Hm. So. Another eventful day.
- So today in social studies, we find out that, guess what, we have a huge test tomorrow. Out of effin nowhere. And I've never studied for a test before, so I'm like "...Oh god, what a time to learn how to study." So I'm just gonna read my notes like a million times and try to memorize the stuff and hope I don't bomb the test. And take a lot of breaks in between, cuz my head already hurts. Goshdarned studying.
- Secondly. Fraver's in a much better mood today, said (really indirectly, but I think he said) he was sorry for yesterday and that he was tired and overwhelmed with essays to correct and whatever. So then we get on with the lesson, and he's talking about 3-D and 2-D characters (or "round and flat"), and bouncing this random ball around. I knew he was gonna do something with it, but I admit that I was very surprised when he said, in the middle of nowhere, "I'm going to toss this at the wall, and I don't care what it hits." I was even MORE surprised when he actually chucked it (and I mean chucked it, not tossed.) at the wall and it went flying across the room and into someone's shoulder. Then he threw it at the other wall. And sooner or later, he was just chucking the ball at walls and we were all getting hit. So THEN he walks up to me and goes, "Do you think you're a round character, Emily? Do you change and grow?" I nodded, kind of guessing what he was going to do, and he takes my head in one hand, pushes it down, and whips the ball right at my head. It bounced off, and didn't hurt all that much, but still. Way to be.
- Also on the topic of Fraver abusing his students. He has this rubber chicken that hangs from his projector screen. When people write on the board, he swings it at their heads. This isn't something that's happened yet, but I have some 9th- and 10th-grader friends who've all informed me that it's coming up. They kindly refrained from warning me about his whipping the ball at people's heads...but oh well. It was amusing. Yet scary. Cuz...yeah.
- Math class was funny again. We were doing our work, and Kyle was having issues, and Abby had some issues, and Kyle was flicking hand sanitizer at Isabel and I, and stealing my notebook and copying from it, (He got caught too, but Mrs. Stauble's cool, so she just teased him and let him off the hook)...just stuff like that, all together to make for a very funny class. *nodnod*
- Health is so...blah. Got stuck with The Quiet Kid and one of the "I'm too cool for classwork" guys in a group for a project. So, in short, I'm doing my own project. Sigh.
- Science is still boring. ZzzZzzzZzzz.
- Saw GAP today! Miss Piggy's all better now; sounds great, looks great, all that jazz. :) Uhmmm...yeah. Not much to update in that area of news.
And yeah. I just felt like posting again, cuz I'm cool that way. :D (Ahem, Kaliyan. For multiple reasons.)
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September 29, 2009
Yes, it's another post.
Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 1:57 PM 0 replies so far!
September 28, 2009
Sooo, here's yet another post! Woot! (BTW, this is the 111th post. WOOT!!)
- Play practice started today. I'm the Sandman, and I get to wear an awesome cloak and say cool stuff and (BEST PART) throw sand at Emilee Hassanzedeh. She's the most popular girl in school, and yet she's a total and complete byotch. Anyway, yeah...Austin, Claire, Clare, and a bunch of other people that I haven't seen for ages are all in it, as well as people I see a lot like Ali, Brynn, Alex, and them. The play's Hansel and Gretel, but it's got a ton of twists and awesomeness added to it, so it's actually cool. *nodnod*
- Got 100% on my super hard quiz! Score-age! Although, we might be getting another one tomorrow, because everyone was half asleep in class today and weren't raising their hands...Again, I know that his tactic will work for about 90% of everybody, but still. It was annoying.
- Ryan accepted my friend request! Super happiness! But he doesn't have any pictures on his FB account. :( So I can't steal his pics. Sigh.
- Um. I'm eating a brownie. It's delicious.
- I loves Dante Shephard. He's super cool. I also loves Peter.
