the meebo is back...sort of...

The new OtherSide meebo:

December 29, 2008

Update - 12/29/08

I'm so bored I could wilt.

There's not much that has happened lately, but I'll ramble anyway. Here's the list:

  • Lexi is blaming people randomly for RPing Andy, this new girl that showed up this morning. I don't know what to say except, Andy seems pretty real to me.
  • Rachel apparently made hash browns. YUM. I'm eating a Subway sandwich from yesterday. Not as yum.
  • Skylar got a Twitter
  • I grew wings! :O No, no, just kidding. I'm just intensely bored.
  • Skylar and Tawn swapped back their personalities! So now Sky's my bf.
  • I made a charrie page
  • Kaliyan made a boyfriend!! His name's Dusk, he's really calm.
That's all for now!

December 26, 2008

My Christmas List

Ok, so I notice that a lot of people seem to be posting their Christmas lists (or SOME people anyway), and have decided to post mine here. Christmas list as in, what I got and what I still want. So, here it is:


  1. A 5-POUND Hershey's bar - YAY!!!
  2. 12-pack of Nutrisoda - yum.
  3. This book of lists - very interesting. Lian likey!
  4. This board game called Snap Trap - exceedingly difficult, but in a GOOD way!
  5. More chocolate - Lian + Chocolate = True Love!
  6. This sled that's supposed to go, like, 35mph or something - :O
  7. A 5-POUND Hershey's bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. Sims2 for my laptop
  2. The new Smarter Than A 5th-Grader video game for the Wii
  3. The 2nd and 4th Max Ride books. I've got the first and third, but I've read them both, like, 50,000 times, and I need MORE MAX before March 16th!!! *taps ruby shoes together* There's no time like March... There's no time like March... There's no time like March... *sigh* No luck.
  4. More books. I. Need. Novels!
  5. The fastest laptop in the Universe. I sincerely doubt I'm getting this, but that won't stop me from wanting it.
  6. My grandmom's rhubarb pie. I'm definitely getting this, and it's DELISH.
  7. Peace on Earth. Don't think I'm getting that any time soon, either.
  8. And, finally, I want to meet my dad. I've set the date for my 13th birthday, but I haven't exactly given my mom the letter yet. Too... I dunno, careful, to ask. (Please, no convos about this. I'm tired of people feeling bad for me. It's sad, but not THAT sad. :D)
So, that's mah list. Thank you for reading, and PLEASE comment!

Peace, Love, and Llamas! (Keep on Dreamin')
P.S: Happy Boxing Day, by the way. Not sure about the significance of that, but it's on the calender, so it must have importance of SOME sort. *shrugs* I'll figure it out.

December 22, 2008

Some more pics

K, here're some more pics of mua. As you can notice, I'm wearing a hat in this pic. Why yes I am. I'm tellin' you, I'm hat-obsessed.

This top one is kinda a weird pic, because my hair looks almost blonde. I have been assuring multiple people around the world that my hair is NOT BLONDE. Nothing against blondes, but I'm most decisively a brunette.

And this lower one is me holding a gimungo CRUNCH bar!!! It weighed 10 pounds, and I really wanted to eat it. REALLY wanted to eat it.

And that's your update of pictures!

Keep on Dreamin'!

Some Pics

Can't find my baby pics, but here are some other ones.

The top one is me being a dork. My mom and I saw this phone booth and I was like "Superman!" then I went in and did a Superman pose. Yep, I'm a dork.

The bottom one is me in this GIGANTIC closet at the Parade of Homes. It was BIG. Taken in, like, August or something.

Yes, I'm still a dork.

Anyway, Keep on Dreamin'!

New Blog!

Ok, I know this is EXTREMELY random, but I made a new blog! It's kinda like FrostyPen, but not really. Anyway, it's called FrozenStream, and it's gonna be where we're having the wedding, apparently. I'll also post my drawings and thoughts and pictures and whatnot over there. This is my school life and prediction blog, and the other one's my drawings and pictures and stories, etc. blog. Okey doke. That's all.

