a hobo. So we laugh a little and go "HI!" really loud (I swear I was high on something this whole week. No exaggeration). He waves back. Then he turns out to be a teacher dude who was on TV for living in the woods for a month. T_T
Cuz you just so needed to know that. Basically, we all thought Derek was a hobo. :)
- Anyway. We learned stuff about wolves and how to howl realistically and stuff. And yeah.

- Most amazing experience ever. Oh my god. I'm gonna timeline this in more detail, like I did before I gave up, cuz the sauna was AMAZING. Ohkay. Here we go.
- Got our stuff (which was carefully documented on a whiteboard) and went to the gift shop (they were out of sweatshirts :( but yeah).
- Went to the dining hall, took off our boots, put our backpacks on the benches, etc.
- Hung out on the rug.
- Nate came in to explain the sauna process to everyone.
"So, you'll go out of the dining hall and down the hill in whatever clothes you have on. Then you'll go into either changing room one or two. Number 1 is for the guys, and number 2--you guessed it--is for the girls. So you go into your changing room and take off your clothes until you are wearing only your swimsuit and socks. You carry your water bottle to the hallway and put it down...then you have choices. You can do a:
  • "Sauna", which admittedly is not the best choice, where you simply go into the sauna room and hang out there for a while. You'll sweat out all the toxins and feel super great...but then you'll be all sweaty.
  • "Dip sauna", which is slightly better but still not that great. You would go up to the lake and get all nice and washed off, and then you'd go into the sauna and sweat out all the toxins. You'd be less sweaty and gross, but still pretty sweaty and gross.
  • "Sauna dip", which is a much better choice in my mind, since you would get all those toxins out of your body and then wash 'em all off in the lake. Overall, this is a good plan, but it's not taking it quite to the max.
  • "Dip sauna dip", which would definitely be my choice. You'd go from the changing rooms right to the lake, get yourself nice and wet, then go up to the sauna to warm up and get those toxins out. Then you'd go back to the lake and wash yourself off, get cooled off again, all that good stuff.
Obviously I'm biased, but honestly, you can choose whichever one you're most comfortable with; I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't wanna do. ANYWAY, you'll do your stuff in the sauna and the lake, and..."
- Blah blah blah. He explained the process and how there's a dude living on the hill nearby and that he'd sic his dog on us if we screamed. And stuff. :D
- The first group left, and we filled out a survey thing about our experience while the butterflies slowly built and the first group did whatever. I was really nervous, since I'd seen the "lake hole", and it was just this little hole in the ice of the freezing cold lake...Plus I don't/didn't like saunas that much, since my body naturally doesn't sweat (which is why I'm overheated all the time).
- At some point or another, Nate and the counselor lady who were taking us down told us all that we should get ready to go, so we did.
- We walked down the slushy, icy, snowy path, which really didn't boost my nervousness about jumping into a freaking frozen lake, and FINALLY got to the changing rooms.
- Went into the dressing room, stripped down to my bikini and socks, and walked--ON THE ICY, SLUSHY GROUND. IN MY SOCKS--to the lake. Butterflies were eating their way out of my stomach by this point.
- I stand in line for a while, watching as person after person jumps nervously into the icy cold lake water, then gives a really loud almost-scream thing and pretty much literally flies up the ladder and out of the water. My thoughts: "Oh. Crap."
- Of course, I inevitably reach first and just blindly jump in, closing my eyes and hoping I don't scream. Somehow, I don't, and before I can even have a coherent thought (literally. It was insane.), I'm out of the water and halfway up the hill to the sauna.
- Genesis catches up to me and we enter the sauna, sitting in the middlish of it and drinking lots of water to make up for the buckets of sweat (cuz you needed a description. I know you did). We started singing stuff for some reason, and we stayed in there for about 20 minutes with small groups breaking off at random intervals.
- After the 20 minutes were up (the max time we could be in the sauna), Genesis, Ellen, and I all got up and walked out the door. I almost screamed right there, cuz by then it was like 20 degrees outside, and it was around 95 in the sauna...yeah. Nate was standing right there, and he laughed at the looks on our faces. :P Meanie Nate.
- We speed-walked down to the lake; Ellen went first, and I was second, so we got it over with pretty quickly. While I was waiting in line, Nate yelled at us to dunk our heads under (which resulted in a bunch of other people chanting "DUNK, DUNK, DUNK, DUNK" at us), sooo...
- ...when I jumped in, I held my breath as well as I could so I didn't scream and dunked my whole body underwater, soaking myself even further in the ice-cold lake water. I took my time this round (then again, it was pretty much impossible to go faster than I had the first time) and walked up to the changing room to get my clothes back on.
- I dried myself off and put my clothes back on, including my AMAZING Jefferson hat, and eventually we all made our way up to the dining hall again to meet the first group.
Anyway, it was just super refreshing and freaking amazing. (:

- The reason I'm "pumped" is that Nate was super excited about like everything. He would be explaining some random hike and be all enthusiastic, and when I'd ask him if he was excited (sarcastically) he'd go, "Yeah, I'm pumped!" and yeah. He was very pumped about everything.

Lunch - McDonald's Filet O' Fish :D
Dinner - Spaghetti
Breakfast - Pancakes
Lunch - Soup, salad, sandwiches
Dinner - ...I totally forgot.
Breakfast - Banana bread
Lunch - Sausage, cheese, choco chips, pretzels, etc, etc
Dinner - Pizza (and delicious cookies)
Breakfast - Obese waffles
Lunch - a McChicken :P
Dinner - Walleye

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- "Whoa, poopage!" -Trevor, about deer scat.
- "I'm pumped about eating some pancakes with peanut butter later." -Nate. "Really, Nate? You're
pumped?" -Me. "I MEAN...darn." -Nate. Mwahahaha.
- (loudly) "AHH--oops. Sh*t." (quietly) "Sh*tsh*tsh*tsh*t..." -Almost everyone after/while jumping into the lake.
- (girlishly) "Ohemgee La-ka-WEESHA (LaQuisha)!!!" -Ellen.
- Orangutan hang, one cheek sneak, etc. -Nate. No comment.

February 12, 2010

Percy Jackson Rant >:(

Warning: Spoilers.

I hated the Percy Jackson movie. It didn't follow the book at all, most of the special effects were terrible, and they had the lightning thief as Luke Castellan. WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?! There was no sexual tension between Annabeth and Percy (not like that, at least) until at least the third or fourth book. The epic claiming at the river? Gone, ignored. He never gets dragged into Tartarus by the shoes--he didn't even have the dream about Kronos or anything. There was this weird, random crap about having to go on a quest for the three pearls when he really just got them from a water nymph.

And they didn't even include the Oracle!!!! *brain explodes* Plus, they're planning on continuing the series. Like you could even do that when you took the first book and ripped it to shreds.

It was like a bad Fanfiction.

Didn't Follow the Book
  • Luke is NOT the lightning thief. EPIC. FREAKING. FAIL.
  • It was all full of big doe-like eyes and lovey dovey bullshit from the first two seconds of AB and Percy being in each other's sight. WHAT THE HELL?? I love AB. She was like my idol when I read the books. She was extra sarcastic and awesome and kickass and--UGHHH. They ruined her; she's all...ewww. Ughhh.
  • The awesome claimage at the riverside after he did his awesome healingness and awesome conquering? It was a no-show.
  • Annabeth's flippant remark: "Like I said, I'm always prepared." TOTALLY NOT IN THERE. Instead, she was on the other team and was all GRAWR and poisonous.
  • And then she randomly, out of nowhere, invited herself into his "quest," WHICH DIDN'T INCLUDE THE GODDAMN ORACLE AT ALL, when so far all she'd done was be mean to him. What. The hell.
  • "Maia!" = nope. Instead, he has to take a running start. Plus, the flying shoes never spaz out on him (or rather, Grover) and almost drag him feet-first into Tartarus. Noooo, Luke just lamely cuts off the wings. Fail.
  • Also, Percy never has any of his dreams about the icy, cutting voice or anything. There's no Clarisse, no Ares, no nothing. Oh my god.
  • Practically the whole movie was this super retarded adventure thing to go find the three pearls so that they could escape the Underworld. In the book, it took Percy like five seconds to get the stupid things from a sea nymph that was all like, "Hi. Here's some pearls. I'm not gonna tell you what they do, but crush them when you're freaking out. :) Kbye." Which was good. Because the pearls weren't that big a deal.
  • Instead, Luke gave him a FRICKING MAGIC MAP that showed him where to go. So Grover drove this broken-down old pickup truck at what seemed like the speed of light (he went from NY to California in less than a day. Way to go.) and it was all very pleasant with random battles for excitement.
  • Lotus Casino = weird hot chicks giving them flowers, which dulled their senses and kept them there. Also, gotta love how they kept unneeded and pointless crap like the 70's guy (even got the year right, I think!) but they basically redid the entire movie (again: it was like a bad fanfiction).
  • Major naughty tentacles goin' on with Medusa. That was so not how it went, either. And whatever happened to the bus explosion and their bags blowing up and all the drama of the journey? It was seriously just like "Lalala, driving down the road..." Oh, and Grover and Percy drove. Cuz they're supposedly 17 in the movie. Which means he graduates during the series. *headdesk*
  • ...Persephone was creeping on Grover. It was so scary.
  • Hades was a weirdo.
  • THEY TOTALLY RUINED THE WHOLE STUPID BOOK IN THE FIRST FEW MINUTES. OH MY GOD. *dies* After the first five mins, I knew it was gonna soul died... :(
Special Effects Were Terrible
  • When Percy was using the flying shoes, it looked so incredibly fake.
  • When Mom was getting caught by the minotaur (which didn't look like a minotaur at ALL, by the way. There are pictures of them, Mister Director Dude.), it looked SOOOOO incredibly fake. Like, I've seen reeeeeeeally old shows with better special effects than that. No exaggeration, no joke. Not even kidding.
  • Hades was a fail in general, but his flame form (stolen from a Disney movie, mostly) was really badly done. Heh, just remembered reading a newspaper article this morning, and Toy Story has far more epic digitalization than this movie.
  • ...I can't even write about it anymore.
But Logan Lerman's hot. And there were some funny parts that weren't in the movie. And...yeah, that's pretty much all that was good about it.