- OH MY GOSH so in math today, Isabel (semi-popular-yet-still-nice girl) and Kyle (pretty-popular-and-totally-hilarious-and-awesome guy), along with my friend Abby and me, who are in a "work group", were doing our work, and Kyle was having issues and asked for my notebook. So I gave it to him, and was waiting for him to finish reading my work, and he made this totally hilarious face that I totally can't describe. So I immediately start cracking up, and Isabel's like "What?" so I go "Kyle's...face." Which makes Kyle's awesome face go away, and so she's all sad cuz she missed it. So THEN, Kyle gives my notebook back and we start working again, and then he makes it again and THIS time Isabel saw it first, so she goes "Is that it?" And I look up and start cracking up again, so Isabel and I both laugh for like 10 years, and Abby's all focused on her work. I go "Wow, it's weird how we're both cracking up, Kyle's laughing, and Abby's just totally ignoring us and doing her work." Then Abby looks up and grins and goes back to her work. And then we continue laughing. It was just insanely fun. :D
- Had another dream last night. Same as the one from a while ago. It was the one where Rae had wings and flew over my house and dropped a letter, and before I read it I woke up and whatever. *nodnod* Usually my dreams don't repeat like that unless I get more the next time, but it was exactly the same.
- Hm. Spencer was on for a while on...was it Saturday or yesterday? Anyway, that was fun. I wish he never got a life so he could talk to us more. :(
- Uh, more about school...hmm. OH. Health is boring, history is incredibly boring, math is fun cuz of my awesome work group, science is fine I guess. Going on a fossil excavation on Thursday. In the meantime, we get to do stupid things that are really easy for me. Physics and biology are super easy, specially biology. Which is Mr. K's forte. So basically I'm a supergeek. Good to know. :D But yeah. School's boring. We're doing a thing on drawing in art class, and half the class sucks at art and half the class is built up of amazing artists. Which is interesting. Um, and the Spanish teacher is awesome. And my PT teacher. So yay. :)
- AND AND AND I forgot.
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Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 3:27 PM 0 replies so far!
September 25, 2009
Le Postageness
Hm. So. Updatethness.
- Firstly, and freshest in my mind, is the fact that my English teacher was not kidding when he said that his tests and quizzes were hard. HOLY CRAP. He talks at the speed of light, calls on random people at any time during his lecture and asks questions about something that we either haven't gone over yet or went over near the beginning (or days ago), expects you to be right, then in 2 days gives you a quiz. Now, I find myself pretty knowledgeable about figurative language and all, but this quiz was impossible. I'm the 2nd person on his "List", of people who've answered the most questions correctly and right away, etc, but it was still really hard. The 1st one on the List is like insanely good, though. Like, better-than-Spencer good. Anyway, so we take this quiz today, and we have to find 6 metaphors, 3 similes, 2 hyperboles, and 2 examples of personification. I swear on my life that there weren't 6 metaphors, 2 hyperboles, or 2 examples of personification. The similes were easy, though...otherwise, I swear to god. But Max (the 1st one on the List), said he found everything but 2 metaphors on the first page. o.O Anyway. Yeah. English is hard, but I know for a fact that it'll work. I don't learn anything when my teachers don't push me. If they're just like "OK, you know it, the end", it doesn't help me. Fraver's like "OK, you know it, but do you know THIS? Well, learn it!" Which helps a lot more. Anyway. Long section.
- Jasalex hasn't been on the bus again since he came back. Sigh.
- Stalker-Kid from my bus hasn't been stalking me yet. Which is a good thing. He's actually been getting off on his own stop lately. Yay! :) No stalker kid!
- Um...made Honors Choir and the dinner theatre production. Which is to be expected, cuz both directors love me...
- I still feel like I got run over by a steamroller, from 1st period English. God. But the 9th graders all think he's wonderful, so hopefully...
- Hmm. Well, Aylin has a huge crush on this new kid, who rides my bus, and it's kinda funny cuz I think he's sort of creepy. And Paige is awesome and still completely ripped (It's insane!! Her biceps are almost as big around as my neck! No joke!), and Genesis is sick. And that's my GAP update.
- Math is good, Kyle is getting less annoying, Drew decided not to pick on me this year, new girl is following me around like a lost puppy because she has this weird notion that I'm popular (Well, I'm popular as in lots-of-friends, but my friends and I are definitely not considered "cool"...), this girl that I convinced was going to Hogwarts (in 5th grade. Long, hilarious story.) has now become emo and has begun cutting herself, Health is booooring...
