the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

September 20, 2009


So. Just a few highlights from the trip this weekend. Mhm.

- We snuck out to go to McDonald's once. That was pretty cool. Nice camping experience, right? Driving up to Mickey D's for breakfast...haha. Their hash browns are GOOD, though!! I was like "WOAH!" Anyway. Yep.
- When we were driving BACK from McDonald's, we were listening to 101.3 KDWB, which is like the pop/hip hop station that all the teens listen to pretty much, and we were like "I bet we could be louder than Hannah" a really loud girl "if Party in the USA comes on." And I was like "Watch it totally come on next." And, lo and behold, BAM! Next song was Party in the USA. Heck yes. SO AWESOME.
- We won 1st place in the lip sync contest, over all. And we were counted as seniors (9-11th graders), cuz we're just that awesome and have 3 seniors in our group. But we still won 1st place with our awesome rap song. Woot.
- Hm...we got really hyper a lot.
- OOH. We had a huge splash fight when we were canoeing, and Lisa (an awesome 10th grader in our troop) pushed off of my canoe and almost tipped me over, which was really fun. And I got super wet, so I wasn't hot for the rest of the day. :D But the other girl in my canoe, Kelsey, didn't know how to paddle (she claimed she did, but she only put about 2 inches of the paddle in the water, so...), so I basically paddled our canoe around by myself. And she rested about 6 times because she was tired, even though she wasn't doing anything ANYWAY...anyway. Splash fight was awesome.
- We hosted the Medallion Hunt, which is like a scavenger hunt for this medallion (duh), where the hosts put clues on the door and you have to find it. And our hiding place was under the sink in the guy's bathroom. And it was really awesome. And we gave really weird random clues to people who asked, so none of the people who tried to cheat got anywhere near it. :D We win.
- We got two "sister troops", cuz our real one ditched us, so we hung out with some people frommmmmm EP (I think) who were 7th graders and super awesome, and we made s'mores with them, and then their sister troop came (cuz theirs ditched them too) and ours called my cell we left our adopted sister troop and hung out with our real sister troop, who were 5th graders. One of them, Megan, was like dissing us, and Angela (awesome girl. Love her.) asked her if she had any brothers. She had 2 older brothers, and we were all like "Yeah, it shows." So when Lisa and I were getting a drink, she showed us where it was, and I was like "So how old are your brothers?" and she goes "13 and 16. They're losers. LIKE YOU!!" I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes. She came up to my waist. It was so cute.
- Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm...after I left, I went to a stable. And the lady there was a world-famous jumper. And I was like "Oh. Wow. Hi." Cuz I didn't know until we got there. And thennnn Starbucks (the horse) stepped on my foot, cuz he was a dork, so now my toe is all bruised and it hurts. And ohmigoodness Starbucks's trot and lope and canter are all SO WEIRD. SOOOOO WEIRD. It's like...really weird. I can't even explain it. o.O
- Then I went home and worked on my memoir. Which is about my skipping 3rd grade. And it's 562 words long. And it's really dumb. And I also worked on my poster for social studies, which only took like 2 seconds, plus a little bit to download the font I wanted onto the desktop. So yeah.
- OH. Food. We ate:
--- Dinner on Friday was DQ. I had chicken fingers and a huge chocolate cone. So did like everyone else. Not very exciting.
--- Breakfast on Saturday was McDonald's, cuz we didn't want to wake up early to make crepes, and we felt like it. So we snuck out and I had some pancakes, bacon, and a hash brown. Which was amazing. And some apple juice.
--- Lunch on Saturday was ravioli, fried over the fire. It was actually really good, even though it sounds kinda gross.
--- Dinner on Saturday was PIZZA PUDGY PIES!!!!! And s'mores, and apple donuts, and corn torches. 'Cept I didn't have a corn torch cuz I have braces. But they looked pretty good.
--- Breakfast today was crepes. They were delicioso. I put chocolate chips and whipped cream on mine. And we also had hot cocoa (which I brought, even though no one thought we'd want it. WELL everyone wanted it. So burn peeps. :D) and leftover apple donuts and muffins and stuff.

And then we left. The end. :D

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