If you couldn't tell, I'm seriously pissed. They just ruined the whole damn series. And now everyone who saw the movie first will complain about the damn books because the damn books aren't like the damn movie, when the movie was just an epic failure and the books are SO GOOD.

...I love my friends, though, and I had a really really really great day today. (: The movie just sucked.

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- "...You drool when you sleep." -Annabeth. In the book. In the movie? HELL NO. BECAUSE IT FAILS.
- "No, no, no. Don't listen to me. That's bad." -Mitchell. xDD Ahhhh, Mitchell...forgot how hilarious he was...
- "I'm a pillow." -Aylin. ...
- "...Genesis?" -Miliano, Genesis's little brother. "Yeah?" -Genesis. "I don't get Aylin." -Miliano. "Me neither, Miliano. Me neither. I don't think anyone does." -Me.
- "...Seaweed Brain..." -Annabeth. But did I ever hear it during the movie? NO. NOT ONE DAMN TIME. *steams*
- "rohai absolutely LOVED the lightning thief!" -Rae's mom. "WHAT? WHY? HOW? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" -Me. "I was kidding. She said it was full of fail." "Oh my god, I thought you were serious and I almost had a heart attack..." It's true. xD

February 1, 2010

California and Today!

Soooo, as most (all?) of you know, I went to California for the weekend. And it was awesomesauce. And I haven't posted for a while, so I'm gonna post about it. So yeah.

(Sorry in advance about the retarded sizing and the rushed ending!!!)

Okay, so when we got there, my cousin Nathan picked us up and we went to this seafood restaurant for lunch. I had some trout, and it was delicious. Then we drove around San Diego and stuff, and Nathan narrated our tour, and finally we got to the PETCO stadium, which is their baseball stadium. Which is on Tony Gwinn Road.
I went, "Who's Tony Gwinn?" since I didn't/don't know.
Nathan whipped around and went, "What?! How do you even LIVE with yourself, not knowing who Tony Gwinn is?"
I shrugged and grinned. "I get by."
"He's--he's Mr. Padre! He's... I can't believe you don't know who he is."
"...Mr. Who?"
Nathan did a mental facepalm before answering, "He's a baseball player. A famous baseball player. And you're hopeless."
So we explored the stadium, since it was open for some tour or another, and it was pretty cool. You could see the field pretty much perfectly from what would be a horrible seat in the Dome or (probably) the new stadium(s).

So then we drove around for a while more, going through Balboa Park and other tourist-y things, before Nathan decided to show us around the Naval base/port, which he's currently employed at (he's in the navy, was in Afghanistan and sort of in Iraq, etc., etc.). After he got ID'd, we drove around for a while and checked out the boats from afar. Finally, Nathan found his boat and we walked around that for a while. It was pretty awesome.