- Speaking of Health! Mr. Miller's cool and all, but I can't wait till Ms. Kellen gets out of maternity leave, because she's apparently a huge riot. Whenever she saw Lisa, my 10th-grader friend, she apparently would go "Hm. Balls." at random times, which made Lisa crack up. Mmmmhm. OH. And she (Lisa, not Ms. Kellen) thinks Miller is cute. Bwahaha.
- Speaking (a while ago) of math. I sat next to my friend Abby, which is where Kyle's supposed to sit, and after a while of trying to drag me out, trade the desks, etc, etc, Kyle just sat in my seat (right in front of me) and said that it wouldn't be his fault when the teacher yelled at us/me. When the teacher finally noticed, she went, "Did you and Kyle switch seats?" I said yes. She just nodded, said "OK", and went back to her lesson. I win, Kyle. I win.
- is boring. I sit next to the quiet kid who never says anything, EVER, and gets straight-A-minuses. Social studies is boring, too. I sit next to a quiet-ish girl who has recently decided that she wants to hang out with the hardcore people. She's a total prep, and yet...Anyway. Boring.
- And it's Friday! YAY!!
- I just leased a horse. His name is Indie, and he's totally kickass and has no trot or lope whatsoever. He just goes straight from a walk to a canter...kinda like a times-10 of Denali (who I will always love most. <3). He also has an awesome name. Seriously, isn't Indie an awesome name? :) I ride Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. And then I have stupid freaking Faith Formation on Wednesdays. ><"
- Goin' to the Parade of Homes tomorrow, probably.
- Most likely going to the Gunflint Chocolate Fest! WOOOOT!! Gunflint is my...3rd or 4th home, cuz it's so kickarse and awesome, and chocolate is awesome too. So it're really awesome. So there. <3
- Hmm...the actual lease of Indie starts on Tuesday.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I have no idea what I was going to write here. But I was going to write something. And it was cool. I might put it in here if I remember.
- I'm sorta working on TT.
- Rae and I really need to pick up our pace on Fandoms. Cuz it died. And is not in my inbox right now, so I believe that it is Rae's turn.
- My head hurts. And my feet hurt. Cuz this other horse stepped on me. His name was Tango, and he's an idiot and has the weirdest darn gaits I've ever experienced. So obviously I vetoed him. :P Cuz Indie was cooler anyway.
- And that's it, cuz I think this is probably gonna be a long post right now anyway, and I have nothing else to post about, and stuffs.
Peezowt. (Yep, I stole it. Whatcha gonna do bout it Spence?)
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Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 1:49 PM 0 replies so far!
September 21, 2009
I know I just posted yesterday, but today was semi-productive, so I'm gonna post again. Burn. xP
- Jasalex is baaaack! He wasn't riding the bus the first few weeks of school, which was weird, but he rode today. And I just so happened to have my duct tape (we used it for the lip sync thing at camp, and I forgot to take it out), so I duct taped his mouth for old times' sake. He took it off right away, but still. :P
- Got these weird biodots. It's taped to my right hand, and it's kind of like a mood ring, just more sensitive, and a dot. But I have to somehow keep it on my hand for 3 days, and it's nearly fallen off not gonna happen.
- Saw Kaliyan again. She was walking out to marching band. I yelled her name, but she either was ignoring me or didn't hear me. Mhm.
- Started this weird project in art. It's weird, but hopefully it'll actually help me draw better...cuz so far I think it is. But anyway, it's this upside-down dude and you're supposed to draw him without thinking about what the lines represent, just drawing the lines, and so far I think it's helping, cuz mine's pretty awesome looking so far.
- Kyle, this guy in my math group, has some serious issues. With more than math, but what I was going to post about is that he argues with me every day about a different answer, and he's usually got some random weird idea. Just saying.
- Saw GAP today on the way to health. It's awesome cuz their science room is right next to my health room, and they both have science 2nd core, so I see them almost every day for at least 3 minutes. Usually more, cuz Mr. G is kickass and Mr. Miller doesn't care.
