the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

August 18, 2009

Mah Dream

OK, so, as human beans are wont to do, I had a dream last night. And I actually remembered it. :O HOLY COW. Anyway. I didn't remember ALL of it, but I'm just gonna list the main parts for y'all. ;) Here goes...

- So I wake up at 8:00am and get ready for school; I don't feel like this is a late hour to get up at all, apparently.
- I walk out into the street and stop at a bus stop that's not really mine...
- The bus comes. It's one of those awesome ones with the comfortable seats. We ride to school.
- When I get to my locker, even though I get the impression that it's the first day of school, all my stuff is inside already. I take some of it out and go upstairs to my old primetime (apparently this is all set in the 7-1 hallway...), where GAP is standing outside, facing the door and talking to each other.
- I glomp them in this really funny, way-too-animated way.
- They grin and glomp me back, and we go downstairs, periodically glomping each other again.
- Mne passes us in the hall and goes "Welcome back" in this really creepy way.
- Mrs. Gillis is kneeling on the floor by my locker, and I help her with something really weird that involves carving something...I can't remember that part. But then I get some papers for her from her room, and they include print-outs of YouTube pages, with videos that actually played! I totally wish.
- Get randomly glomped by GAP again. Glomp back.
- Say goodbye to GAP and went up to Mrs. G's room, which is apparently my prime time. Even though it wasn't really.

Then I woke up, and saw that it was 5:54. How fun. Wrote the dream down in a notebook, tossed and turned until ~ 6:20, went back to sleep. Totally and completely passed out, one of those I-blink-once-and-hours-have-passed things. When I woke up again, it was 7:30. I rolled my eyes and went back to sleep again, and had this dream. Which I don't remember much of, but it was a pretty interesting dream.

- I'm in social studies, apparently the first period of my day. And the weird thing is, Mr. K (my 6th grade science teacher, and soon-to-be 8th grade science teacher) is teaching it.
- So he talks about random stuff that I can't remember and isn't really all that interesting.
- Then suddenly he doesn't look like Mr. K anymore, but he still IS. Like, in the dream, I know it's still him. But he has a skinnier face, and his eyes are slanted, and he has short-cut brown hair. Very strange.
- And then there's more random talking stuff that I just forgot because Rae is evil.
- Aaaaaaaaaaand then...nothing. Buh-bye.

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