Then we left and went to my aunt's house and hung out and read for a while. And then I went to sleep at 10 cuz it was midnight technically and I'd woken up at 6 that morning. Soyeah.


When I woke up, we hung out for a while, and Nathan went to "work," which was basically going down to the Naval base and calling people and chilling out on the boat for two hours. And I went outside and played soccer with Lucy, who's an ah-dorable Jack Russell and who can play soccer. Like, I'd kick the ball and she'd chase after it and whack it back to me with her nose. No joke; it went all the way back. So I ran around outside in the *cough* seventydegreeweather *cough* with Lucy the soccer dog , and eventually Nate (my Nate, not Spence's Nate :P) came home and we went to the beach.

Nate was being really careful not to get his shoes sandy because he'd cleaned them the night before. And that morning (after he got back from "work"), he'd chucked one at me and said, "Lace that for me, will ya?" So I did, but I was apparently doing it wrong because when he looked up, he made a hilarious face and went, "What are you DOING?" and took them back. (Emotes/actions/punctuation added for expressions:)
"Lacing them like you told me to?" /:)
"Well, you're lacing them weird. It's like...under, over, under, over." ?!
"So? It looks cooler than yours. Yours is boring." >:P
"But if I'm doing one and you're doing one--you gotta tell me what you're doing to it! It'll look so lame if my shoes are laced different." >:O xP
"A perfectionist, I'm not." *eyeroll*
"Well, I am." >:( xP
"You're such a soldier." >:P :D
"So what if I am?" xP
"So nothing. Lace your own shoe." So then I threw the shoe back at him. It was just really funny cuz he was all freaking out over his shoelaces...and his face was sooo funny... (:

ANYWAY, so we went to the beach and hung out by zee Pasifick Oshun for a while, and then Nate was like, "Oh! You gotta come see USD." So while my mom 'n aunt 'n uncle went to get lunch, Nate drove me to USD (University of San Diego) in his FREAKING BLACK MERCEDES CONVERTIBLE. Yeah. We got there, drove around and checked out its hugeness and fanciness and stuff, and then Nate got lost in the parking lot.
Cue facepalms.
"*t. That's not an exit," he said for the third-ish time.
I rolled my eyes. "If you're lost, go ahead and admit it, Nathan."
We drove around for a while more before he finally goes, "Okay, yeah. I have no idea how to get outta here." And then we drove around some MORE, and he started going, "I'm lost in a freaking parking lot. I'm seriously lost in a freaking parking lot!" So, after ages more of driving around, he finally pulled into a slot and went, "Might as well get some culture while we're lost in the USD parking lot." He blinked. "Wow, that sounds really pathetic. Lost in a parking lot..."
So we went in and walked around, and finally got pointed to an exit and left. xD Gotta love 'im...

So after that, we went back to the beach to pick up my 'rents and Nate's 'rents, and then we drove back "home" for a dinner of steaks-on-the-grill and freshly picked tangerines from their tree, which Nate had annoyed me to eat for almost twenty minutes the day before. Dinner was delish, and then we went into the living room.

I read, and the adults (minus Mom, who was also reading) watched this war movie, which was a source of much amusement on Nathan's part. A list of his complaints:
The guns:
- "What the hell is that thing?! It's way too huge! How'd you like carrying that thing around in ninety-degree weather? Jeezus."
- "That gun is so last year."
- "We don't use those things! We used snipers and AKs!"
And this:
- "We don't go out with just one hum-vee and three troops. Just saying. Cuz we don't. I don't even think it's allowed."
And last, but CERTAINLY not least, the cussing:
- "They swear way too much in this movie. We never swore this much...out loud..."
- "New record! Ten F words in less than two sentences."
- Movie: "There's a man outside. He says he's got a bomb strapped to him." Nate: "Yeah, an F-bomb..."
Random quote from the movie:
- *people arguing* ... *still arguing* ... *still arguing* ... "WILL YOU FREAKING MOVE?!" It was hilarious, especially cuz I was just reading innocently when the dude screamed it...yeah...

Then the movie ended and we talked and laughed and hung out before I went to bed at around 11-ish.


Woke up at 8:30, got dressed, and headed straight out to the prestigious Hotel Del for brunch, where my uncle was already waiting. We ate a TON of food, all the while being watched and attacked by StalkerBirds (seagulls, mostly), who would sit 'innocently' on a crossbeam of the tent we were under and then suddenly swoop down and steal some piece of something off of one of the diners' tables. They finally settled on the cart where all the leftovers were, and left us alone.