- Speaking of Mr. G, he's REALLY AWESOME. I'm jealous of upstairs for having him. Cuz he's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY awesome. And he's gonna come into health tomorrow. Which is cool. But WAH I wanted Mr. G. :(
- Hmm. I'm really tired, and I should probably write TT, but I'm not, cuz Rae's evil and told me not to do what I was going to do, and then won't tell me what I SHOULD do...
- And I'm hungry. So I'm gonna go eat. Peace.
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Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 1:43 PM 0 replies so far!
September 20, 2009
So. Just a few highlights from the trip this weekend. Mhm.
- We snuck out to go to McDonald's once. That was pretty cool. Nice camping experience, right? Driving up to Mickey D's for breakfast...haha. Their hash browns are GOOD, though!! I was like "WOAH!" Anyway. Yep.
- When we were driving BACK from McDonald's, we were listening to 101.3 KDWB, which is like the pop/hip hop station that all the teens listen to pretty much, and we were like "I bet we could be louder than Hannah" a really loud girl "if Party in the USA comes on." And I was like "Watch it totally come on next." And, lo and behold, BAM! Next song was Party in the USA. Heck yes. SO AWESOME.
- We won 1st place in the lip sync contest, over all. And we were counted as seniors (9-11th graders), cuz we're just that awesome and have 3 seniors in our group. But we still won 1st place with our awesome rap song. Woot.
- Hm...we got really hyper a lot.
- OOH. We had a huge splash fight when we were canoeing, and Lisa (an awesome 10th grader in our troop) pushed off of my canoe and almost tipped me over, which was really fun. And I got super wet, so I wasn't hot for the rest of the day. :D But the other girl in my canoe, Kelsey, didn't know how to paddle (she claimed she did, but she only put about 2 inches of the paddle in the water, so...), so I basically paddled our canoe around by myself. And she rested about 6 times because she was tired, even though she wasn't doing anything ANYWAY...anyway. Splash fight was awesome.
- We hosted the Medallion Hunt, which is like a scavenger hunt for this medallion (duh), where the hosts put clues on the door and you have to find it. And our hiding place was under the sink in the guy's bathroom. And it was really awesome. And we gave really weird random clues to people who asked, so none of the people who tried to cheat got anywhere near it. :D We win.
- We got two "sister troops", cuz our real one ditched us, so we hung out with some people frommmmmm EP (I think) who were 7th graders and super awesome, and we made s'mores with them, and then their sister troop came (cuz theirs ditched them too) and ours called my cell we left our adopted sister troop and hung out with our real sister troop, who were 5th graders. One of them, Megan, was like dissing us, and Angela (awesome girl. Love her.) asked her if she had any brothers. She had 2 older brothers, and we were all like "Yeah, it shows." So when Lisa and I were getting a drink, she showed us where it was, and I was like "So how old are your brothers?" and she goes "13 and 16. They're losers. LIKE YOU!!" I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes. She came up to my waist. It was so cute.
- Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm...after I left, I went to a stable. And the lady there was a world-famous jumper. And I was like "Oh. Wow. Hi." Cuz I didn't know until we got there. And thennnn Starbucks (the horse) stepped on my foot, cuz he was a dork, so now my toe is all bruised and it hurts. And ohmigoodness Starbucks's trot and lope and canter are all SO WEIRD. SOOOOO WEIRD. It's like...really weird. I can't even explain it. o.O
- Then I went home and worked on my memoir. Which is about my skipping 3rd grade. And it's 562 words long. And it's really dumb. And I also worked on my poster for social studies, which only took like 2 seconds, plus a little bit to download the font I wanted onto the desktop. So yeah.
- OH. Food. We ate:
--- Dinner on Friday was DQ. I had chicken fingers and a huge chocolate cone. So did like everyone else. Not very exciting.
--- Breakfast on Saturday was McDonald's, cuz we didn't want to wake up early to make crepes, and we felt like it. So we snuck out and I had some pancakes, bacon, and a hash brown. Which was amazing. And some apple juice.
--- Lunch on Saturday was ravioli, fried over the fire. It was actually really good, even though it sounds kinda gross.
--- Dinner on Saturday was PIZZA PUDGY PIES!!!!! And s'mores, and apple donuts, and corn torches. 'Cept I didn't have a corn torch cuz I have braces. But they looked pretty good.
