the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

January 2, 2009

Twilight Rant

I. Am. Bored.

I also went to Twilight, like, last week, and now I think I have some ranting to do, on both ends of the spectrum. So here we go.

- Bella's appearance was PERFECT. She looked exactly like she was described. I'm a big fan of this.
- Edward was sparkly. Like, REALLY sparkly. And it was AWESOME!!! xD
- The movie, in all, was far better than the book. *widens eyes* I just said that. I, Emily, just said that a movie was better than its book. That's not possible!
- Alice had one really awesome attitude! GO ALICE!
- It wasn't too long or too short. I was kind of afraid of that.

- Edward wasn't actually that hot. And his hair wasn't bronze.
- Jasper looked like he was, like, hypnotised or something. It was really disturbing.
- Jacob/Tay's hair was WAY too long. Who ever said anything about girly hair on Jacob???
- Ok, this isn't bad exactly, and it's not really on-subject, but I can't look at Tay without thinking, immediately, without fail, "Sharkboy". He's not Jacob, probably never will be. He's that kid who played an imaginary part-shark kid. *shrugs* My problem, not the movie's. He's a perfect Jacob, just will always be Sharky. :P

Anyway, that's my rant for today.

Peace, Love, and Llamas! (Keep on Dreamin'!)

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