Then, with Nathan being very careful once again to keep his shoes spotless, we walked out to their private beach, where I (stupidly) started chasing waves and shell-searching and whatever, occasionally just letting the water slide up past me, soaking me up to my knees. Although I had rolled up my jeans, they kept slipping, and soon the whole bottom half of my jeans -- as well as my shoes and socks -- were soaked through.

And now I have to go to my concert, but basically we left and went to a gourmet candy store (yummm) then to the bay, where we went whale-watching (fun!) and hung out seaside some more (:D). And then at one point we ate at an Italian place and went to my uncle's work, which is a law firm with an AMAZING view of the skyline.


Okay. I'm too lazy to redo the stuff that I rushed through (*points up*), but I'll do today's highlights. (: Here we gooo...

English was funny. Big shocker. Mostly Fraverisms that are impossible to explain/HTBT moments. Another big shocker. I sit next to Maximum. Again. 99% says Fraver did it on purpose. I'm with Maximum for my big Holocaust project. 100% says Fraver did it on purpose. He's actually not a bad partner, compared to some, but still. xP

Social studies was thoroughly meh. Huge shocker.

I DON'T HAVE GYM THIS QUARTER. I PRACTICALLY THREW A PARTY. :DDDDDDDDD YAY!!! Anyway. Health was fine; we talked about OA, which I might or might not go to. Probably won't.

Math was OK.

Science was SO BORING. We just took notes the whole time. Zzz...

Tech ed was actually funny, since Maximum and some others were sitting near us while we were working on our gear thingies (which I hate with a passion. I'm so not an engineer). We (me and Maximum and 'the others') had a lengthy discussion about whether it's really possible to be doing nothing. *nodnod* See "QUOTES!" for mo' eenfo.

Play practice was really fun today. We were doing a chase scene (fun but tiring) with lots of backstage time while we wait for stuff, and Tanner (hilarious guy friend), Whitney/Whit (friend), and Kirsten (friend from elementary) were all hanging out with me and being hilarious. I don't really remember how we got onto the topic, but Whit suddenly said, "Tanner kissed [somegirl] a few days ago!" Tanner just rolled his eyes, said, "I didn't REALLY kiss her. I did this," grabbed me, and dipkissed me. I was like, "Wow, Tanner," and Whit and Kirsten were like, "WOW, Tanner," and then he just went, "What? I just stage-kissed her," and did it again. *headdesk* xD It was hilarious, though, and he kept randomly doing it to me, Whit, and Kirsten for the rest of the time.

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- A bunch of stuff from Nathan. Read the post. :P
- "What if you're dead?" - Max. "If you're dead, then you're being dead. So you're doing something." -Me. "But...but...but THAT'S THE INFINITIVE." "Nuh uh! It's not 'to be,' it's being! That's not an infinitive." "...I can't believe we're arguing about English." "...Me neither. But still, you're doing something when you're dead." "No." "Yes." Aaaand so on. :P
- "Tanner kissed [somegirl] a few days ago!" -Whit. "I didn't REALLY kiss her. I did this. *randomly grabs me and stage-dipkisses me*" -Tanner. "Wow, Tanner." -Me. "WOW, Tanner." -Kirsten and Whit. "What? All I did was... *does it again*"
- Other stuff. I'm too lazy. :D

January 14, 2010

Genetically Enhanced Penguin Food

So, language arts today was preeeetty much (okay, TOTALLY) hilarious! (: Here we go.
Fraver, randomly: I wonder, if we lined up Minimum and Zach, who they would think was the criminal.
Max: I'm not a criminal!!! (He's weird. In an entertaining way. :P)
Aaron: 'I'm not a crook.' (He's weird in a...weird way.)
Fraver: *snaps his fingers* Who can tell me who said that?
Max, Me, and Taylor, enthusiastically: Aaron!
Fraver: *total facepalm*
It was hilarious. :D