Oh, god, I almost forgot to put the LINK. *headslap* I'm such a dork. Anyway.
This is where the wedding's gonna be, folks. Right here.

Keep on Dreamin'!

December 17, 2008

Update On My Life - 12/17/08

Ok, so the other post *pokes the post before this* was meant to be interesting, but this is basically just for those of you who feel like learning about my life right now. Don't read it if you're expecting, like, "rescue 100 mutants from School", cuz that's not in my plans. I wish it was, but not the injuries, danger, and terror it would cause. Besides, I'd probably faint when I saw the first one. Poor things...

Anyway. Here's a quick update:

- Christmas gifts - I'm sharing Spencer's. Too busy lately, sorry people, but I'll make it up in time.
- Wrist - getting better.
- School stuff - as in "school", not "School". As following:

  • Concert tomorrow - Dolce, honors choir, at school. Really short, like 4 songs.
  • SCHOOL PLAY!!!!!!! - Little Shop of Horrors. If you haven't seen it, see it. The cast (at ny school) all watched the movie on Monday, and it was fantastic. I'm a minor-major role (exaggeration takes place in my dream, people. It's good, but not, like, lead-ish.) and I'm either a customer at the dentist's (Ew.) or at the florists. I want to be the one person that dies, but I doubt it. Besides, having Nick or Dan pretend to EAT me? Not preferable, but it'd still be cool.
  • A bunch of tests. Midterms stink.
  • And finally, live my latest prediction. *pokes last post again*
Ok, sorry, can you tell I'm a little obsessed with the play? I've been doing ok, but I'm SO PSYCHED! It's gonna be REALLY fun! Aaaaand... that's all for now, folks!

Keep on Dreamin'!

New dream, Luke's pic, and a name idea!

Ok, so I'm bored, and feel like my blog needs a new post, so here's a new post. It's not totally pointless, though, since I had this weird dream last night that I want to share.

So, here's the dream:

It's the Tuesday after break, I think, and I'm walking down the 7-1 hallway, chatting randomly with Brynn. We're talking, not surprisingly, about the school play. "I didn't know our parts would be so big! I mean, I was picturing, like, walking around and doing nothing on stage, just being, like, a backdrop!" she's gushing. "And then, yesterday, we walk in and we're, like, major roles!"

I nod excitedly. "I know! We're totally, like, the level right below lead. Seriously, I must have like 20 speaking parts!" I'm trying not to squee, which is something I VERY rarely do, but still felt like doing. She IS squeeing, under her breath.

Allison runs up to me. "Omg!" she squeals. She's the kind of girl that actually SAYS "Omg", instead of the equal-syllabled "Oh my gosh". "Omg, our parts are so awesome!!" Right after she came up, Kirsten slides into our group, and starts talking about a scene that she and I have with the leads.

"We're like... like, the brothers last year! Well, maybe just a teensy bit worse. But still! That would be a LOT to hope for, being like that. But can you believe that Nick and Dan are gonna be Audrey II?" Brynn rambles, not having stopped talking YET.

I give her a glance, and she grins sheepishly. "Well, I've gotta talk to someone with the same part. Cuz if I talked to someone who's not in the play, it'd sound like bragging, and if I talked to, like, Emilee," she scrunched up her nose in disgust, "or someone, then I'd sound like I was trying to make myself feel better, or something." Finally, she stopped talking, and I grinned.

Aaand, that's where it ends. Not sure why it's important, but I'm almost positive it's a prediction, because I don't get annoyed at people in dreams, and this was really annoyed-ness, (Is there a word for that? I'm gonna Google it later.) not some dream-annoyed-ness. Okay, before I totally invent about 2,000 new words, this is adieu.

