the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 23, 2009

POST! And review of Avatar.


- When I was at the mall on Friday, I got a kids' pizza at this random Italian place, and when I didn't get a prize I asked, "Don't I get a toy?" And so the lady glared at me and gave me this really crappy stamper with a chicken on it. It didn't work that well, and it looked like the chicken got beheaded. Abby and I, being...Abby and I, decided to give it to Fraver, since a) it's a chicken, and b) it's beheaded, which is even more Fraver-y. So on Monday, we both walked awkwardly into his room before prime time. He got done talking to some random person, looked up, and went, "Well, this oughta be interesting." Abby and I looked at each other and mouthed stuff and made faces for a little bit, but finally I just handed it to him and Abby went, "Here." I explained that it was a beheaded chicken stamp, and he just grinned at said, "Cool. A beheaded chicken stamp. I wish I could virtualize it and stamp people's essays...hmmmm..." Then we pretty much left. :D
- Speaking of stuff for Fraver, Kaliyan sent me a virtual gift, and it plays the chicken dance in the background and has a bunch of chickens doing random things, and there's a poem that goes: "Your excitement is building / as you're eying your gift. / You rip at the wrapping, / the box lid you lift. / Your heart will race, / your pulse will quicken, / when you see / your rubber chicken!" Then, at the bottom, it says, "From a good friend comes this chicken! Isn't it just Finger-Lickin'?" I think I should send it to Fraver. :D
- Um. I worked on TT. I'm still working on TT. I kinda wanna do something else, something with AU in it...mostly inspired by Avatar, which was freakin' amazing (:D) but also cuz I've been in the mood for AU for a while now. (:
- OH MY GOD. So, you know Denali? The amazingest horse EVER that I rode at camp? MY MOM IS BUYING HER FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

Christmas presents:
- Item. From. Stars of awesomeness.
- The Demigod Files. Mom. ****
- Winky face hat. Mom. ****
- Denali!!!!! Mom. ***************** (Yes, it's only out of 5. So what? :P)
- Jefferson Acting sweatshirt. Mom. ****
- Bartimaeus Trilogy I: The Amulet of Samarkand. Genesis. ****
- Bartimaeus Trilogy II: The Golem's Eye. Mom. ****
- White, milk, and dark chocolate cocoa mix. Mom. ***
- This topic-maker thing. Mom. **
- "Save the Earth. It's the only place with chocolate," shirt. Aylin. *** (cuz it's too small. D:)
- Math dice game. Paige. * (WTF..? xD Gag gift.)
- Food. Paige (of course). *** (it was delicious!)
- Ummm, I think that's it...

Notice there's nothing from Retard? Yeahhh, he's still broke. STILL. BROKE.

- Anyway.


Earth has no more nature on it, not much of anything, and it sucks. So the people are going to this new world, called Pandora, where there's this mineral, conveniently named "unobtainium," which is really valuable. There're three types of people on Pandora: army dogs, who just wanna shoot everyone, get the stuff, settle in the planet, and be done; businesspeople, who just want the unobtainium, and scientists, who want to study the lifeforms and learn their culture and ask politely if we can live alongside them.

This guy, Jake Sully, got in some something with his twin brother. His brother died and he lost the use of his legs. So he was sent to Pandora instead of his brother, who was a PhD scientist and was going to study the life on Pandora. Jake was a soldier in the navy. Anyway, Jake gets there and all the scientists are like "Rawr. You're a soldier. Go away. I want your brother, not you."

So Jake goes and talks to the sergeant of the army, who decides that if Jake gives him the information he recieves through his diplomatic-ness, he'll pay for the expensive surgery that will help Jake regain use of his legs.

Jake's mind is then attached to an "Avatar," or a body that's made up of both his DNA and DNA of the aliens who live on the planet, and he soon gets lost in the woods on an expedition to sample the life on Pandora. An alien woman finds him and rescues him from the strange, wild animals that are attacking him, and Jake follows her. She protests, saying that he doesn't belong and should go back to his own world, but soon the seeds from the aliens' sacred tree fall all over Jake. The woman takes this as a sign and allows him in.

Jake learns about their culture and language, and soon takes part in a sort of coming-of-age ritual, and bonds with a flying beast.

Sooner or later, the army gets tired of waiting and brings out the gas, bombs, guns, etc. and Jake rushes to warn his new family, The People, so that they can evacuate and save themselves. His teacher/savior/...MEGA SPOILER: /mate gets pissed off at him and yells at him for knowing all along that the army was going to attack them.

Everyone explodes with anger, etc., etc., and the army blows up the tree. Everyone's crying and Jake's (human, scientist) friend is really injured. So he takes her and another scientist in a hover plane thing, meanwhile trying to figure out how the heck to get The People's trust back.

Then he has an idea: a really crazy, life-threatening, INSANE idea. (ANOTHER MEGA SPOILER, PRETTY MUCH TILL THE END OF THE SUMMARY) He remembers that there have only been five People since "the first songs" that have bonded with this huge flying thing that's a huge, powerful, awesome being that kills the little flying things that the other People bond with.

So he uses his flying thing to fly above the huge flying thing (AHHH. I wish I could remember what they were actually called, instead of calling them these things. D:) and jumps onto the huge flying thing. The huge flying thing tries to kill him, which is what the flying things (in general) do when they bond with you (weird, huh? xD) and he bonds with it so he's all awesome.

He tells the People to get all the other clans to come to one spot, so they do, and then the army fights them and they almost lose. But Jake prays to Ewa, the magical goddess thing, and Ewa makes all the evil animals (the ones that Jake almost got killed by, earlier) kill the army.

Jake has a second Crowning Moment Of Awesome (first one was bonding with the HFT) when he totally demolishes the sergeant, and his mate has a Crowning Moment Of Awesome when she saves Jake, who got "unplugged"/put back into his human form by the sergeant right before the sergeant died.

And then the dude behind me goes, "WHOA, she's HUGE!" cuz the aliens are all 12 feet tall and she was holding tiny little limp-leg like people hold toddlers/babies, and it was funny. (:

Then Jake has this ceremony thing where Ewa will either put his consciousness in his human body, his alien body, or nowhere (he dies). It goes into his alien body (duh) and the movie ends with this dramatic opening of his alien eyes.

And it's happily ever after. Even though (way up there ^^) Jake's friend dies by going through the same ceremony as Jake did, except her wounds were too bad. So she just woke up (barely) and went, "I'm with her now. Ewa is real. :)" and died.

The end.


Jake Sully, whose twin brother died, goes to a planet (in his brother's stead) called Pandora, where his mind is attached to an "Avatar," or a body that's made up of both his DNA and DNA of the aliens who live on the planet. He's caught up in a confusing situation as the army ("GUNS GUNS GUNS! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! KILL KILL KILL!"), the businesspeople ("We just want money. Let's get the valuable mineral and jet."), and the scientists ("The smartest approach is to learn about the aliens and their culture, so that we can peacefully agree to live among them and perhaps collect a little of the mineral along the way.") all butt heads.

He gets lost in the woods while on an expedition to take some samples from the plant life and is taken to the aliens' "Hometree," and soon becomes enraptured by their culture.

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Los Quotes:
- "I gotta teach you how to shred, child." -Kyle. That reminded me of a certain cute guy on a certain cruise, with a certain shrimp... ;)
- "But SHE WISHES!! SHE WISHES!!" -Mall Lady. Ahahahaha.
- "...I gotta take samples..." -What's-her-face.
- "Lisa, what're you gonna do? Like, leap in front of the car?" -Brandon. xDD

December 18, 2009


Today, I went to the Mall of America with my honors choir to sing a concert. We basically just went shopping (I got Christmas presents for my mom and some friends) and then sang for like an hour and stuff. Then we got lunch. Which is when it got hilarious.

So, I got some pizza from this Italian pizza place and sat down at the table with Allison, Alex, Danielle, Abby, Katie, and Genesis, and we were just kinda eating for a while until this lady at the table next to us turned around. And thennn:

Lady: Are you SANTA??? *to Alex, who was wearing a Santa hat*
Alex: Uhm, no. Santa lives in the North Pole.
Lady:'re HERE!!!!!
Alex: I'm not--
Alex: I don't know, but I'm not--
Alex: I'm not Santa Clause. I'm a GIRL.

Later we decided that it would've been funnier if she'd said "I shaved it off." :P

Lady: *silence*
Allison: I'M a reindeer! :) *wearing reindeer antlers*
Lady: OH. OH. OH. A REINDEER!!!! :-o So you ARE Santa!!!
Alex: No, I'm--
Me: Katie's an elf!
Katie (who's really short and elf-y looking): Shhhhh!! Don't reveal my secret identity!!
Lady: OOH. You're Santa. *nods solemnly to Alex*
Alex: ...Oh...kay. Sure.
Lady: SO CAN YOU FLY???? *to Allison*
Allison: No, but I wish I could...
Some Dude: Of course she can't fly!
*tears come streaming from our eyes as we try to laugh silently*
Lady: *sees Allison's shopping bag* Did you go SHOPPING?
Allison: Yes. Yes we did.
Lady: :-o What did you GET??
Allison: Well, I got this cute necklace and some lip gloss.
Lady: Do you put it on your FAAAAACEE? *like, wipes her face with her hand*
Allison: ...The...necklace?
Lady: Can I SEEE?
Allison: ...Sure... *puts on the necklace* Um, that's the necklace.
Lady: Whaddabout the OTHER stuff?? *wide eyes*
Allison: *picks up a lip gloss* This?
Lady: Yes. Do you put it on your FAAAAAAACEE? *smears her hand on her face again*
Allison: Sure, I put it on my faaace. *smears her hand on her face too*
Lady: OHHH. Did you get SHAMPOO???? For your FAAAAAAAACEEE?
Allison: No, just lip gloss.
Lady: Do you have any MORE??
Allison: Yeah, this whole bag's lipgloss...
Danielle: Yeah?
Lady: What did YOU geeeeeeet?
Danielle: This... *holds up*
Lady: Do you have any MORE??
Danielle: No.
Lady: *looks* YOU LIE!!! COUPON!!!!! *takes and holds up coupon*
Danielle: I--But I didn't--
Lady: WHAT'S THAT? *points to my hand*
Me: It's a chicken stamp. It's dead.
Chicken: *looks like it has no head, so is technically "dead"*
Me: Umm. Yeah...

