the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

September 21, 2009


I know I just posted yesterday, but today was semi-productive, so I'm gonna post again. Burn. xP

- Jasalex is baaaack! He wasn't riding the bus the first few weeks of school, which was weird, but he rode today. And I just so happened to have my duct tape (we used it for the lip sync thing at camp, and I forgot to take it out), so I duct taped his mouth for old times' sake. He took it off right away, but still. :P
- Got these weird biodots. It's taped to my right hand, and it's kind of like a mood ring, just more sensitive, and a dot. But I have to somehow keep it on my hand for 3 days, and it's nearly fallen off not gonna happen.
- Saw Kaliyan again. She was walking out to marching band. I yelled her name, but she either was ignoring me or didn't hear me. Mhm.
- Started this weird project in art. It's weird, but hopefully it'll actually help me draw better...cuz so far I think it is. But anyway, it's this upside-down dude and you're supposed to draw him without thinking about what the lines represent, just drawing the lines, and so far I think it's helping, cuz mine's pretty awesome looking so far.
- Kyle, this guy in my math group, has some serious issues. With more than math, but what I was going to post about is that he argues with me every day about a different answer, and he's usually got some random weird idea. Just saying.
- Saw GAP today on the way to health. It's awesome cuz their science room is right next to my health room, and they both have science 2nd core, so I see them almost every day for at least 3 minutes. Usually more, cuz Mr. G is kickass and Mr. Miller doesn't care.
- Speaking of Mr. G, he's REALLY AWESOME. I'm jealous of upstairs for having him. Cuz he's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY awesome. And he's gonna come into health tomorrow. Which is cool. But WAH I wanted Mr. G. :(
- Hmm. I'm really tired, and I should probably write TT, but I'm not, cuz Rae's evil and told me not to do what I was going to do, and then won't tell me what I SHOULD do...
- And I'm hungry. So I'm gonna go eat. Peace.

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Some pics of my friends and me <3