the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

July 17, 2009

Always There, by Brennan and Emily

Italic - lyrics
Bold - disclaimer
Normal - explanation
Bold, italic - the word "Key"

You go for a smile and you give me a laugh
Try for a tear and you cry on my lap
You're always there for me
You always will be, ooh-oh-ooh-oh-oh

Whenever I'm down, you make me smile
Try for a jog, and you run a few miles
You're always there for me, you always will be
Ooh-oh-ooh-oh-oh, yeah.

Sometimes I am a little too loud
A little too hyper, but you're always proud
You're always there for me, you always will be
||: Ooh-oh-ooh-oh-oh :||
||: Ooh-oh-ooh-oh-oh :|| oh.

When I screw up, when I'm just not okay
'N when my emotions are in disarray
You make everything go far away and you say
||: "I love you anyway" :|| anyway.

Well, you go for a smile, and you give me a laugh
Try for a tear and you cry on my lap
You're always there for me, you always will be
Ooh-oh-ooh-oh-oh, woah!

You go for a smile and you give me a laugh
Try for a tear and you cry on my lap
You're always there for me; you always will be
Yeah, you're always there for me; you always will be
You're always there for me, and always will be

These lyrics are completely, 100% copyrighted me and Brennan, and the music (which I'm SO not typing up for you) is also copyrighted to our band, Golden Hour. Don't steal, or I'll come find you and kill you slowly and painfully. We worked really, really hard on this, and it's not nice to steal and/or be mean.

So, my new friend Brennan and I wrote these lyrics, as I said, this week at band camp...and it was pretty sweet. This is by far our favorite song, and we totally opened the show (of 6 bands) with it. Yep. That's right. We were the opening band. xD AAAANYWAY, yeah. Just randomly make up a tune for it, but I'm pretty sure you'll never succeed in getting the actual tune...or else I'll be really surprised...but yeah.

Peace out, home skittles!

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