-Some time later-

Danielle: *gets up to throw her food away*
Lady: *hurriedly gets up too, follows*
Danielle: *gets to the trash can and starts throwing things away*
Lady: *bumps with tray* You're in my WAAAAYYYY.
Danielle: Um, I was just--
Lady: *bumps again* You're in my WAAAAAAAYYYY!!
Danielle: I just have to put my stuff in the garbage can--
Lady: GET OUT OF MY WAAAAAAYYY!!!!!! *bumps again*
Danielle: OKAY!! *goes to a different garbage can*


Lady: So what did YOOUUU get?
Me: Um, some lotion for my mom and--
Allison: *mutters amusedly* Do you put it on your faaaaace?
Allison and Me: *more tears*
Lady: *wide eyes* Well? WELL?? WELL????
Me: Um, I guess you could, but it's mostly for your hands...and it's for my mom, so...
Lady: Do you have any MORE?
Me: Well, I have some [censored because it's a secret. Shhhhhh].
Lady: Can I SEEEE?
Me: They're kind of--

And then we had to go. But it was SO FUNNY. (:

Oh. And then Genesis stole some of my Mountain Dew, because I was busy cracking up at the lady. drank like half of my large Mountain Dew. And got, like, drunk off the caffeine (she's EXTREMELY susceptible to caffeine). It funny, I had to distract her and steer her to the bus, and then to top it off Kelsey and Abby kept trying to interfere and stuff because they just thought it was hilarious (which it was, but still. They don't know how to deal when Genesis gets drunk off Mtn Dew). Kelsey like walked up and was like, "The ceiling's sparkly!!! Look, an Edward poster."

I was like, "Cuz that's so helpful, Kelsey, to get her more hyper. Let go please." Cuz she was, like, grabbing onto Genesis's arm and dragging her forward. Which was so not helping. And Kelsey looks at me like, "What am I doing wrong?" So then I just walked a little faster and we got to the bus. And she sat down, while Kelsey kept going, "Edward's on the bus! He's right there, Genesis!" which made me want to punch her in the face.

So theeen Genesis came down from her high (temporarily) on the bus, while everyone else was talking and mimicking the Mall Lady, and it was fun. And when we got back to school, Paige came like running at me and Genesis yelling to me, "Smart move, Em!! Stupid, stupid, stupid." And then we calmed her down (she got high again because a) we were all getting hyper and cracking up cuz of the Mall Lady thing and b) Kelsey came back and...just...ugh).

Anyway. That's it. (: Great and hilarious day.

"But SHE WISHES!! SHE WISHES!!!" (Peezowt.)

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- Too many to even record on here. Read the post. :P

December 14, 2009

Fruit Salad!

I really have nothing to say, but a lot of quotes and stuff. So yeah.
Oh, and the title's cuz today was primarily fruit-themed, plus Thpenthie got the Wiggles on my mind... :PP

- In English today, we were talking about thesis statements and outlines and brainstorming and stuff, and Fraver pulled up a screen that said 'Watermelons must be banned.' He then said, "Pull up a Pages file. That's the thesis statement--that's YOUR thesis statement. Brainstorm." Then he sat at his desk for like 2 minutes, watching and waiting...but THEN he started clicking the slideshow ahead and reciting this like monologue. It was so weird. He was going on and on about how watermelons are taking over our lives and stuff. And it was weird.
- "Well, Emily, you got the highest score I think I've ever given on the comma quiz. Nearly perfect, in fact, and you only had about 9 marks...compared to the several dozen on everyone else's. *wink* I do believe you got nearly 150%." -OH MY GOD I GOT 149% ON THE QUIZ IN FRAVER'S CLASS!!!! *spazzes out* :D :D :D :D But he seriously does hate me, and he's trying to lower my grade as much as possible. Ahaha, he's got it down to a 102%... But AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!!!
- Today at lunch, Noah and Patrick (the "homo duo" that aren't really gay, but are FREAKIN' HILARIOUS.) were being weird and freakin' hilarious, and Noah took out a banana. He was making a ton of banana jokes, and then he held it out to me and was like, "You want my banana?" "No." "You know you want my banana." <-in this creepy voice that still managed to make me crack up. "No, I really don't." "*throws at me* Oh my GOD, Emily's touching my banana!!!" Cue cracking up.
- So THEN, Patrick steals the banana and puts it into this plastic bag and says, REALLY, REALLY loudly, "I put the banana in the bag." I know, super perverted, but the way he said it...
- Kaliyan apparently punched me in the arm today when I was walking out to my bus. I totally didn't notice. xDD
- When I was walking out to the bus, Phil came up to me and threw this banana at my face. While mentally laughing at the coincidence (first lunch, then this), I looked down at the ground to see that the banana had broken in half. But it wasn't like ripped open; it just broke. So I picked a piece of it up and it was hard as ROCK. So then Phil and I kicked the rest of the banana down the sidewalk and finally stepped on it. It shattered. It was freaky.
- Speaking of Phil, he's an Epic Hockey Player. And when he was center (in floor hockey in gym class), so was I, and I totally kicked his butt. And it was freaking AMAZING. (: So yeah. I'm just really happy about that. Plus, Mr. Miller was our goalie and no one could score on him (except the one time he purposely shot it in, to make the other team feel better about the score being 9-0.) So for once, gym was fun. (:
- Yeahhh. I have a lot of quotes today, so I'll letcha people read those. (: Peezowt.

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Ohemgee, QUOTES!!
- "Oh, you know, me and Patrick are just acting homo and Em's just stuck sitting in the middle, listening to it all. No big deal." -Noah, being a HUGE dork today at lunch. It was SO FUNNY, though.
- "*eating fruit snacks* Guess what this looks like?" -MybestfriendNoah. "What?" -Me. "*shows*" "Oh, god, Noah. You would." (It looked like a...yeah, I bet you can probably guess.) "Yup!" ...5 MINUTES LATER... "Guess what THIS looks like?" "I don't even wanna s--" "A strawberry! *shows* Ahaha. :P"
- "Wait, boyfriend's having a homo convo with Noah. Does that make him bi?" -Steph. Yes, I believe it does.
- "'Watermelon must be banned.' That's my thesis statement. That's YOUR thesis statement. ... It's not a choice; you're born into it." -Fraver. Ohmygod, today was so funny. But awkward. But funny.
- "So, like, I totally had a completely serious and legit conversation with this guy about snuggies. It was the weirdest thing ever." -I...just totally forgot who said that. Oh my god.
- "Yeah, shit! It's like... shit. Burn that shit." -Creepy dude in the Tickle Me Elmo video. Quoted by Thpenthie.
- "Hey, Emily, want a banana?" -Noah. "Umm, not really?" -Me. "Well, take it. *shoves it into my hands* Oh my GOD, Emily's touching my banana!!" Everyone: *stares, then laughs*
- "I put the banana in the bag!" -Patrick.
- "Well, Emily, you got the highest score I think I've ever given on the comma quiz. Nearly perfect, in fact, and you only had about 9 marks...compared to the several dozen on everyone else's. *wink* I do believe you got nearly 150%." -OH MY GOD I GOT 149% ON THE QUIZ IN FRAVER'S CLASS!!!! *spazzes out* :D :D :D :D But he seriously does hate me, and he's trying to lower my grade as much as possible. Ahaha, he's got it down to a 102%...
- "It's HARD!!" -Phil. No, it's not cuz it was a that's-what-she-said moment, it's cuz it was frozen solid.

December 12, 2009

The ACTs and (very little) Other Stuff.

Um. So. Today I took the ACT. Which most of you know. And it was actually way easier than I thought, except for some of the math problems. But we haven't learned any ad.trig yet (we've only learned the basics) so I had no idea how to do some harder trig. And I don't know how to solve for cos, sin, and tan. and whatever. But that's not my fault. So there.

English was easy, finished with 12 minutes to spare (since I had to read and re-read stuff. Don't judge me. :P) and a lot of the questions made me think, "Ummm, DUH?!?!" It was pretty much just like the MCA, just a little harder (only SOME of the questions were completely stupid and obvious! :O).

Then was the math test, which I finished with 4 minutes to spare. I used those 4 minutes to try (and fail epically) to figure out the advanced trig stuff without any knowledge of the uses of cos and sin and tan and stuff. So yeah. It started off with the easy stuff I learned in like 6th grade, like polynomials and factoring and (can you even believe it?) exponents and "|x+-x|-|2x-xn| = ?" equations. Really. Seriously. Honestly.

Then there was a 10-minute break, where we all went into the hallway to get drinks and stuffs. When I got back, the girl sitting to the right of me (Mikaela) turned towards me and went, "So, you're either a really young-looking freshie, or maybe--it's a stretch, but maybe a sophomore...even though I've never seen you before...or you're in middle school. I'm thinking middle school. Right?" I was kinda caught off-guard, cuz up till then I just got weird "What-the-heck-are-you-doing-here??" looks from the other people. But I nodded anyway. Then the girl sitting in front of me, Cassie, turned around and asked, "Umm, so how old ARE you? Cuz know?" So I told her I was 12. Cass and Mikaela looked at each other like O_O and then we kept talking. Mostly about high school and stuffs. (They're both sophies, and really nice. Mikaela's funny.) And then Mrs. Whatever-her-name-is (totally forgot. The test overseer lady, who's a science teacher) came in and we started testing again.

Reading test was next; I finished with like 15-ish minutes to spare. Just had to read (average of) 2-page-long essays/stories and answer questions about them and what was written right there, in the paper, word-for-word. There were essays about the hydrocycle and about some Chinese lady who wrote a cool novel and whatever.

Then science; I had about 6 minutes to spare with that one. There were some questions about the scientific table of elements, which I didn't know (we're doing that stuff towards the end of the year, so I haven't memorized it yet), but mostly it was just biology, physics, and some genetics.

Then we took a survey thingie, and I went outside, called my mom, and talked to Mikaela some more (Cassie's mom was already there to pick her up). She jokingly ranted about me finishing my reading test before she did, and how that was SO unfair since I was so young and whatever, and talked about which teachers were good at JHS and which ones weren't so good, and stuff. Mrs. Whatever is supposedly a bad teacher. Haha. Then her parents came to pick her up and she left.