--- Breakfast today was crepes. They were delicioso. I put chocolate chips and whipped cream on mine. And we also had hot cocoa (which I brought, even though no one thought we'd want it. WELL everyone wanted it. So burn peeps. :D) and leftover apple donuts and muffins and stuff.
And then we left. The end. :D
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Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 5:49 PM 0 replies so far!
September 16, 2009
You've never experienced pain if you haven't had to lug around a backpack that contained:
- 20-ish pound laptop
- 5-10 pound binder
- 3 pound math binder (only to/from math)
- Little teeny graph notebook. Prolly .5 pound or something. (to/from math)
- Fricking 30-pound 9th grade algebra textbook! (to/from math)
- 4 pound science binder (to/from science)
- 2 pound science notebook {to/from science)
- million pound social studies textbook, to/from SS
And probably more, which I'm forgetting. Holy HECK my back hurts. And this is only the beginning...sigh.
In other news, my retarded stepdad came 20 minutes late to pick me up from Dolce auditions, which I passed with flying colors and a "your range has gotten a lot better! Have you been practicing?" from the choir teacher. Because that's how idiotic he was (stepdad came 20 mins late, remember? :P).
It was somewhat a plus, however, because without her knowing it (cuz that's just the kind of creeper I am :D), I watched Kaliyan march. Even though I lost her after a little bit. :( They were doing pass-throughs (I think they're called) and some other stuff. And they have these huge long yellow lists of moves. It's insane.
Ummm...yeah. The laptops are muy impresionante. Even though they weigh a bajillion pounds. But now the school year has officially begun, cuz we got our first "real" project. Yaaaay. T.T
Math is easy right now, but we're reviewing stuff that I learned in 6th grade. Which is also what was on the standardized test. Which is HARD TO REMEMBER, cuz I learned it 2 years ago and stuffed it in the back of my mind. Especially cuz it was mainly geometry...which I inherited a disliking for from my mom.
Spanish is the same as math; super easy, but we're just reviewing. It's all comin' back to me now. (I'm surprised that I could remember what "awesome" was. That was like February. :D) Me llamo en la clase de espanol es Carmen, y Caleb (el ano pasado, el era Carlos) cambio (changed...I think that's the word...) su nombre a Cheech (dunno if that's how you spell it. Prolly not). CHEECH! Muy, muy divertido.
If you don't know Spanish, this kid in my class, Caleb, who was Carlos last year, changed his name to Cheech. And for those of you who TOTALLY don't know Spanish, my name in Spanish class is Carmen.
Hmm...what else? Spencer was on yesterday!! That rocked!
And there's another play this year at school!!!!!! Not a musical, just a play, but still! :D :D :D Try-outs are next week, and I'm SO there. Mrs. Gillis is the only director too since there's no music, therefore no music director (Mrs. Ohnsorg).
BUT YAY!!! So awesome!! back still hurts. It's definitely worth it, but it huuuurts. :( now finished with my tarea de clase de espanol. And my algebra homework. Algebra 2 (I think that's what I'm doing. Maybe 3. But def not 1; we did bits of that in both 6th and 7th grade.) isn't actually all that hard, IMHO. Mostly easy stuff like algebra diamonds, a little bit of Order of Operations, some integers, graphing, stuff like that. Hopefully it stays this easy. :D
Hmmmm...again, my English teacher curse is not yet broken. Got another creeper, though they ARE getting less creepy.
5th - Just evil, and not really an English teacher anyway
6th - Emotionally and mentally scarred me for life. Holy crap.
7th - Same as 6th, but in a different way. Maybe creepier, but maybe not...his creepy-ness is more subtle, but maybe creepier.
8th - Talks too fast, does really weird theatrical things (reminds me of 6th, but the stuff isn't QUITE as creepy), has weird catch phrases for stuff, "WITH A VENGEANCE!" (long story), that sorta thing. Hard to explain.
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Awesome quote of the day:
"I'm not perfect, and I don't claim to be, but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your own hands are clean."
- Jess S. (:
Might totally steal that and make it into lyrics in a song or something. That'd be cool. :D
Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 1:30 PM 0 replies so far!
September 13, 2009
So the question was, "Who's better for Bella, Edward or Jacob?"
