the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

April 5, 2009

Hi from Miami!!!!

Hre I am in Miami, sailing out into the sunset on my first day of the cruise. While I've got computer access, I'm going to note a few major happenings (so FAR, anyway)....
- The hotel in Miami was cool, much better than the last one of its kind that I stayed at. There was a grand total of 3 hot boys in the hotel, and 1 UBER-hot boy at the airport. Just thought I'd mention that.
- As it so happens, one of the hot boys at the hotel is on my cruise, and at my dinner table. So I'm sitting right next to him every night for an hour, and it's almost mandatory to talk. His name is Ryan, and he's 12 today. Cool, huh? He looks kind of like what I imagine Spencer to look like, I guess. But he's cute, anyway, and close to my age.

-Started moving 2 hours late, but we're bookin' it to make up for the delay. I got my sea legs in about 3 minutes; I basically HAD to, or I'd fall over.
- Heading to Key West to go parasailing -- Yippee!!! Can't wait.
- God, it's hot. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot...
- I just realized that I was kinda-sorta by Pyro. Hi, Pyro!!! *sails away from Pyro* Oh. Um, bye Pyro!!!!
- I'm just kind of hanging out. The keyboards here are evil, but I'm still typing like the wind, probably thanks to a lot of practice (go Resistance for helping me with my typing skills!)
- I'm posting this email, too, just for those of us who aren't on my mailing list
- TO THOSE THAT I LEFT IN MINNESOTA:::: Haha. Well, okay, so I feel bad, and I'm hoping for your sakes that it doesn't snow or anything. And... stuff.
- TO ALL:::::: Seeya in 6 days at the most, back on my good ol' Dell!


Peace, Love, and Llamas!

1 replies so far!:

CJ 512 said...

oh, very cool! hope you have a super-awesome time!!
keep us up-to-date on what happens with Ryan! *winks*

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3