My mom finally got there at about 10 to noon, and we went to Office Max to get me a new graph paper notebook for math (my old one died horribly, along with everyone else's. Basically everyone got the same kind of notebook, and it SUCKED. :P) and some awesome highlighter-colored paper (with matching Sharpies!! Haha.) and stuff. Then we went to Bruegger's Bagels and I got some sandwiches and chips and cookies and stuff. And it was delicioso. Then we went to Caribou and got some extra-awesome-chocolatized hot chocolate. It was also delicioso.

Aaaaand then I came home and chilled and talked to my brother and sister (Spencer and Kali) and kicked butt in some Facebook UNO and then Kali left :( and Rae came on :) and I talked to Spencie more.

And then I finished this post, FINALLY.


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Ehl Quotes!
- "Umm, so how old are you? Cuz know?" -Cassie, the girl that sits in front of me for the test. She was one of the only people who went beyond shooting me weird looks and actually talked to me. :D
- "So, you're either a really young-looking freshie, or maybe--it's a stretch, but maybe a sophomore...or you're in middle school. I'm thinking middle school." -Mikaela, the girl across from me. The other person who talked to me and only gave me one weird look.
- "Alright, so remember, you may not use a calculator on any test but the math test." -Mrs. Whatever. "*raises hand*" -Mikaela. "Yes?" "Not even on the English test?" "Umm, no?" "*laughs*" "An...ny...way..." Ahaha. Mikaela's funny. (:
- "Hi. I hate your voice mail, cuz it's all like 'Hi!' and then I don't know if you're really here or not, and then there's like TWENTY WHOLE SECONDS of silence and it's like, I still don't know whether you're really there or not. And so--Hello? ...Oh. I totally thought I heard you. ANYWAY, I hate your voicemail. Call me. Bye." -Genesis, being hilariously herself in a permanently recorded message that shall forever be stored on my mem card. :D
- "IT'S THE FREAKING CHURCH OF GOD!!!! THE FREAKING CHURCH OF GOD!!!" -Spencer, being really hyper. :P
- ":O No Pho King way!!!!" -Spencer, being less hyper but still hyper.
- "Ah lurv ya." -(:

December 10, 2009

Ay Pohst.

Just felt like posting. It's gonna be short, but whatev.

- Just ate at a tepinyaki (total spelling fail) place, where they cook in front of you. I got a steak and a lobster tail. And it was SO DELICIOUS. (:
- Thesis statements can go die in a hole.
- History essays can also go die in a hole.
- Spencer is a cool brother. (:
- Thesis statements can still go die in a hole.
- I love GAP!!!! Cuz they're awesome. (: I stayed for like 5 minutes extra this morning, cuz I didn't have anything to do in prime time and wanted to hang out with my BFITFWNUNE(etc)s. So I did. And it was far more fun than sitting in a chair and typing boredly on my laptop, staring into space and making awkward conversation with Isabel and Brynn. But yeah. I love my friends. (:
- Seriously, thesis statements can go die in a hole. Legit.
- I'm so tired I'm blasting music to keep myself awake.

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- "You're're put SAND in a MOTORCYCLE!!! And then the motorcycle blows up, and then you EAT the SAND!!!" -Arjan. Good times.
- "Dewd. Just, like...DEWD." -Aha.
- "Come with me." -Paige. "Get in the van. :P" -Genesis, joking. LOVE THOSE GIRLSSSSS!
- "Really?" -Aylin. "Really." -Me. "Really???" "Really!" "REALLY??" "Shut up." "Okay."
- "I know, r--NO!!!! No. I didn't say it. You can't make me." -Genesis. :P <3
- "|:-} ... It's like a :| face with a palm tree growing out of it's head, and a :-} smiley wearing a flat hat. ALL AT THE SAME TIME. :O :O :O" -Mah brotha, being his dorky-geeky-awesomesauce self.
- "Rudolph -- sharp teeth! Rudolph might EAT ME!!!" -Fred. And Spence.
- "The body is made up of, like, 70% water and I’m STILL really thirsty. How's that make sense? It DOESN'T, that's how." -Mah brotha again.
- "Fricking stupid freaking effing goshdarned stupid...STUPID STUPID STUPID thesis statements." -Abby, me, Minumum, Elizabeth, and other people muttering under our breaths during English.

December 8, 2009

Hmm. Random Dream. Cuz I feel like it.

I had it again. My favorite dream of all time. Just instead of walking on the skinny path to the blacktop (at recess in 4th grade), it was walking home from school. And it was almost a prediction, just...not really.

Whatever. Here's a super detailed account, since I'm SO HAPPY!!!!! :D

MBD nods and says to have a good day. I grunt back and disembark the bus, clutching my sweatshirt to my chest as the snowflakes drift to the ground, covering its surface with white. I run towards the mailbox and quickly open its frozen lid, grab the mail, and slam it shut again, then start trudging towards home. I suddenly, and quite randomly, lean forward and push off, forward and slightly upward.
Then I totally can't explain this part, except that...Ugh. My push propells me towards my house and I pick up speed as I go. The snow is swirling more rapidly around me now, as if cheering me on, and the wind picks up, rushing over my shoulders and through my fingers, caressing, soothing instead of freezing. When I reach the edge of my driveway, I move my arms as if swimming whatever I've been doing, that has no description that I can think of...up to my garage door opener. I level myself so that I'm upright again and punch in the code, then sink towards the ground.

And then today, in real life, I did the same thing (was chewing my gum, the exact same way and the exact same flavor [which I'd never tried before today, so I dunno how I knew how it tasted], walking the same way, thinking the same things)...and yeah. BUT THAT WAS MY FAVORITEST DREAM EVER!!!!!! And you know how you can't feel stuff in dreams, which is why you pinch yourself? I felt stuff in that one (both last night's and 4th grade's, probably more so in 4th grade's).

I could've (at the time, of course) sworn on my life that the one I had in 4th grade was real. I was just walking along with my friends and randomly, while laughing at a joke they were making, pushed off the ground and started...drifting, maybe?...towards the blacktop. They totally just ignored the fact that I was floating and then we played 4-square. But it was AH-MAZING. (:

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December 7, 2009

Postethness. Ohyes.

OK. So. Blog. Post.

- Funny as usual. (: Today we were correcting this worksheet thing and the sentence was "He plants trees and gathers their fruit." Convo is as follows:
Fraver: Where does the comma goooo...Ben?
Ben: Um. After 'trees.'
Fraver: Really.
Ben: Yeah?
Fraver: Really?
Ben: Yeah!
Fraver: Okay, so if we pretend that you're right, what's the B item?
Ben: Ummm..."and gathers their fruit." It's a clause.
Fraver: Mmm.
Ben: It is!
Fraver: Mmkay. And what's the predicate?
Ben: Gathers.
Fraver: And what's the subject?
Ben: Uhmmm...'and.'
Fraver: What was the last time you 'and'ed?
Ben: Oh. 'Their'?
Fraver: I don't even want to know.
Ben: ...???
Fraver: So what rule are you following?
Ben: Ummm...OH, wait, it's a phrase!
Fraver: So you just invented a new rule? IC, phrase?
Ben: Um. No?
Fraver: Well, where does the comma go?
Ben: After 'trees'!!
Fraver: And what rule are you following?
Ben: Nothing!
Fraver: So where does the comma go??
Meanwhile everyone's laughing so hard that tears are streaming down our faces. SO FREAKING FUNNY.
- In math class yesterday, we were doing a team test (where we can work with our teams of 4 people on the test and discuss answers and stuff). I was working a problem ahead because my team was slow and I figured I could check with them later. When Arjan (this dude in my team) noticed, he sighed dramatically and was like, "Emily! You're like...You're like a lemur climbing branches. You're climbing too fast and leaving all your lemur friends behind on the ground." And it was so funny. We decided that Arjan was the crippled lemur and almost didn't finish the test in time because we were all laughing so hard.
- Um so I married Kaliyan on Facebook but then she divorced now I'm sad. :(
- I had a ton of stuff that I posted on Sunday, but it totally died on me and deleted everything and screwed up the HTML. So then I got really pissed off and decided that it'd be useless to re-type it. So I didn't.
I just forgot.
- Listening to my super old playlist (which is still at the bottom of this page, I think...) and I'd totally forgotten about some of these songs. (: Added some new ones, too. So yays.
- EMILY HAS A NEW SEVVIE BFF. OhyesIdo. His name is Noah and he's my BFF. (: He got LD last Monday (or something) and has been sitting at our table ever since, cuz I was like "Hi Noah, you're my new best friend!" And Amanda was like "OMG, yes, you're totally my BFF now!!!" And yeah. (: He's replacing Paigie as my lunch-stealer. He's already stolen my root beer once and my sandwich thingie once. And my M&Ms once, and my Reese's once, and a ton of other stuff. But he's pretty cool. Soyeah.

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December 3, 2009

Super Update :D


- HAPPY DECEMBER!!! As of Tuesday. :)

Spence was just showing me a tesseract shadow. It was pretty sweet. Then he found this moving image of a tesseract rotating.

Pretty sweet, huh? It's complicated, but REALLY COOL. Fourth dimension stuff in general is really awesome.

Okay, so HERE'S the class update.

Of course, English was funny. As always.
- Fraver stopped giving me points for raising my hand with answers (since I'm more-than-acing his class with an average of 103% so far), and yesterday he told me to wait until 1 or 2 people get it wrong, and/or there's a long pause, to raise my hand. So today I did. And hardly anyone knew the answers. So he was teasing me the whole time, like, "Come ON, people, Emily's not gonna give you the answer this time. You've got to pull yourselves out of this hole." It was kinda embarrassing but really funny.
- I just totally forgot what else--OH. We were talking about subjects and predicates (yawn) and we were finding the predicate in this sentence that I can't remember right now. And someone says that the predicate (which is always a verb, mind you) was "non-fattening sweetener". Fraver goes, "Tell me, when was the last time you non-fattening sweetener'd?" Then, later, another person said that the predicate for some other sentence was "it". Fraver: "I ask again: when was the last time you itted?" It just sounded really hilarious... (: Kinda had to be there.
- So Fraver was doing commas in a series, and he wrote (on the whiteboard): "I ate bagles, ceral, and apple orts for breakfast today." I started cracking up, and he looked at me like, "What?" After I kept laughing for a little bit (more quietly) and still didn't answer, he ignored me and kept going. So FINALLY, when I could breathe again, I raised my hand and said, "You spelled bagels wrong! It's -els, not -les." The whole class started laughing too, and Fraver went, "I object! It's not bah-GEHLs, it's bay-G--waaait, then it'd be BAH-gleh-s. Never mind." And then he erased it and acted all frustrated about it. MWAHAHA.
- While he was ignoring my cracking up, he asked if anyone knew what an 'ort' was (from "apple orts"). Arjan raised his hand and said, "Something horses and cows eat." Fraver gave him this completely priceless look and went, "...I don't even want to know how you came to that conclusion." Ahh, good times. xDD
- I should seriously tape a class. We're (supposedly) doing film-making later in the year (if my class stops being retarded), sooo...? I HOPE I CAN!!

