the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

January 15, 2009

A menina que fala somente o português.

(The title in English: The girl who speaks only Portuguese.)

That's Maresol, recent visitor to the blog. She spoke only Portuguese, so I - and Pyro - rushed back and forth between online translator and the meebo to talk to Maresol, whose real name is Ivana. She's an adult, a teacher, lives in Portugal, and it's 2:30 pm for her.

It's half past 10 pm where I live. And the reason I'm staying up kinda late on a Thursday night is that there's no school tomorrow!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Okay, sorry, randomness was needed.

Okay, so, back on subject (sorta): Maresol thought that I was a guy because Brazilian men can be named Emiliano. Which is what my user was today on the meebo. So that was really funny.

Also, the end of her "goodbye" was 'I was', or 'fui'. No, I have no clue what the significance of it is either, just thought I'd tell you. Anyway, I've gotta get this posted and stuff, then talk, and stuff. So yeah.

BYE!!!! Peace, Love, and Llamas! (KOD)
-Emiliano (the female. >:( Not a dude. xD)

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My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3