My favorite "answers":
Probably Edward, because he's an arrogant asshole and she's a whiny bitch, so they go together. Bella and Edward are both stupid, just like the stupid Twatlight series they're from. Vampires don't sparkle.
Vampires don't f*cking sparkle.
Twilight is bullshit fanfiction.
The best match would be a 800mm Gustav shell. Or five. (Meaning, for dumb people, that she should be shot.)
edward becasue hes a control freak and shes a ninny little B**** plus i want jacob to myself =]
Neither. Boring Mary Sues don't get to have boyfriends, no matter how obnoxious (Jacob) or emotionally abusive (Edward) they are.
is there an option for Who Gives A Crap?
They both act equally lifeless (no lives). I've seen better acting from statues.
wtf, who is bella?
i'm on team emmett. just cuz (: i wouldnt relly want him with bella but just cuz (:
F*CK TWILIGHT. (Like 17 different comments' worth)
twilight sucks (Around 9 comments)
stephanie meyer is retarted
twilight is terrible :/
edward. hes a mary sue dumbass, shes a mary sue dumbass. they both suck and jacob is way too good for any peice of sh*t like her.
wut a great love story. hmm, who should the girl (with such low self esteem that she'll give up her entire life including family, friends, and career goals) be with? the vampire who only wants to eat her, or the over protective werewolf dude? tough bout she shud just go commit suicide u kno she wants to.
jacob doesn't deserve her crap. so edward cuz he does deserve her crap. cuz he's crap to...
they should all die.
I wish she would just take both and shut you twitards up.
jacob bc Edward is gay
Ugh twilight.
Harry Potter! duh!!
neither..twilight sucks
Anyway. Woot. Realistic and intelligent people FTW.
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Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 4:50 PM 0 replies so far!
September 8, 2009
Well, I don't really have much to say about it, but school started today. I'm an 8th grader. I feel so old, and then next year I'll be a little one again. Hah. Anyway.
- GAP are still GAP
- I think (hope) Kelsey's grown up a little bit and won't be such a cling-on all the time
- This nice girl from Dolce, Abby's in a lot of my classes
- Mrs. Taylor, the professora de espanol, is really awesomely cool (:D).
- My English teacher curse is STILL not broken, even though I was sure it would be this year
- Mr. K's still cool, but it was still kinda awkward today. And his back is better.
- Um. Mrs. Dahlgren is OK. I guess.
- We got Mr. Miller for gym/health instead of Mrs. Kellen!! WOOT!! Mrs. Kellen is a creepy lady, and Mr. Miller is a cool, young-ish guy. So yay.
Speaking of health, there was this dude from the army today that came in, and I swear I laughed for the entire class period. He was making fun of Andrew Strom (this dorkface who enjoys making fun of all the actually intelligent people) and guys in general. And we did the horse and rider puzzle thing, which I've known how to do since I was like 3, and this weird game that I'd never heard of before. Which was totally un-health-ish. Can't wait till we get to learn about STDs and drugs and alcohol. Yippee. -_-
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand...uuuuuuuuummm...Brynn isn't in any of my classes. Which is stupid. Cuz she has her exploratories backwards. Which is stupid. And stuff.
വാട്ട് ദി തെക്ക്. സുട്ടെന്ല്ി മൈ ബ്ലോഗ്ഗര് ഈസ് വ്രിതിംഗ് ഇന് ദിസ് സ്ട്രന്ജ് ലാംഗ്വേജ്. ഐ അം സൊ എക്ഷ്ട്രെമെല്യ് കന്ഫുസേദ്.
What the heck?? Random translation of everything I wrote into some random language. That's not creepy at, so we've got standardized tests next week for all of our classes, on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as a bunch of legal crap for the laptops and whatever. The other team got an essay and a quiz and all sorts of stuff, as well as the standardized test. God, poor 8-2. But they don't get the legal papers. BUT they don't get laptops. Just this one cart of them.
Hmmmm. What else? Rockin' out to Owl City (Rainbow Veins) right now, totally exhausted for some reason. And...yeah. That's it.
So peace out.
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Peace out! Emilee posted this @ 1:36 PM 0 replies so far!