But wait! Hopefully all of you got Luke's picture via email. If not, comment and I can help you with that (xD). Anyway, so I was just thinkin' that it looks WAY different than his "I went to sleep for, like, a day" thingie on his blog. Anyway, that was just an observation of mine, no need to get concerned about it or anything. xD There, NOW it's adieu.

Adieu, and keep on dreamin'!
P.S: I'm thinking of making a nickname up, just cuz I'm tired of Emily, Em, Emmy, Emma, et cetera, and I'm thinking I'd base it off of Emiliano. I was experimenting in LA today (LA is my coast class, by FAR, so I have nothing to do) and I figured out that Lian (LEE-uhn or Lee-ANNE) sounded and looked pretty cool. It could be just on this site, or out in the real world, but I'd love it if you guys gave me some feedback! THANKS!!

December 14, 2008


Hey, people!

Ok, so yesterday I went to this lockout, which is where you stay up all night and go to Grand Slam, bowling, and whatever. So anyway, when I was at Grand Slam (Kali was with me), we saw this dude who was like 16 or so, looked kinda Mexican, and he was making faces at us from the bumper cars while we were waiting to go in.

This, mind you, is 11:30pm. When we finally get into the bumper cars, this kid is still in there, and so is his friend. They kept quoting The Dark Knight while we were going, and we almost capsized them at least 4 times. This Mexican guy, though, acted just like Joey used to. We named him Joey2 officially.

And then we did a whole bunch of other stuff, during which time I managed to strain/sprain (we're not sure which) my arm. Good times, good times.

So, yeah!
Keep on Dreamin'!

December 11, 2008

Wanna know something awesome?

Ok, this is kinda funny, kinda "Omg! *smacks self* I'm dumb!", and kinda miraculous. Wanna know what it is? It's... *drumroll please!* the fact that my cell phone got run over by a freakin' minivan, TWICE in like 10 minutes, and it still works like a charm. Creepy enough?

I've lost it ABOUT 24 times in the past, and every single time it's turned up in my pocket, in the back of my messenger bag, in the suitcase, etc. even though I check those places, like, a trillion times. It's kind of making me superstitious, because how is that even POSSIBLE?! Seriously...

Anyway, that's all for today.

Keep on Dreamin'!

December 9, 2008

I got this weird letter.

It was sitting right on top of my prediction journal, where I keep it under my pillow. It was written on this weird little scrap of paper, like a quarter-sheet or so, and it was written in this cool, sloping handwriting. Anyway, it said this:

dear emily-
do you ever notice a flitting shadow that vaguely resembles a human, up in the heavens? ever see a small shadow, or some wings, disappear around the corner of the street as you ride home from your school? how about that shadow behind the curtain; the one that disappears the second before you throw the curtain aside? that's me.

And that's IT. I don't know, kinda weird, but I've seen all of these things in the last few weeks. At first I thought it might be Spencer, trying to make an early Christmas present out of a visit or something, but then I asked him and he said that it wasn't him. Believe me, he'd say so if I'd caught him. I just can't figure it out!

I'm checking again tonight, because this is kind of creeping me out, but it's definitely not some prank, because the last time I let someone else into my room (besides my mom) was on Saturday, and it wasn't there then.

Anyway, if you have ANY IDEA who or what this is, please comment!!

Keep on Dreamin'!

I promise, this is a short-ish one.

Ok, so it seems like all my posts so far consist of SUPER long stories and stuff. Well, here's another story, but hopefully my author-to-be-ness won't take over, and I can just be some psychic girl telling you about this had-to-be-there SUPER funny thing that happened in Tech. Ed. today. So, here it goes:::

Click! The TV was turned off. "Ok, now we'll go over the answers. The first question is, "How much money went towards carpets and rugs on the ship?" the teacher announced, and Noah Luedke (He's an idiot, but it's SO fun to prove him wrong, which was what I was about to do) snorted.