Social studies is boring.
We have this lame essay that's due next Tuesday that I could have written one last year in like 10 minutes, but of course we had to spend like 3 class periods on researching and crap. Cuz we're too fast and she needs to waste time. Holy. Crap. At least I have almost all my friends in the class now. (: But that means I have zero friends in gym. :(((( Which SUCKS REALLY BAD.
- Ummm. Brynn and I instant messaged each other practically the whole time because I was just sitting there typing random stuff and waiting for the teacher to tell us we can write our stupid essays already, and she was just done with note-taking. So yeah.
- That's pretty much it.

My gym class still fails at life.
- Finally just decided to hang out with Allison and Meghan, even though they're kind of in a different circle of friends than me. It was better but still SUPER awkward.
- Got a grand and amazing total of ZERO pull-ups. WOOOOO HOOOOOOO. Spencer's really evil cuz he got either 2 or 3 (can't tell since he had a typo in one of them). And then I got 42 on the sit-ups and 10.4 on the shuttle run. Which is really good, especially for me. :D
- Mile tomorrow. Blech. BLECH BLECH BLECH BLECH BLECH. The end.

My Awkward Math Group (me, Ivy, Arjan, and Colton) finally decided to talk to each other!!! :D :D :D So we actually had some funny moments in math. :D
- We were talking about using this advanced lattice thing for quadratic equations, and Arjan didn't draw it, so I asked him if he did that part. He went, "No, I just solved it. Like all you have to do is do the thingy with the--like, you know how you can do the multiply-y thing? I did that. I don't do the rectang-square." So funny.
- OH. Kyle walked in like 4 minutes late today in math. It was very funny.
Kyle: *walks in*
Sub: You're late!
Kyle: No, I'm Kyle.
Sub: Well, Kyle, you're late.
Kyle: Nope. Just Kyle.
Sub: Why are you late?
Kyle: I'm not.
Sub: Yes you are. Class started 4 minutes a--
Kyle: No, I'm early.
Sub: Early??? No you're not!! Class--
Kyle: I'm early. And now I'm on time.
Sub: But--
Kyle: I have a pass. *hands pass*
Sub: Well--
Rosey: He had to do something for a teacher. You're allowed to be late then.
Sub: ...Well--
Kyle: You have to mark me as here if I have a teacher's pass.
Sub: I don't have to do anything; all I have to do is pay taxes and die.
Heh. The whole thing was just really funny, and the "all I have to do is pay taxes and die" thing was kinda emo. Hahaha.

Um. Science is science.
- We're doing a rock unit now. Just took a test on minerals. We have this lame study sheet to do on rocks and what type they are and stuff.
- I seriously have nothing else to say about science.

Art's over today.
- That's all.

Choir is choir. Got a duo with Abby. (:

Spanish is SO much better than last year.
- Mrs. Taylor is cool. (: And funny. And stuffs.

In other news...
- Not to like unload all my drama (which I frankly don't care about) on you people, but two of my friends randomly decided to hate each other. Which is retarded cuz I'm 90% sure that one of them (Friend 1) only hates the other one (Friend 2) because Friend 1's "best friend" hates Friend 2. If that makes sense. So now they want the rest of our group to choose sides, and they each sat at a different lunch tables and told us to sit at whichever one we sided with. So the rest of us sat at our own separate lunch table and the two of them had a glaring contest over who got to come sit with all of us. The ended up both coming and sitting on opposite ends. EYEROLL to major immaturity.
- More immaturity. I ride the bus with all the popular guys on it, and they've made up several "games" that include: a) each of them saying a word that makes a complete thought. I.E. "The" "Bus" "Driver" "Is" "Lame". Just worse. b) each of them taking turns saying/yelling a gross word (penis, boner, etc) louder and louder until someone chickens out. No one ever chickens out, but they run out of vocal strength eventually. c) repeating thinks like "black cock", "hispanic penis", and other stupid stuff like that over and over. d) just discussing disgusting stuff. And the bus driver just totally ignores them, like that'll help.
- Uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm yeah. (: Bye.

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- "All I have to do is pay taxes and die." The sub. Emo...
- "I don't use the rectangsquare." Arjan, being unable to talk for a sec there.
- "When was the last time you non-fattening sweetener'd?" Fraver, teasing someone. As usual.
- "I ask again: when was the last time you itted?" Fraver, still teasing people.
- "When was the last time you spit on a shiny? Tripped on a small? Took a numerous to lunch? Huh?" Fraver, being nutso.
- "Does anybody know what an ort is?" -Fraver. "Something a horse eats." -Arjan. "...I don't even want to know how you came to that conclusion." -Fraver. Ahh, good times. xD
- "I ate bagles, cereal, and orts of apples for breakfast today." -Fraver (on the board).

November 30, 2009


WEWT. Post. Won't be NEARLY as long as the last one, I promise. ;)

- Soo, today in English, Max said said "I don't know" and Fraver was like, "Don't say you don't know before you even think about it. Come in for lunch to clean desks. They're getting gross." And then he asked, "Does anyone have gum on their person? No punishment." So my friend Abby and I raised our hands, cuz we had our backpacks with us (which I carry my gum in) and Fraver told us to chew some and stick it underneath the desks. It was fun; I chewed 3 sticks and Abby chewed 4, and we stuck them all over the room for Max to clean up. >:)
- By the way, for those who don't know (dunno if I've told everyone...?), Max "Maximum" Bedor is the one who got the hard question right in the first few weeks and is one of Fraver's favorite students to pick on. Now Fraver calls him "Minimum," usually, because it was pretty much luck that first time and he's not all that great so doesn't live up to the huge (and unfair) expectations. Just so you know.
- We had this retarded thing where we all switched schedules in school, apparently in order to "maximize learning potential" or something stupid like that. So now I have a screwed-up schedule that I'm not gonna get right for a really long time. Greeeat. Still in the same English (eh, silent but amusing class), math (don't really care), and science (thank god, or I'd hafta get my laptop somewhere else) class though. Just swapped SS and gym classes cuz my SS class is loud and abnoxious and the good kids (like me! o:) Heh.) can never get anything done. And gym was the easiest to switch it with.

- We're doing subject and predicate in LA. ICKITY ICK ICK IIICCCKKK. Who'd have known that it could be so hard for 13- and 14-year olds to find the stupid subject/predicate for "which is a small miracle if you stop and think about it"??? God, people...
- I had Spencie correct my memoir, but he didn't really DO anything to it today. Which means I'm getting better. Yay!!!! (:
- Ummm, had a headache all today...don't think it's anything too bad though.
- My new gym class is horrible. None of my friends are in it, it's all "populars" people who mostly ignore me, and... NONE OF MY FRIENDS ARE IN IT. On the other hand, I got 42 sit-ups. (: My best by far. But only a 32 on the sit-and-reach. :(
- Oh, in case you haven't been, read the quotes. They're funny. :P

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- "When was the last time you fat-free something'd?
- "Have you ever itted before?" -Fraver. Just sounds weird.
- "Oh, don't worry, I was just being held hostage in Fraver's room." -Abby. Hee.
- "I know!" -Kelsey. "We thought you were a goner!!!" -Me. In response to the quote above.
- "OH!! EMILY!!! It's YOU!!!" -Sydney. Haha.

November 27, 2009


Back from the Thanksgiving Retreat!!! It was fun. :) This post is REALLY, REALLY long, in case you haven't noticed yet. So yeah.

Pictures: or

- School got over. I went home, got a small snack, and loaded my English essay onto a memory stick to finish in the car.
- About 10 minutes later, Mom got home and we packed up the car to leave.
- We left. I worked on my essay for the ride, then when I finished stared out the window and spaced out and stuff. It was boring.
- When we got to the retreat house (my great-aunt is a nun and takes care of it, and she and the other nuns there let us use it for the weekend) we unpacked the car and found our rooms (there're about 150 rooms).
- After I'd gotten all my stuff into my room, I went into the dining room and said hi to mah family. Mah family said hi back.
- Then I went to the basement where I was promptly attacked by Joey and Connor, my 6- and 7-year-old (respectively) cousins. Anna, Joey's 8-yr-old sister, was more diplomatic and waited until I could stand up to hug me.
- We ran around and stuff until 9:30 when the young'uns had to go to bed. I went upstairs and played Hearts and 500 (card games) with the adults and waited until my aunt and uncle got there.
- Uncle Brandon got there with his girlfriend, Erin, who was looking...apprehensive. And rightly so. All the Kuhn-Lovejoy-Kimbros in one place can seem pretty dangerous for outsiders. :D I say hi and they say hi.
- I go to bed at 11:30 cuz I woke up at 6 that morning and was tired. And had just won at Scrabble against the Scrabble Champions of the World, and I wanted to stop while I was ahead. Said g'night to the adults and Mary, Lizzie, and Michael (the Kuhn trio: 19, 15, 14 years old respectively).
- Zzzzz.