Class starts; I walk in and put my backpack down, get my computer and notes out, set up, the usual. Fraver pulls up the screen for the day, filled with weird pictures and his usual flair for, you know, being Fraver.
Somehow, the topic of Osage is brought up...I don't remember why.
Fraver: Piece of candy for anyone who can tell me what Osage is.
Me: *raises hand; is called on* Sort-of kidding: A city in Iowa?
Fraver, mocking me: I city in Iowa? (Emphasis on the question mark.)
Me: It's a city in Iowa.
Fraver: Thank you very much for that obvious piece of information. Any other words of wisdom?
Me: It's...a...Native American tribe.
Fraver: There ya go. *chucks a Hershey's kiss at me*
Kiss: *bounces off my head and onto the floor*
Time passes. It's later. I somehow get another kiss; can't remember how, but he doesn't give it to me that time. I figure it's cuz I already got one (or the fact that I'm an overachiever in general. Y'know. :P), so I just sit there.
End of class. I start packing up.
Abby: Hey, Mr. Fraver, you never gave Emily her second piece of candy.
Fraver, amusedly/sarcastically: I thought throwing her one kiss was enough. (Play on words.) *throws the second one to me anyway*
Me: *catches it*
Abby, kidding but sounding hopeful: Do I get a piece of candy for reminding you?
Yup yup. And he actually GAVE one to her, which is insaaaaaane. :P After giving her his famous Look, of course. (Not a pissed-off look, a...Fraver...y...look. Very hard to explain, and probably unique.)

We're doing a bunch of comma stuff, Fraver-style, and I've been raising my hand pretty quickly for all of them, since sentence structure and stuff is pretty easy.
Fraver, out of NOWHERE: Emily's genetically engineered to answer these questions.
Me: *WTF look*
Everyone: *sort-of-laughing*
Bennifer does a sentence.
Fraver, like an afterthought: We should package her up in cans and sell her somewhere where they need food like her.
Me: *another, more potent, WTF look* What?!
Everyone: *pretty much cracking up now*
Fraver, in sort-of answer to my sort-of question: Genetically enhanced food!
Me: Mmmmkay.
Fraver, to Bennifer: You should make it a project to find somewhere to sell Emily. To everyone: Anyone have an idea? Muttered: Doubtful, considering who I'm talking to. (Our class is really quiet/not opinionated.)
Aaron, pretty apathetically: Africa.
Abby, enthusiastically: Antarctica!!
Fraver, musingly: Antarctica...
Fraver, enthusiastically: Penguin food! I like it.
A while goes by; we get to a hardish one. I still raise my hand right away, and am the only one.
Fraver, sarcastically but very amused: Of course Miss Genetically Enhanced has her hand up, but would anyone else like to volunteer their guesses?
And for the rest of the day, Arjan (who's a "bully"...not really; it's mostly hilarious, but he really loves to tease me) kept calling me Miss Penguin Food and stuff. (: Kind of a had-to-be-there thing, but it was SO FUNNY. Ahh, good times...

Pants on the ground, pants on the ground! Lookin' like a FOO' with yo' pants on the ground! 'Nuff said.

At lunch, Stephanie couldn't open her ranch, so Noah took it and couldn't open it EITHER, so he squeezed it really hard and it, like, blew up all over the wall, table, his clothes, Steph's clothes, and (a little) my clothes. It was SO FUNNY. (:

Paigie and Aylin bit me this morning and I still have little red marks on my hand. :( Hopefully I'll keep up my record of three days, though. *crosses fingers* :P

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- "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground! Lookin' like a FOO' with yo' pants on the ground!" -American Idol Dude and Spencer. Oh, more ways than one!
- "Emily's genetically engineered to answer these questions." -Fraver. I'm never gonna live that down.
- "Who can tell me who said that?" -Fraver. "Aaron!" -Me, Taylor, Minimum. Ahhh, I love language arts.
- "OHSHIZITBLEWUP. O_O" -Noah. Hilarious!
- "That didn't even leave a mark." -Me. "Okay. *bites harder*" -Paige. "Okay, THAT'S gonna leave a mark..." -Me. And somehow, I love her anyway. :P
- "Remember that ONE time..." -Me to Paige. Heh. Recurring theme.
- Fire on the Mountain by Rob Thomas
Since I haven't posted for a while...Here're more!
- Brothers Forever by Renaldo Lapuz ... OH, yeah! :DDD
- If You Only Knew by Shinedown ... Love that song!
- Tik Tok by Ke$ha ... There's a quote for this one: "Are you tired of THIS song?" -Me, sarcastically. I was taking a music survey online and it asked whether I was tired of it. I was like, "Nooooooo."
- Hey, Soul Sister by Train ... <3>
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, that's all, folks! :D (Y) <--upside-down peace sign

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3