"What's the difference between a rug and a carpet, anyway?" he muttered, and both Brynn (cool girl on my team) and I cracked up. We looked at each other, eyes still laughing, and she said to Noah, "Um, carpets ARE the floor, and rugs go ON the floor."

He rolled his eyes. "Um, carpets go on the floor, too! And they're the same exact thing as rugs only BIGGER."

Still holding in my laughter, I said, "Carpets are permanent, Noah. Rugs are temporary. You could move a rug whenever you felt like it. Duh." I grinned at Brynn.

Then, of course, Jesse Rix - more later, and it really is "Rix", not Ricks - had to pipe up, "Well yeah, but they're made out of the same stuff, right?" He looked to me for the answer. Woah. So I shrugged, nodded, and half-smiled to myself, thinking But that doesn't make them the same, does it now? Of course he said, right after I thought that, "But that's not the SAME, Noah. It just means they're kinda ALIKE."

Then the argument continued, and the teacher yelled at us, making me almost CRY from laughing so hard, and... yeah. The end.

Keep on Dreamin'!

December 8, 2008

I just remembered something!

Ok, so when I was reading Kaliyan's new post (Yeah, she posted on Friday) and when I got to the part where she saw Christian at Hyland or something, I think, I remembered about the HILARIOUS thing that happened happened at school.

So it's Friday, and Paige, Genesis (say it with me: HEN-uh-seez), and I are walking into the lunchroom, and I'm rambling on about how boring Social Studies was, and how we got socked with like 7 pages of homework for just that class (All of which I finished in 4 minutes, but I didn't tell them that).

When we sit down, Paige and I tell Genesis ALL about how stupid Christian is during math - we've gotten 9 sets of homework and he hasn't done ONE THING - and Genesis is laughing at us, when someone drops a tray that they were about to dump into the recycling booth thingie. (Ask later.) We all turn around, and see that it was some random 8th grader, and turn back around again.

Ok, here comes the whole point of the story. When we turn back around, we see that Christian is standing up at his table, and this kid named Conor is also standing up. Christian looks REALLY pissed off, for some reason, and he's got his fists clenched.

A quick look into my thoughts (skip if you want to get this story the heck over with xD):
Wow, this is gonna be good... lunch hasn't been THIS exciting for ages.
Genesis, get that huge smudge of ketchup of your chin. Gross! (JUST KIDDING!!!)
Jeez!! That musta HURT!!

That last thought popped into my head mainly because Christian's clenched fists landed on Conor's face, leaving a huge mark in his cheek. OW!! (Spencer, don't bore me with how many worse injuries you've gotten. We all love ya, but must we suffer?) Anyway, so then the dean and the V.P. come over and send them to the office, yada, yada, yada...

Today, surprise, Christian is absent - he's gotten the next best thing to expulsion: PAWS. It's kinda like in-school suspension, but WAY worse. You sit in a desk and do schoolwork ALL DAY. In a separate building from everyone else, and you only come to school for lunch. And then, at lunch, he had to sit at a little tiny table with the dean. Embarrassing much?

Then, when I was going out to the bus, he was, too, and I asked him how long he was in PAWS for. Here's our convo:

Me: Hey, Christian! How long are you in PAWS for?
Christian: *shrugs* Monday and today. Or something.
Me: Oh... how about Conor? Did he get in trouble?
Christian: No. Stupid f***ing dean didn't think he did anything.
Me: Um, okay. So you're not, like, expelled or anything.
Christian: *snorts* Why the h*** would I be expelled?
Me: I don't know, everyone said you might be but I guess not, huh?
Christian: Um, no.
Me: Oh, ok.
Christian: Why are you even TALKING to me?
Me: *shrugs* I wanted to see what was true and what was a lie. (Or something like that xD)
Christian: Um, 'kay. Well, seeya in math on Tuesday. *walks away muttering*

I heard one thing that he said: "Chyeah right. I'm sick with the flu all next week, hopefully..."

ANYWAY, that's my funny happening with Christian. The end.

Keep on Dreamin'!