8:45 - Woke up, put on a sweatshirt, ate a light breakfast of toast and milk (Turkey Day dinner at the Kuhns' place requires an empty stomach, but cousin-sitting requires at least SOME sustenance), and headed downstairs to the basement.
9:00 - Lizzie, Anna, and Joey were already there. Anna and I built The Epic Fort (It wasn't THAT epic, but with only 1 table, 2 mini side-tables, and 3 twin-sized blankets, it was EXTREMELY epic. :P) while Joey and Lizzie continued their game of Connect Four.
9:30 - Connor came down after eating a biggish breakfast. He and Joey teamed up and attacked Lizzie and me. Anna played interference and didn't do so well.
10:00 - My aunt came downstairs and informed me that she'd finally gotten there at a quarter after midnight. Her girls (Veronica, 4, and Lucy, 2) were being shy and were hiding behind her legs, so she left after a few minutes.
11:30 - Connor, Anna, Joey, and I went upstairs and changed into nicer (non-ripped/sweaty from wrestling and running around) clothes for mass.
12:00 - We went to mass, led by my 3rd cousin (who's a priest) and, about halfway through, by my great-uncle (who's a hilarious guy and a priest), who'd just gotten there from doing something else.
1:00 - Went back downstairs to burn off as many calories as possible (OK, just to run around and play :P) before...
2:00 - Thanksgiving "dinner" commences. I eat about 3 platefuls, Anna eats 2.5 (she skipped breakfast that morning so she could eat lots [remember, she's just 8] of food. xD) Connor ate almost 2, and Joey ate 2 and a fourth.
2:50 - I decide that it's too quiet and get up to *cough* get some pie. Or so I claim. Then I walk over to Tommy (Connor and Ava's dad), Cool Whip in hand, and smear a huge spoonful on his nose and across his face. Thus commences the Cool Whip Wars of 2009. DUN DUN DUUUUUN. Tommy cracks up and vows to get me and my team (Natalie [my aunt], Anna, Joey, Michael, and a few others) back before or during the family football game that afternoon. I, speaking for my team, accept his challenge.
3:15 - Everyone's done with "dinner" and dessert and we decide to go start the football game.
3:20 - All the wimpy slowpokes go get their winter coats and hats on, while I'm standing (im)patiently in the entryway in my sweatshirt, jeans, and open-laced Converse. Cuz I'm a Minnesotan, that's why.
3:30 - They FINALLY get all their stuff on, we go outside and I realize it's even warmer than I thought. I take off my sweatshirt, to the (apparent) EXTREME AWE of my family, and am left with a spaghetti strap tank top and jeans. Le gaspeth.
3:32 - We play football. Michael, Mary Katherine (my 19-yo cousin. Mike's sister)), and I make some epic (for lack of a more accurate word) passes back and forth and our team beat the other team 27-18. All in a tank top in jeans. *bows*
4:00 - They started a new football game while Joey dragged me down the hill to the kids' soccer game, which was basically just kicking my old rubber Bob the Builder ball around and seeing who could get to it first. Joey has a really good drop-kick, and Anna is SO FAST. It's insane. She beats me in 3/5 of our races. (Not that I'm even remotely fast or athletic or anything, but she's EIGHT.) But yeah.
4:45 - We head back towards the building. Tommy tosses me the football, which I instinctively catch. It's COVERED with Cool Whip (where he got it, I have absolutely no idea) so I get it all over my bare hands and a little on my stomach. I stick out my tongue at him and figure that I'll get him back later.
4:50 - We go into the TV room and watch UP. Tommy, Natalie, and Brandon have a Sudoku race, which I take advantage of: I go to the kitchen and grab the tub of Cool Whip. Then I, after quickly and quietly filling them in, (they were too little for the Whip Wars last time) get Anna and Joey to scoop some up with their fingers while I take a huge handful. We walk innocently up behind Tommy to "see who's winning" and soon his whole face is white and Cool Whip'd. Mwahaha.
4:55 - I resume watching UP. Brandon, helped by my diverting Tommy, wins the Sudoku race. Tommy gets second and Natalie gets 3rd, just barely behind him. Tommy sits down behind me to watch the movie, and I get on my guard.
5:10 - Sure enough, Tommy suddenly leans over and smears a huge glob of Cool Whip across my face, then dabs a little on Anna's nose (Anna was sitting in my lap). Tommy laughs evilly. I tell him I'll get him later.
6:20 - Michael and his dad comes into the room, right as the movie's ending, and say that they're done building the bonfire and that we should go down soon, or at least see how many people are going to come. Ends up that Tommy, the Michaels (duh), Mary, Lizzie, Natalie, Veronica, Anna, Joey, and I are all going to come.
6:22 - All of the above get ready for the bonfire; I actually put on a coat and hat, since it was leaning precariously close to 10 degrees out, but just stuff some gloves in my pocket (I hate gloves). I also slip a little something else into my pocket. Heehee.
6:30 - Everyone's ready and we hike out over the hill, down to the railroad tracks, and down the steps to the clearing by the river. I was stupid and forgot my camera or it'd be the PERFECT place to take some AMAZING pictures. *whacks self* But yeah, it was really beautiful.
6:35 - First Michael, then Tommy fail(s) to light the fire. I snag Tommy's matches and light a piece of cardboard on fire, then hold it near the kindling in the middle till it lights. Then I toss the match in and slowly but surely it lights. Pssh, city boys. :P We stand around and sing and talk for a while.
6:45 - I walk conspicuously over to Tommy. He doesn't notice. I carefully squeeze some Cool Whip (that's what was in my pocket) onto my hand, still without being noticed, and move a little closer so I can wipe it on his face. I bring my arm up quickly, aimed perfectly--Tommy's hand shoots out, catches my arm and twists it behind my back. He wipes his OWN supply of Cool Whip on my face using his other hand, then grins. "Nice try." Grr.
7:10 - Veronica's getting cold, so she and Natalie go back up.
7:40 - It's pitch black out, plus we're running out of conversation topics. Joey and Anna are getting cold and tired, Mary and Lizzie are both sitting on cardboard pieces, and the bonfire is sort of dying out. Mike walks over to me and asks if I wanna do a fireworks show like last year. Of course I do.
7:45 - Mike and I fling stick by stick into the river. They arc up, wildly shooting sparks all around, then spin around an average of 4 times before coming to a landing in the (trust me) FREEZING cold water. They usually send a couple sparks floating across the water, which adds to the general amazing effect.
7:55 - The fireworks show comes to an end as Mike and I double-team the gigantic stick in the middle, which hits the limb of The Mighty Oak, then plummets down into the water below (taking the branch with it). The red-hot coals of the fire are mesmerizing: the fire's energy is down to just the point when it's still glowing, but you can clearly see the waves and jets of energy shooting from stone to stone in the pit. I literally can't look away; neither can anyone else. We pretty much just sit there in silence until Joey starts complaining about being freezing; Michael's dad takes them up.
8:00 - The Kuhn trio, Tommy, and I stand there for a while longer before Tommy sends Mike and I up for a couple buckets to put out the fire. We run up, get not one--not two--but three buckets, and run back down. Both of us trip over the train tracks. Heh.
8:05 - Mike and I set down two of the buckets and bring one over to Tommy, telling him that he gets to help. Then Michael nodded and we heaved the bucket up and over Tommy's head. Cool Whip completely covers his head and shoulders, and a little bit spreads down his shirt. "Betcha didn't see that coming, did you?" I ask. He didn't. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
8:20 - We're done putting out the fire, and Mike and I are practically frozen solid from the frigid river water. We stagger back up and go inside, then both change into our pajamas and head back into the TV room. They're watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and the kids are drawing on plates and making magnetic picture frames and stuff.
8:25 - Mike and I, after we're in warm dry clothes, drag Tommy into the TV room, where he publicly announces his defeat for the year. My team cheers me and Michael on for defeating him, but out of nowhere Tommy takes out a container of Cool Whip, scoops his hand in, and holds me still while he smears it all over my face, then turns it over on my head. "Gonna need a shower tonight, eh?" He laughs like the evil man he is.
8:30 - I'm wet again, but clean and warm, and I come back and watch PotC with people. James (the face painter cousin) found himself in Ripley's Believe It Or Not and my grandma's spazzing out over it. Mike, Anna, and I are all laughing at her while watching PotC.
9:45 - Connor and Anna, the only two young'uns still up, get sent to bed. Tommy comes back and laughs at me more. I thbbt at him.
11:00 - The movie ends. I get my butt kicked by my great-aunt and grandma at Scrabble, then kick Tommy and Michael's butts at Hearts. I shot the moon once, for the first time. :D :D :D
12:30 - I'm exhausted from chasing the young'uns around all day and go to bed.
12:40 - Washed my face, brushed my teeth, in my PJs. I pass out. Zzzz.

8:40 - Woke up, put on a cami, and ate some scrambled eggs and apple juice. Talked to people. Hung out.
9:00 - Got dragged to the basement by Anna. Told the young'uns about what we did a couple years ago when they were litte(r) and played Hide and Seek Extreme for a while, then flashlight tag, then other stuff.
11:00 - The young'uns, Lizzie, Michael and I start cleaning the basement.
11:10 - Done cleaning. Anna and Connor immediately take out the blankets, tables, and Connect Four.
11:15 - I get the stuff back and suggest playing a game that doesn't involve any fort-building or board games or anything, OR beating up on their older cousins (by then/now, I was/am covered in bruises and scratches). They go get some plastic plates from upstairs to color on and poke holes in.
11:30 - Anna, Joey, and their family leave. Sort of.
(I have to format this; there's a convo.)
12:00 - Tommy comes downstairs to get Connor (Ava already left) and holds out a hand to me. "This is the first year that someone's ever tied at a Whip War."
I shrug. "I don't think we tied, Tommy. I'm preeeetty sure I won."
He winks at me, shakes my hand, and says, "Well, it was definitely the closest one of all time. You're getting too good at this...I might need to kidnap you next year, make you work for me instead of on Natalie's team."
Grinning, I reply, "I dunno, I think -- at least this year, anyway -- it's more of my team, not Nattie's."
Tommy frowns. "Well, I still think I should somehow get you on my team next year. You and Mike both; that was the best EVER at the bonfire last night...Then again, I could train Connor, but still."
I laugh. "That was so fun...You pretty much set yourself up for it, though. Told us to go get buckets, for god's sake..."
"Ahh, that's true...Well, remind me never to let you two around buckets again, 'kay?"
12:20 - I go up to my room to back, still laughing at Tommy. After I packed, we went outside and took a group picture with everyone, then went back to haul my stuff out to the car. Then...oh, god, THEN.
12:30 - THEN, when I came back outside, I saw Tommy over by my grandma's car. "What're you doing, Tommy?" I yelled at him. He looked up, grinned, then went back to whatever he was doing. I ran over, intrigued, and saw him smearing Cool Whip all over her window. "Why're you putting Cool Whip on HER car?"
"Because you were on her team, and usually the Whip Wars are us two."
"You and my grandma?!"
"...Wait, what?" He looked a little worried. "This is Natalie's car, isn't it?"
At this point, I couldn't help but start laughing. "Um, no, this is Betty's car. That--" I pointed to Natalie's car "--is Natalie's car."
"Watch your mouth, Tommy," I teased.
He stuck his tongue out at me and replied, "Sh*t isn't a swear word; it's a natural human funtion." Then he ran off to find some window washer and paper towels.
12:45 - Brandon came out and helped clean the window off. Natalie laughed and told Tommy that it only counted if he got us on the FACE; cars were cheating. Brandon, Tomy, and I got the window mostly clean before Grandma came out, so she didn't see the full brunt of it...which was BAD. Finally, we got it clean.
1:00 - We drove off into the sunset.