Yo, yo, yo!

Okey doke, Spence, here's my lovely post. It's a conversation, as usual, and I dreamt about it last night in a dream (OMG, I dreamt it in a DREAM?! Seriously!!) and I think it's a prediction, even though our X-mas cards are already done, but... you wanted me to post something, so GOSH!!!

I'm sitting at my kitchen table, when my mom calls my name from the office room, right next door. I get up and see that my mom's on the computer, looking at pictures. "What?" I say intelligently, and she rolls her eyes.

"I want you to pick out what picture you want of you in our Christmas cards, silly." she says, and I shrug, still being oh-so-intelligent. "Do you have a preference?" she asks, actually WANTING me to be intelligent.

I sigh and say, "Indeed, mother, I have multiple preferencei."
No clue why I said "preferencei", but I felt like it. I know full well it's preferences, but yeah. Anyway. I say, making my mom roll her eyes yet again. "Ok, fine, so I like the second one and the third one." I say, faking exasperation.

My step-dad calls from the kitchen: "Dinner's ready!!"
Ok, quick note. When my step-dad yells, he makes the floor shake. When he whispers, I can hear him from upstairs if he's in the living room, and that's saying something. I grin, and my mom does too.

"So we've got about 10 minutes, I s'pose." I mutter to her, and she laughs.
Inside joke. Long-ish story. Kaliyan and Spence probably know it. (?)

And that's the end. The end. :P

Keep on Dreamin'!

November 21, 2008

Prediction Time!

Okay, so that story was probably really boring to those of you who've heard it before, but here's one that no one has before. Unless you're psychic, too, and magically had the same prediction as I did last night... You never know. Anyway, here goes nothing...

As soon as I closed my eyes, I somehow opened someone else's. For a while, I just think that the night went my really fast, because the sun is shining in shafts through the window, but --- The window! I thought, confused. It wasn't framed by the blue curtains that I was accustomed to, and it was right behind me. But then again... I thought again, I'm not really ME.

As soon as I think that, I scramble over to a mirror. After that, I probably didn't blink for about 3 minutes. This wasn't even LIKE any of my predictions, where things just happen; this was like I was awake.

Shrugging, I stumbled downstairs, looking out onto a small kitchenette. There were 4 people there: A mother, a teen girl - about 15, I guessed - and two girls who looked to be 9 or 10-year-old twins. I spoke, in a voice that was a lot like Spencer's, but different... Matt! "G'morning."

And that was IT! I sat up in bed, myself again, and scribbling this down in my Dream Journal. It was only 11:18, about an hour and a half after I'd gone to bed. Usually my predictions last for about 5 or 10 times as long as they would/will in real life, which is usually about a half-hour, since I dream of little snippets of time.

This had taken 90 minutes, which would mean that in real life, it would have taken 9-18 minutes... it seemed like that was a little much.

Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions? And WHY THE HECK WAS I MATT?

Keep on Dreaming!

November 20, 2008

-To be continued-

Sorry about that, peeps. I really had to leave, but I wanted to post that, so there ya go. The rest of the story::::

My eyes slowly widened and my mouth curved violently up into a grin. "Can... can you really fly?" I asked excitedly, and he nodded once again. I laughed, and he tentatively echoed me. "You don't talk much, do you?" I asked, my grin still plastered on my face.

He shrugged, and looked bashful, then said, "I've only ever talked to one other person, and she's not that great a talker." I smiled, and nodded to signify that he should go on. "Her name's, uh, Turtle. She's 3 right now. Spent her whole life in the School, which is a--"

I interrupted with a quick, "Yeah, a torture chamber for innocent babies. I know." His small smile grew in size when he discovered that I knew about - and hated - the Schools. "Anyway, how old're you? Did you know Max? How about Turtle, did she?" I asked, and then clapped my mouth shut for fear of becoming any MORE like Nudge than I already was.

"I'm 8, but I'll be 9, um, soon. Max and I had crates next to each other, and I escaped with her... but I never really found her again, cause I... well, I THINK I flew over their fight, but I didn't even see it. Turtle was 2 when we escaped, so she knew Max, but she probably won't remember her." he said, almost monotonously, as if he'd explained it before.

My grin finally tapered off as I said, "I'm a psychic. At least... well, that's what I think, anyway. I dream about things - usually conversations, for some reason - that happen in real life, sometimes the next day, sometimes YEARS later. I'm 7 right now, 8 in May... and I wish I could've met Max with you; that sounds really cool."

He nodded, and I smiled again. "So, um, you can stay the night if you want... tomorrow's Saturday, so I can stay in my room and pretend I'm reading or something. I do that a lot..." I drifted off, gazing into his deep green eyes as they twinkled happily.

He cleared his throat. "Thanks, Em. Can I call you Em? Anyway, thanks... I'll sleep on the floor, or..." He looked at me questioningly, and maybe a little hopefully, probably crossing his fingers that I'd tell him to sleep on the top bunk, which I did. He grinned, the first really big smile I'd seen from him, and jumped up there, falling asleep right as his head hit the pillow, faster than I'd ever seen anyone fall asleep before.

"I guess we'll talk more in the morning, Hawk..." I whispered to myself, then drifted off myself, hoping for a prediction that had to do with winged boys named Hawk.


K, that's it! Comment, etc., please, and... that's about it! :)

Keep on Dreaming!

November 19, 2008

First ACTUAL post!

So, you know how I said that last one was my first post? Well, it was only meant for saying "Welcome", so it doesn't technically count, right? Right.

So here's how I got involved in what I call "the Truth", which is technically the fight again Itex. (If you don't believe in Itex, you should probably scram right now, cuz that's the 2nd point of this blog.) This is pretty hush-hush, so don't go shouting it all over.

So, when I was about 7 or 8 or so, I was laying in my bed, totally exhausted, but I couldn't go to sleep because I was so hyper. You know the feeling. So anyway, I was staring out my window when all of a sudden there was this screech like an angry raptor, and this GUY went hurtling past my window.

I opened the window, and said in a normal voice, "Uh, hello?" Now, see, I had the IQ of a smart adult at age 7, so my vocab was pretty good. Anyway, this guy looks up and cocks his head to the side, then put his finger to his lips and motioned for me to move back a little bit.

I did, and all of a sudden there was a hand on my windowsill. Creepy enough? It was followed by the same kid who'd fallen. He sat on the edge of my bed, and I closed the window and whispered something to the effect of, "Who're you?" Fearless enough? Yeah, no kidding.

This boy gulped and muttered, "Call me Hawk." Then he reached out and touched my cheek, totally out of the blue. I flinched, and he pulled away. Now that I looked at him closely, he looked to be about 10 or so, but his voice was higher-pitched, like an 8 or 9 year old. "Who're you?"

I sighed, and said, "I'm Emily... are you ok? You fell pretty far." He nodded. "Um, where are you from?" I tried, wanting him to talk some more.

He shrugged and said, "All over. I, uh, move a lot." I nodded, and for the first time noticed that his clothes were torn and a little burnt. I asked him if he wanted to borrow some (I'm the biggest tomboy you've ever met, especially at age 7), and he nodded slowly.

I got him clothes, and when he took off his shirt I saw a feather peeking around his side. I pointed it out, and he embarrassedly pushed it back. "You're like Max," I said, already having read the entire (so far) series.

He nodded, a small smile creeping across his face. "Yeah, I am," he said shortly.

-to be continued-

Keep on Dreaming!

First post!

So, here we are!

This is my FIRST POST EVER! Yep, I know you're excited about it. So am I. I'll be posting pics, predictions, and randomness over the next, like, long time, so enjoy!

Keep on Dreaming!
-Emiliano (aka: Emily)

My picatures

Some pics of my friends and me <3