THERE. I'm finally done writing. It only took, like, 3 hours. WHEEEEEEW.

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P.S: Y'know how, earlier in the year, I said my English teacher curse wasn't broken? Yeah, Fraver took the curse and not merely BROKE it, he smashed it to smithereens and then broke the smithereens into smithereens. And then whacked those super-smithereens with a rubber chicken. :P He's awesome. And I seriously need to tape one of the classes, but I don't think I can, which is stupid... :( But he's SO. INCREDIBLY. AWESOME.

November 18, 2009



- The post before this was the 123rd post on here. Heehee. (: Just wanted you to know that.
- Today in English, we were talking about a story and naming some onomatopoeias in it. Someone went, "Umm... well, like, um, crack." and Fraver said, all alarmed, "No, not crack! Don't do drugs, Megan!" ...It was kind of a had-to-be-there moment. But it was funny. :D
- Another funny moment. In choir today, a couple other people and I were all touching Lindsay's (who broke her collarbone a few days ago) collarbone, which randomly disappears under her skin because of the break. She walked up to Carter, who wasw looking quizzically at us, and went, "Here, touch it!" He made this hilarious disgusted face and said, "I don't wanna touch there." Another funny had-to-be-there-ish moment.
- Speaking of Carter, in Spanish during a silent moment he said "in my nipples" as part of a conversation. It was awkward.
- Someone took a mineral rock from the science room yesterday and if no one finds it the gym teacher (who's awesome, actually) is going to, quote, "make us run till we puke" on Friday. And he's definitely not kidding, cuz I had him in 6th grade and we ran the whole class period once because someone took something else from a teacher. So I think people should find it. Mmmhm.
- I have an English quiz and a project thing due for science tomorrow, AND the first show of Hansel and Gretel, which is not doing so hot. No one knows their lines or what to do with their props, they all talk about this loud, and it's just pretty much a disaster. Not good.
- Ummmm I HAVE A 103% IN LANGUAGE ARTS RIGHT NOW!!! WHICH IS LIKE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Also along the lines of grades I had all-A's last quarter, something I've never done in middle school before. Which is also good. (:
- And that's it. Buh-bye.
- EDIT: DUDE I HAVE 105% IN ENGLISH AS OF TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quotes of the Day:
"Don't do drugs, Megan!"
"I don't wanna touch there."
"Mrs. WHAT?!"
"I wanna read!!!"
"Why do you have a beanbag?" "Why not?" "Where did you GET the beanbag?" "Everywhere."

November 11, 2009

Issa post. :O

- WOO HOO!!! It's a long weekend! It's the end of 1st quarter, so we have tomorrow and Friday off for the teachers to grade. :D :D :D

- I have all A's except for an A- in art class, and that's only because she graded a quiz wrong. I just hope she corrects her mistake before the grades are entered for the report cards, cuz if she corrects it I'll have ALL A's and will get candeh and an award thingie. :D

- So, a few nights ago I had this super weird dream where I was at school and wandering around with GAP, and when I said bye and went to my hallway, it wasn't my hallway but this weird library-lookin' thing. There were these really stupid looking cardboard signs on the walls with locker numbers on them, but mine was nowhere to be found, and I looked all over for a really long time before asking this one dude where my locker was. He looked at me weird and went, "It's downstairs. You're in the wrong hall." So THEN (and it gets stranger), I go down these stairs and randomly show up in this labyrinth-like place, and Kaliyan's there, and we did this Disturbia. Yeeeeaahhhh, I don't know either.

- Ummmmm, I officially love English and hate history. Fraver's amazing and getting more so, and Ms. Dahlgren ran out of stuff for us to do so she started giving us busywork, and the busywork is retarded and I have a thing against history and geography ANYWAY, since I don't really give a crap and likely never will. So why learn it? Yeahhh. Anyway.

- All the good guys are either gay or bi. That's all I'm gonna say. 'S a long story.

- So randomly today in art class, I started getting really stomachache-y and nauseous and stuff. And I still am sorta stomachache-y and nauseous and stuff. But I skipped play practice cuz I was afraid I'd like throw up...and that would suck. :P

- Spencer's my brooooothhherrrrr!!!! ^_^ I was complaining that I had like 6 sisters but no brother, and he said "I'll be your brother." and it was really cute and yeah. (((: Love you Spencie!!! Like a brother, though, not that way. (;

- Yeahh, getting tired of Owl City now, since everyone's so obsessed and whatever. And MLIA, since it's getting really cliched and everyone's so obsessed with it and BLAHHH. All my interests are being ruined by popular people and their obsessiveness. ><""

- Speaking of interests, I have to come up with a topic that has plenty of books about it that I'm passionate about and can review and find blogs about. For English class. And I need a really good topic, cuz I plan on keeping this A/A- average I've had so far in his class. ANY IDEAS???

- Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm yeah. (: Peezowt. (Yep, stole that. Mwahaha.)

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Quotes of the Day:
- "Two plus two is four...right?" -Kyle, who was completely serious. Wow. That's all I can say.
- "Where were you, stupid?" "Dolce, stupid!" "Oh. Crap." "Smooth, stupid." "Bye, stupid!" -Genesis and me. Gotta love her.
- "Dude. This thing's LOADED!!" -Kyle, about a mechanical pencil. Again, wow.
- *sniff* "Couldja stop?" "We're just sniffing." "I'll give you something to sniff about." "...How bout some cocaine? :D" -Jeff and Mills. Jeff's an idiot, if you hadn't noticed.
- "So I saw this 6th grader, right?" "Yeah?" "And she was like a triple H." "Is that even possible?" "I dunno...but I'm gonna ask all the chicks in our grade." -Drew and John, on the bus. No, it's not possible, boys, and it's creepy that you're discussing it. Thanks for asking though, I guess...even though it was really awkward...
- "SINGAH IN A SMOKEH ROOM! SMELL OF WINE AND CHEEEEEAP PERFUUUME!!!" -Arjan. And Journey. Ahhh, good times, good times.

November 6, 2009


- I have Replay (by Sean Kingston) stuck in my freaking head. Shawty's like a melody in my head that I can't keep out; got me singin' like "Nananana" everyday. It's like my iPod's stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay..." :P Yup.
- Spencer's been getting on more often! Woot!
- GAP, Kaliyan, Rae, Spencer, Abby, Kyle, and a lot of other people are all awesome. Just thought we should bring that back. :)
- Speaking of Abby, in Spanish class today we were doing a thing where you roll the dice and get a word and who's doing it, and you have to conjugate the word for the person. And Abby got "beber," to drink, and that "nosotros" is doing it. And she turned around to look and went "Ah-buh-bah-buh...ah-buh-baaahhhh bay-mos!" And it was really funny. :D
- Um yeah. I don't really have that much to post about. I just felt the need to post.
- I should write Frozen. I really need/want to write SOMETHING, just...not that. Which sucks. But I'm gonna try to write it anyway. And maybe get to the stuff I wanna write.

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November 3, 2009



- First of all, my stupid Blogger account finally learned that I don't want to write in that squiggly foreign language, so I can type my post in the rich text tab instead of the HTML one, and I can type my own stupid title instead of copy-pasting it from the text box. That took forever. And I'm not used to this now. And it's weird not having HTML all over. Anyway, yeah. WOOT!
- It was rubber chicken day today in English. And it was SO. MUCH. FUN. :D :D :D :D He, as I must've said before, had us write on the board and swung a rubber chicken at our heads, meanwhile throwing a second rubber chicken at us from behind. I picked up the 2nd chicken and threw it back at him. And it hit him. And it was really funny. :D But anyway, a bunch of people screwed up because they were distracted...and he's gonna give me extra credit because of a) throwing the chicken back at him, and b) dodging the swinging chicken on my 2nd turn and not getting hit at all. And I got everything right on my first try. Which was also awesome. *happy dance*
- Health was funny. As usual. Not much in specific, though.
- LUNCH WAS AMAZING!!!!! We randomly had lunch with 8-2, and I like exploded with happiness. Cuz I got to spend 30 minutes solid with GAP. And it was awesome, cuz there's something going on where when we're all together we all get high off air and...and yeah. I ended up eating like half my lunch, cuz Paige (of course) stole the rest of it. And it was just totally amazing. Cuz they're just totally amazing. :)
- After lunch was over and we were walking back to the A-wing, Paige grabbed my arms (and Paige's arms are frickin' RIPPED, so I wasn't going anywhere...) and started dragging me into their hallway, and when I said I wasn't supposed to be in their hallway, she was like "
Well, you know what? I don't care if you can't be in our hallway. Or if you're late to class. You're coming anyway. And if you get yelled at, just say your friends abducted you." And yeah. It was pretty funny, and I ended up being late for math but she was OK with it...soo. :D:D:D
- Ugh. Got my braces adjusted today. :(((
- Doing my memoir. I'm doing it about riding the Steel Venom for the first time now though, which is a lot more exciting than my old topic. And yeah.
- Spencer's on! I'm gonna make him edit my memoir. Mwahaha.
- Can't wait to watch V tonight!! Sounds really good...I hope it's as good as it sounds. And stuff.

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Quotes of the day:
"I wanna be a ping-pong ball!"
"What. The. Helllll-p."
"Your teeth are really distracting."
f you get yelled at, just say your friends abducted you."
"The alien muffins! They're BACK!!!"

October 31, 2009

Fraver Day!

UM UM UM post.

- HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Kaliyan's having a partay and I'm going and it's gonna be pretty awesome. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I'm being Annabeth Chase. Sort of. Not really. But sort of. :)
- TWINKIE SONG! Yay. Sorry. That was fun.
- Ummm, Fraver Day was cool. The test was SUPER EFFING HARD. But we all came in and went into Ms. Dahlgren (the history teacher)'s room because she "had a paper for us all to pick up" and bought our masks and fake mustaches, and I got a bunch of high-fives for my amazing sign. :D And then we hid the masks in our backpacks until 7:50, when homeroom started. Then we took them out and put them on and went into Fraver's room (our class was the first ones :D) and right then, the announcements came on and the announcer people were wearing mustaches. And they went "Good morning. Today is Friday, October 30th, 2009...also known as FRAVER DAY!!!" And they whipped out masks and the tech crew came in with masks, too. And then we put on our masks, too, and he looked at us like "WTF" and it was really funny. But during class, the millisecond we walked in the door he went "Okay, the test has started. Get out a pencil and put away your masks. Again, loose lips lower scores." And whatever. So that wasn't as fun. But then Abby and I took pics of my mask and sign in art class instead of doing our work, since we were ahead of everyone, and it was pretty awesome. So my mask and sign are gonna be in the yearbook. :D :D :D
- Went riding today. Indy says hi to you people.
- Oh, on Thursday I went to school and had horse treats in my pockets. I don't think any of you care, but yeah. :D It was funny. They fell out in English class. And yeah.
- Ummm. Yeah. :D MLIA.

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October 29, 2009



I have a lot of updates on the English front. So here they are.
- Fraver Day tomorrow!! Can't wait. Made a cool poster and printed out a Twins hat (he hates the Twins. And the Vikings. He's SO spirited. *eyeroll*) to tape on to the mask that I'm going to buy tomorrow, along with a bunch of fake mustachios and such. I might wear my Vikings shirt, if I can find it...
- Also a Fraver Day update. In class, we were talking about...I don't even know what we were talking about, but Fraver suddenly smirks and goes, "Wouldn't it be interesting if everyone dressed up as the same person?" And from the look in his eyes, I think someone told. But it'll still be cool. :D
- Actual English class now. Had the first part of a three-day test today. It apparently goes: medium, hard, easy in order of the days, so...tomorrow's the hard part, according to Fraver and my high-school friends. So, wish me luck...:-S Oh well, I'll probably be OK. I studied my butt off yesterday, did some pretty hardcore reviewing today, and will be cramming more info into my head tomorrow morning during homeroom...even though we have morning announcements and the Reveal for Fraver Day. I'll find a way.

- Halloween on Saturday!!! Tomorrow night's the Halloween dance at school, although I really don't think I'm gonna go...and then on Saturday I'm going to Kali's house to partay and trick-or-treat!! WOOT. Then I'm staying the night with some other peeps, and trading candy and all that good stuff. :D
- Hmm. There really isn't much else in news, but...ummm...hmm. Oh, not going to open gym with GAP tomorrow. If any of you care. And you probably don't. xPP
- UM UM UM UM UM. Yeah. Short post. Peace.

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October 26, 2009



- Soooo, Fraver's a history major. And today we were just like going over terms and stuff, and suddenly he pulls up a picture of a Cathedral. And we're like WTF. And he goes on to explain about buttresses -- real word, real thing -- and how they're like characteristics of a story, and how flying buttresses -- again, real thing -- let the light in, so make your characteristics like flying buttresses. And while he was explaining about the buttresses and the structure of cathedrals and whatever (classified as architectural history), he was like...totally different. It was super weird, cuz he wasn't acting like himself. But then when he started talking about how it related to themes, he was back to normal. So yeah. It was just really weird. And stuffs.
- Fraver Day on Friday is gonna be amazing!! My poster's almost done, and I've already got the $3 in my backpack for the other stuff. And it's gonna be fun. :) We've got the "reveal" all worked out. And yeahhhhhh....:D
- Ummm, science quiz tomorrow on plate tectonics. Should be really easy, so I'm not studying (pssh, like I ever do).
- Eatin some Lovejoy-Kimbro chocolate crinkle cookies!! WOOOOOT!
- Spencer's here! Yayz. He should post.
- Still working on TT. It's sorta stuck-ish but I'm still working on it...and I just realized that I haven't posted for, what, like a month? Two months? Saaaaddd.
- Had a strangely awesome day at school today. o.O"" I miss GAP though. :( Sighage. I only see them for ~ 5-10 minutes, usually. Miller and Mr. G are cool, though, and they don't care if we're all a little late to health / science (me health, them science). So that's good. And sometimes, when they don't walk off, I hang out with them in the morning like I did last year. Cept I have further to walk this year, so I can't stay till 20 seconds to the bell...Haha, good times, good times. :D
- Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm...yeah. That's all, folks!

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October 23, 2009


Again, you know the drill.

- So. "Who Says" by John Meyer (sp). Weird song. I'm JUST saying.
- ENGLISH TODAY WAS SO INCREDIBLY AMAZING. And I don't even know why I think that. I got a new--way better--topic for my memoir, something just clicked in my head about the memoir, I caught way more things than usual, and I made plans with Abby (my only friend who's in honors English) to watch The Sandlot sometime next week. And it was just really awesome. Yayz.
- In health, Jason (super annoying kid) was being super annoying and... OK, first of all, there's this poster in the health class that says "3 out of 4 teens are not sexually active. Just wanted you to know that you're not the only one waiting", and the guys are obsessed with hanging it up and messing with it and whatever. So Jason was being annoying and messing with that, and the teacher goes "OK, sit down in 10 seconds or we'll do book work the whole period." And Jason doesn't sit down. So Kyle (mentioned him before) gets up, picks him up by his armpits, and puts him in his seat, which tips the desk a little bit, and this screw fell out. Jason goes "Oh, it's a Phillips. I can put it back in with my pocket knife." And there was this whole chorus of "Jason has a pocket knife!!" to the teacher, trying to get Jason kicked out. And Richards (coolish kid) goes "No, it's this little tiny pencil that he calls his 'pocket knife'. It's like an inch long!" Then Matt snickers and whispers, "That's not the only thing of Jason's that's an inch long." It was perverted, but funny. :D Especially since he was dissing Jason. Heh.
- Ummm. I had something to write here, but I totally just forgot. Crud.
- Oh. I made a dozen and a half cookies a couple days ago, and now they're gone. I only got 5 or 6 (out of 18). :( But they were really, really yummy while they lasted. :)
- I'm working on TT!!!!!!!! Woooooooooot! :D
- Ummmmmmm I forgot.
- Spencer's old. So're a lot of my friends. I feel so freaking young. :(
- I forgot again.

- Today I went riding. And the owner's son came with us on Rocky, the huge almost-all-black horse. And it was fun, and he's cool. :D His name's Andrew. She has another son named...I can't remember. But yeah, that was fun.
- My real-life MLIA, which happened today: "Today, I was driving home from dinner with my family and decided to get my hair cut. I arrived at an intersection where there was a Great Clips and a Fantastic Sam's. I wasn't sure which one to go to until I spotted a man, in a full-body go...rilla suit, standing at the corner with a Great Clips sign. Decision made. MLIA"
- I'm trying to quote Fraver and help Rae. But it's 11:20pm. ZzzZzzz. I CAN DO IT!!! *tries*
- Lost all the work I did on TT yesterday. Rawr. Trying to redo it now.
- Kthnxforreadingbye.

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- "But the grass is so... grassy!" - Andrew

October 21, 2009


You know the drill. :P

- Had a pop quiz in science today. 6/5. Not that big a deal.

- Had a presentation in health today, but my partner was sick so we're going tomorrow. Also not big news.

- Uh, Indy's cool. And it's raining.

- I really don't have that much to talk about. Obviously.

- Fraver Day is on October 30th!!! Woot. We're supposed to wear Twins and Vikings stuff, since he hates both teams with a passion, and wear fake mustaches and/or carry Fraver masks. I'm gonna make a sign with words like:

  • thing
  • a lot
  • very, very
  • like (used as teenagers usually do)
  • and other words that he really hates.

It shall be very fun. :) Oh, and was organized by my history teacher. Which makes it even better. :D

- Hmmm. Speaking of Fraver, I had conferences yesterday (the 20th). My homeroom teacher is the Spanish teacher, and she's awesome so the actual conference was all good, but then my mom wanted to talk to Fraver (since all the parents do). So we went in and it was just really extremely awkward. Cuz he doesn't like our class, since we don't "stick out our necks" or "build on each other's answers". And he just found out then that I was 12, even though all of my memoirs were about the reason that I'm 12, and he was like "Wow. Cool." And...yeah. It was awkward. Then we went to science, and that was kinda awkward too, and then we went to history which was fine cuz she's cool too (duh, she made a Fraver Day), and...yeah.

- More about Ms. Dahlgren (history) and her anti-Fraver-ness. She doesn't not like him, but she likes to do stuff to annoy him and stuff. And our period in history had a bunch of awesome ideas like rubber chicken toss, pin the mustache on Mr. Fraver, etc, etc. And so we're gonna have a games day too. And it shall be even more very fun. :)

- Talking to Joey. This is the latest as of this second, but it's sure to be updated soon... You could go here too, for all the updates. If it shows up... (It's the plurk that I'm sharing all the stuff in.)

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October 17, 2009


OK. So. Postage.

- I had this weeeeird dream that like the time-space continuum glitched and Friday happened twice. It was weird. And stuff. And Spencer was all like "Cool, so am I 15 now? Can I get my permit? That'd be pretty sweet." And I freaked out, cuz I realized that next year Spencer can get his permit...and that's freaky. Anyway, yeah. Weird dream.
- And then the night before THAT, I had a weird weird WEIRD dream So basically there was this house that looks like one on my bus route, and it's cool. And then next to it/on the property there were some hills and this tiny black weird-looking lake and a hitching post. And I kept going back to that place at random times during the dream, and apparently it was Kaliyan's house. And like a bajillion of her cousins were randomly there. So then we sat at the little black lake, and then suddenly--OH, at the black lake there was this dead-looking whale/octopus thing, and while we were talking I was sitting by it, and I randomly got up and stepped on the whoctopus (I know, it's awesome :P)'s tentacle tihing. And it freaked out and started attacking me. Then these huge fish started attacking me tooo. And Kaliyan put some fish food in the lake and missed and it landed on me. And Kaliyan yelled "Bad Sherbet! Get DOWN" at the fish and my real-life self laughed unconsciously. And then I forget the rest. Mhm.
- UM. OHHHHH, so. I've never cried because of a book or movie before in my life. Never. I've watched The Notebook before, and I didn't cry. I watched Iron Giant when I was little, and didn't cry (although my mom did. xD). I read some darn sad death scenes, and I've never even gotten teary-eyed. So last night before bed, I was reading Inkspell. And I cried during Dustfinger's death scene. Just thought you should know that. Oh, and I JUST started Inkdeath, so don't tell me if he comes back to life. Even though he prolly will. Which would totally ruin everything, because even though I love him, you just can't do that. It's stupid.
- Hmm. Ummm. I went riding today. It was awesome and amazing and beautiful out. It was 55 and sunny, and Indiana was being good, and stuffs.
- And I miss Dustfinger.
- And I totally had something that I HAD to post about, which reminded me to write this post, and I TOTALLY JUST FREAKING FORGOT IT. Ugh.
- Ugh.
- I miss Dustfinger.


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October 6, 2009


OHKAY here's a post.

- Sooo, the ViQueens won last night. IN YOUR FACES, MR. GILB AND AYLIN. (Neither of whom read my blog, but whatever. :P) 30-22, I think it was? Somethin' like that. Anyway, yay. The ViQueens won.
- Kyle (awesome guy) was standing in the hallway talking to Chris, Matt, and a few other people while I was talking to Genesis (who was on her way to science). Suddenly and randomly, Christian (anger management kid) comes running down the hallway and starts like dissing Kyle, just random stuff about him and his mom and whatever. So Kyle's like "What the heck, kid, back off" and trying not to get up in his face about it, since that would get him in trouble. Christian goes "YOU CAN GO SUCK YO' MOMMA'S D***, F*****!" And swings at Kyle, who's like "Woah, seriously, back off." Christian then jumps at Kyle and spits, and this huge glob ends up on Kyle's cheek. Kyle automatically pushes Christian away, like anyone would, and since Kyle's like 6'2" and Christian's like 5'4", Christian goes flying down the hallway. They both got PAWS. Poor Kyle.
- Today I wore this sweatshirt. It's worth 50 bucks, but I got it for free since I won this raffle thingie, and it's super warm and comfortable. It says "TIGERS" across the front, standing for the football team where I got it. Now, apparently the Twins are playing the Tigers today for the playoffs. I don't follow baseball, so didn't know who the Tigers WERE. I got a grand total of 14 "Why are you wearing that?" and "GO TWINS" shouted at me. After the first 5 I made a game out of it. :D So funny...
- Switched seats in math. :( I'm with Matt though, so it's OK...Kyle's way across the room, and Isabel and Abby (who sit right next to each other) are in the group next to me, kinda far away-ish. No more hilarity :(

- Went fossil hunting today. It was really fun, and I got super muddy. I found 6 twig-looking-things (called briozoans, I think), 2 brachipods, and 1 "Cheerio". Then we came back to school and had an 8-1 picnic thing and recorded podcasts. And I have no homework! Yippee!
- Ugh. I have religion tonight. I hate religion, because it's really preachy (in the bad way), and it's all "Believe or else!!!" and my teacher's a dimwit...the only good part is that all the people in my class are really awesome and talk and joke the whole time so we never learn anything anyway. :) Slackers FTW!
- More about the fossil hunting I guess, since otherwise today was pretty uneventful (duh). I went with Kaillan, Amanda, Stephanie, Mikayla (not MikaEla, I'd die) Kelsey, Katie P and Brynn (and more people, but those're my friends). Katie P found a star Cheerio which is 2 points extra credit, and a few people found like a TON of stuff. Mmmhm. Then I did my podcast with Kaillan and Mikayla and stuffs. But OLIVIA was there. She apparently loves me now. It's really freaky. She kept signing (like sign language) "I <3 you" from down the hill and...yeah. Creeper. OH, btw the hill was a 78 degree angle, and I pushed Ginger down it. It was so funnnnny cuz he caught onto this huge fat root, but that broke and he rolled down and almost fell into the creek...bwahahaha. Even Ms. Stauble and Mr. K were laughing. Especially Ms. Stauble; she was cracking up. Twas very funny. Anyway, so we dug in the dirt and splashed people with the creek water. Sam pushed me down the hill, but I caught onto a tree branch a few feet down and only up to my knees got dirty. So HA. :P
- Uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm yeah. The end. Peez.

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"Don't be sorry. Be smarter."
"HOLY SH*T! What was that for?"
"OMG! I found a rock!"
"When the roof caved in and the truth came out..."
"Oh. My god, that's a big hill."
"Suck it up."
"I <3 you."

September 29, 2009

Yes, it's another post.

Hm. So. Another eventful day.

- So today in social studies, we find out that, guess what, we have a huge test tomorrow. Out of effin nowhere. And I've never studied for a test before, so I'm like "...Oh god, what a time to learn how to study." So I'm just gonna read my notes like a million times and try to memorize the stuff and hope I don't bomb the test. And take a lot of breaks in between, cuz my head already hurts. Goshdarned studying.
- Secondly. Fraver's in a much better mood today, said (really indirectly, but I think he said) he was sorry for yesterday and that he was tired and overwhelmed with essays to correct and whatever. So then we get on with the lesson, and he's talking about 3-D and 2-D characters (or "round and flat"), and bouncing this random ball around. I knew he was gonna do something with it, but I admit that I was very surprised when he said, in the middle of nowhere, "I'm going to toss this at the wall, and I don't care what it hits." I was even MORE surprised when he actually chucked it (and I mean chucked it, not tossed.) at the wall and it went flying across the room and into someone's shoulder. Then he threw it at the other wall. And sooner or later, he was just chucking the ball at walls and we were all getting hit. So THEN he walks up to me and goes, "Do you think you're a round character, Emily? Do you change and grow?" I nodded, kind of guessing what he was going to do, and he takes my head in one hand, pushes it down, and whips the ball right at my head. It bounced off, and didn't hurt all that much, but still. Way to be.
- Also on the topic of Fraver abusing his students. He has this rubber chicken that hangs from his projector screen. When people write on the board, he swings it at their heads. This isn't something that's happened yet, but I have some 9th- and 10th-grader friends who've all informed me that it's coming up. They kindly refrained from warning me about his whipping the ball at people's heads...but oh well. It was amusing. Yet scary. Cuz...yeah.
- Math class was funny again. We were doing our work, and Kyle was having issues, and Abby had some issues, and Kyle was flicking hand sanitizer at Isabel and I, and stealing my notebook and copying from it, (He got caught too, but Mrs. Stauble's cool, so she just teased him and let him off the hook)...just stuff like that, all together to make for a very funny class. *nodnod*
- Health is so...blah. Got stuck with The Quiet Kid and one of the "I'm too cool for classwork" guys in a group for a project. So, in short, I'm doing my own project. Sigh.
- Science is still boring. ZzzZzzzZzzz.
- Saw GAP today! Miss Piggy's all better now; sounds great, looks great, all that jazz. :) Uhmmm...yeah. Not much to update in that area of news.

And yeah. I just felt like posting again, cuz I'm cool that way. :D (Ahem, Kaliyan. For multiple reasons.)

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September 28, 2009


Sooo, here's yet another post! Woot! (BTW, this is the 111th post. WOOT!!)

- Play practice started today. I'm the Sandman, and I get to wear an awesome cloak and say cool stuff and (BEST PART) throw sand at Emilee Hassanzedeh. She's the most popular girl in school, and yet she's a total and complete byotch. Anyway, yeah...Austin, Claire, Clare, and a bunch of other people that I haven't seen for ages are all in it, as well as people I see a lot like Ali, Brynn, Alex, and them. The play's Hansel and Gretel, but it's got a ton of twists and awesomeness added to it, so it's actually cool. *nodnod*
- Got 100% on my super hard quiz! Score-age! Although, we might be getting another one tomorrow, because everyone was half asleep in class today and weren't raising their hands...Again, I know that his tactic will work for about 90% of everybody, but still. It was annoying.
- Ryan accepted my friend request! Super happiness! But he doesn't have any pictures on his FB account. :( So I can't steal his pics. Sigh.
- Um. I'm eating a brownie. It's delicious.
- I loves Dante Shephard. He's super cool. I also loves Peter.
- OH MY GOSH so in math today, Isabel (semi-popular-yet-still-nice girl) and Kyle (pretty-popular-and-totally-hilarious-and-awesome guy), along with my friend Abby and me, who are in a "work group", were doing our work, and Kyle was having issues and asked for my notebook. So I gave it to him, and was waiting for him to finish reading my work, and he made this totally hilarious face that I totally can't describe. So I immediately start cracking up, and Isabel's like "What?" so I go "Kyle's...face." Which makes Kyle's awesome face go away, and so she's all sad cuz she missed it. So THEN, Kyle gives my notebook back and we start working again, and then he makes it again and THIS time Isabel saw it first, so she goes "Is that it?" And I look up and start cracking up again, so Isabel and I both laugh for like 10 years, and Abby's all focused on her work. I go "Wow, it's weird how we're both cracking up, Kyle's laughing, and Abby's just totally ignoring us and doing her work." Then Abby looks up and grins and goes back to her work. And then we continue laughing. It was just insanely fun. :D
- Had another dream last night. Same as the one from a while ago. It was the one where Rae had wings and flew over my house and dropped a letter, and before I read it I woke up and whatever. *nodnod* Usually my dreams don't repeat like that unless I get more the next time, but it was exactly the same.
- Hm. Spencer was on for a while on...was it Saturday or yesterday? Anyway, that was fun. I wish he never got a life so he could talk to us more. :(
- Uh, more about school...hmm. OH. Health is boring, history is incredibly boring, math is fun cuz of my awesome work group, science is fine I guess. Going on a fossil excavation on Thursday. In the meantime, we get to do stupid things that are really easy for me. Physics and biology are super easy, specially biology. Which is Mr. K's forte. So basically I'm a supergeek. Good to know. :D But yeah. School's boring. We're doing a thing on drawing in art class, and half the class sucks at art and half the class is built up of amazing artists. Which is interesting. Um, and the Spanish teacher is awesome. And my PT teacher. So yay. :)
- AND AND AND I forgot.


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My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3